Members of several community and environmental organizations announced Tuesday they’re calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to adopt stricter air pollution standards for industrial plants that create plastic.
As part of the action, about a dozen people rallied outside the EPA’s San Francisco office, located at 75 Hawthorne St., demanding that the agency update its decades-old air pollution monitoring and control standards, and that all new petrochemical plants be fully powered with renewable energy.
“Some of these (requirements) haven’t been updated for decades and they’re quite lax,” Lauren Packard, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, said. “For instance, we’re calling for fence line monitoring, for continuous emissions monitoring and monitoring using optical gas imaging to protect communities living near these facilities and bearing the brunt of these toxic emissions.”
Packard said the updates are desperately needed, as plastic production soars thanks to a recent oversupply of gas obtained from fracking.
“An oversupply of cheap fracked gas is instigating a massive build out of petrochemical facilities. In advance of this build out, we need to make sure the EPA is protecting communities and the planet,” she said.
“Plastic production is a part of the climate crisis. Every step of the way, from fracking to the feedstock, from transporting to processing to manufacturing plastic to the ultimate disposal in landfills, in incinerators, or our oceans is exasperating our climate crisis and putting us all at risk,” she said.
Currently, most petrochemical plants where plastics are made are located near the Gulf Coast and the Appalachian Mountains. The facilities are allowed to emit hundreds of tons of toxins and carcinogenic pollutants, which can lead to cancer and respiratory problems and other illnesses, according to the advocates.
“Plastic pollutes at every stage of its life cycle,” said Stiv Wilson, who has produced a film, “The Story of Plastic,” which covers how plastics are made and disposed of, and highlights the problems with plastic.
“The climate issue and the plastics issue are literally the same issues and plastic companies are fossil fuel companies,” he said. “We’re showing the world the new narrative on what we have to think about with regards to plastic pollution, so that we can base policy and we can base activism on the entire lifecycle of plastic, not just once it gets to the ocean.”
Following the action, the advocates filed a legal petition with the EPA, calling for the new updates to its standards under the Clean Air Act.
Once the EPA reviews the petition, it could consider the changes. If no action is taken, the advocates said a lawsuit could come later down the road.
For a minute I was thinking that Artificial Plastic Plants were polluting 🙂
I’m sure some activist thinks they are.
That was my first thought also.
😂 – I thought the same thing! When I read the headline, I thought, “Now they’re protesting artificial plants???”
Artificial plants give off artificial carbon dioxide, causing artificial global warming.
I’ll tell you what is polluting, just about everything that is manufactured. The EPA might as well be tied to the Flat Earth Society. Maybe they should turn their attention toward the borders. Hundreds of thousands polluters pouring over the borders, yearly!
I can hardly wait until CA starts penalizing me for not being able to purchase health care. On the other hand, this same group gets free everything, including college education.
Another reason for manufacturing plants to leave California.
Trump is right.
Check out the manufacturing process for Lithium Ion Batteries and plastic plants are less than a rounding error.
Stop with your facts! Buy more Prius and Tesla vehicles; they’re more environmentally friendly*
*if you ignore that it just offsets energy creation, storage and transportation to another medium, with more transfer processes, which makes them a net loss in comparison to gasoline.
Regarding Prius and Tesla: Not to mention recycling old and replacement of new, Batteries. Charged to the owners of this newish technology. The purchase of said vehicle is hardly economical.
Plastic plants are the only ones I can have in my house. The real ones keep dying.
Most of the pollution Ca. gets comes from overseas where the majority of the stuff we have is made. Including plastic junk.
Most of the cars both gasoline powered and electric are loaded with plastics.