Home » California DMV Snafu Could Strip Voters’ Party Affiliation From Records

California DMV Snafu Could Strip Voters’ Party Affiliation From Records


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leave it to CA to find an “oops” way to rigg the system

@ S . Agree 100% !!!

Wait, I know…. we need to pay more taxes so that they can afford even higherend IT people to fix their crap. this state is a fricken joke. the leftist will never leave their gravy train jobs. vote with your feet people, vote with your feet.

That’s pretty much the problem with not only government agencies but companies as well.

Very few groups are willing to pay for the training and number of IT people that they really need because IT is not glamorous, doesn’t mean anything for votes and doesn’t really add to the companies bottom line until stuff goes wrong – then they often bring in outside “expertise” so they can say they did something.

Ooops, yah, right. What a joke this state continues to be.

And its always in favor of democrats that cant win anything based on merit.

Oh well, just mark them all Democrat.

The need to declare party representation isn’t even needed anymore in California, unless you’re voting in the Republican Party presidential primary every 4 years. The fact that we have an open primary system, except for the Republican Party presidential primary, really makes party registration obsolete, keeping it just puts more information about citizens in the public domain.

We are in the middle of a crisis in which several agencies of the federal government were harboring seditious party activists. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that this is a way to deny the Republican Party an independent source of information that would allow them to reach Republican voters. We had an ex- state department intern (female, about 40 years old?) ) sign on to the Contra Costa elections management after the 2016 election.

What the hell does this post mean? What’s the crisis? Who cares what an ex intern did?

Well Newsome and your other cronies-what do you have to say to this. I agree that if you do not vote Democrat they will find a way to make you a Democrat with their lame “oops” excuse. It is so fake their constant excuses and keep throwing our tax dollars into the black hole of the democrats and liberals. Yes, vote with your feet people. Well, I guess that the liberal democrats may as well erase all of us legals and just let the illegals vote as the only way the dems get in is by cheating, lying and being dishonest. Why is it that to those I speak to say they never vote these fools in yet they still get in??????? No more money to the loser Democrats. People rise up.

Download and sign the recall petition! We can get rid of Newsom just like we got rid of Gray Davis.

Think of it this way: In an airline emergency you put on your oxygen mask first, then children.

In financing people the order should be:
Yourself and family
The Veterans
Then, if there is money left over, the illegals.

Newsom prefers a different order.

Sign the petition.

State run PG&E next??? Stick your head between your legs, folks

California is well on its way to becoming Baja Venezuela

This kind of snafu (look for what that anacronym stands for) is what you always end up with under single-party rule.



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