Home » The Water Cooler – Real Christmas Tree Or Fake Christmas Tree?

The Water Cooler – Real Christmas Tree Or Fake Christmas Tree?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you get a real Christmas tree every year, or do you have a fake Christmas tree? Tell us why you chose either one.


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REAL. When I get old I may buy a fake one.

Fake one…

I’ve always been a snob and insisted on a real tree, but must admit I am weakening…may check after Christmas sales for a good artificial one…

We like real Christmas trees, the Silver Tip (?) with lots of open space for ornaments. But since we have been house sitting our Daughter’s 2 cats for the last 3 years,…no, no, no,…LOL!
Next year,….with all the vintage ornaments from the early 1900’s to 1950’ish.
If we could find a fake tree we liked, would switch to it.

Although it’s hard to beat the look and wonderful fragrance of a newly cut tree, it serves no purpose cutting down our forests to have just a few weeks of enjoyment. Yes, I realize there are specially harvested farms that the sole purpose is for this yearly event. It just seems too wasteful for our family so we elect to do the fake tree. To each is own and our family wishes all a great Christmas and Happy & Healthy New Year.

With the stay at home restrictions, not being able to gather with family outside of our household, and the Covid-19 restrictions/limitations on picking out a real tree, we used our fake one.

Fake tree. For longest time, could not afford a real tree, so used the one my wife had when we married. Fake tree is usable for many years. No need to water, nor dispose of. I also sometimes think it takes years for a tree to grow, it doesn’t make sense to me to cut it down for a 30 day period, and then sometimes think, the fresh pine smell would be so good, maybe we should get one (support the tree farms/farmers as well).

Loved having a live tree during childhood. But now, as an adult, not a fan of killing a live tree to enjoy for a few weeks, the mess it brings in the house and the cost – so we have a fake tree. Still enjoy our tree and the true meaning of Christmas very much!

Bought a fake tree at Target eight years ago and it’s still looking quite nice.

Real only.
It helps to make each Christmas unique.

For several years I bought a tree that was planted in the yard after Christmas. Redwood and cedar trees. Too old to do that any longer so I have a small fake tree now. I miss decorating a large real tree.

No tree. We had a real tree, but due to the small size of our home, we always had to move half the living room furniture to the garage for the season. Too much trouble. So now the mantle gets decorated and that’s it.

We have a small live tree in a pot that we’ve been using for a few years. If it gets too big, we’ll transplant it in the back yard and start over with another one.

Real tree. And Im not killing unnecessary trees with it, its actually helping the forest, buying a forest service tree permit, and help them thin out our forest of its over populated and extremely flammable tinder.

Had real trees until we became empty nesters, now single I have a fake tree with lights only. Good enough.

Would love to have a real tree but due to allergies we have to have a fake tree. Most of my life I’ve had real trees but about 8 years ago I starting getting severe allergies when I had a Douglas Fir Tree in the House. The following year went and cut down a Scotch Pine and allergies again causing coughing, sneezing, sore throats and head aches. The year after that we bought a fake tree and no allergies so ever since it’s been a fake tree at Christmas.

Real forever!

My grandfather & dad sold Christmas trees for decades. The nursery sold smaller, live trees that could be planted after the holidays. One year, the economy was bad and we had a lot of leftover trees Christmas Eve. We brought five trees home and it was so lovely. We had enough lights but not enough ornaments. The house smelled heavenly. Christmas isn’t Christmas if you don’t have a real tree 🎄

Loved the smell and presence of real trees when I was growing up, and even into my young adulthood. As I grew older, it was getting harder and more frustrating to get the lights on! Several years ago I switched to a 6 ft pre-lit fake tree and I’ve loved it ever since. I can always light a candle for the smell!

Allergic to oak and pines so I have a fake.

A real tree every year. I enjoy getting the tree. It smells nice too! Every time I consider getting a fake tree as we age, I think of my best friend growing up who went with my parents and us kids every year because her parents had a fake tree, and she wanted to help pick out a tree.

When I was growing up in Denmark and by the time I left to come to the US in 1967 fake trees were not available. My Dad was a Gardner, and one of the big farmers where I grew up, would buy a bunch of trees to sell in Copenhagen. The trees came from another part of Denmark, the farmer had the money, but not the knowledge, so he always took my Dad along and paid for everything. Needless to say we always had one of the best trees available, and we decorated with hearts made out of paper, usually 2 colors, white paper angels, and real candles. My Dad would turn over in his tree if I ever got a fake tree. They are available now in Denmark. Also, and I think we are the only country doing this, we are fond of putting rows of the Danish flag on the Christmas tree. The Danish flag is red and white so it looks quite pretty. The other tradition is after the Christmas meal, the whole family hold hands form a circle around the tree and sing Christmas psalms and songs, while walking around the tree.

I got my 60s aluminum tree and color wheel ready to go.

In the future it would be nice to have a tree unfold and fold up like a umbrella. Or have it projected on a wall and when Christmas is done, flip the switch. Another way would be to have a pull down movie screen with a tree pictured on it and decorate with stick on ornaments.

Pine allergies. 2018 … bought a Gorgeous 6′ silver tip tree with 3-way remote to choose white, colored, or both from Balsam Hill. Costly; but rave comments from friends and neighbors. Easy to put up. Stores in the included box/sack.
Came with extra bulbs, stand, etc.



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