Animal rights activists are planning a 24-hour fasting protest, starting this afternoon outside Whole Foods in Oakland, over what they describe as disturbing animal abuse at suppliers’ farms.
Direct Action Everywhere protesters said they will start fasting Wednesday on the sidewalk near Whole Foods at 230 Bay Place in Oakland.
“Over the past five years, we’ve asked Amazon, Whole Foods and Jeff Bezos to sit down and discuss our findings, which are shocking and contradictory to everything they claim about the treatment of animals at their suppliers,” said Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere, in a news release.
The activists said the company has responded by taking protesters to court through lawsuits and restraining orders, and is attempting to crush activists through litigation.
Whole Foods did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.
Last month, an Alameda County judge signed a temporary restraining order against Direct Action Everywhere, Hsiung, and dozens of unnamed individuals and affiliates. The complaint is set to go to trial in February 2020.
Wednesday’s protest coincides with one of the busiest shopping times of the year, during last-minute Thanksgiving grocery shopping. The protest will conclude at 3 p.m. Thursday.
On Thursday, activists said they will be “swarming” traffic, by blocking traffic for a few minutes and then repeating. The action will be followed by a “die-in” on the sidewalk outside the store.
Don’t go swarming in front of my car or that die-in won’t be pretend.
How about they put their energy into the cruelty at the local animal services (The pound) facility’s. If they saw how badly treated, killed, and despicable living arrangements these poor animals suffer. Whole Foods don’t give a damn about these folks.
You have to fast 24 hours to get a simple blood test.
They need to step up their game.
Once again the public has to put up with a freak show.
A “die in” on the sidewalk seems quite probable in Oakland. Have fun people and always remember: All of God’s creatures have their place. Right next to the Potatoes and Gravy.
Poor people. So delusional.
These are the folks who go INTO restaurants to bother people.
Ooooh! A whole 24 hours without food? Wow! What a sacrifice! Somebody take pictures cuz I’ll bet most of those protesters could use a day without food.
And please, starting a protest on Thanksgiving eve? Seriously? Do something that really gets noticed. I mean, make some sacrifice, like do it during the week while you’re at work…oh wait…
My gosh. These people need jobs.
My theory is you sign up to be a demonstrator or striker for compensation. Then whenever a group needs people you get a text when and where to go and what you are protesting. You get paid extra for signs made.
Dial 1-800 rent a mob.
Oh yeah, blocking traffic is a surefire way of bringing people around to your way of thinking. Oh, wait, maybe not.
A 24 hour fast doesn’t impress anyone. But they should put some effort into that die-in if they really want to impress me!
Yeah. My son was OK until he went to Sac State. Now he’s a Bernie Bro.
I don’t mind people protesting, if they’re not violent and they’re not damaging other people’s property.
The current sociopolitical atmosphere these days, however, has people so tense that the line between protest and riot is often crossed or re-drawn.
Has anyone commenting here watched any of the undercover factory farm videos on the internet? Or the documentary “Earthlings” ? If you did you might understand why they are protesting. If you don’t give a rat’s ass about animal cruelty you might care about the antibiotics, feces, blood and pus you are eating when you consume factory farm meat and dairy products. And no, these protesters do not get paid.
yes, many of them are paid. It’s extra/easy money for college kids or for that Christmas Fund.
They will obviously monopolise all of the free electric car charging stations.
So many people on here moaning about their freedoms and right to have guns but people try to stand up and show their freedom for ethical treatment of animals and it’s outrage. I’m no vegetarian but I think farms can do more to treat the animals fairly and be ethical about it.
Exactly what first hand knowledge do you have about how animals are treated on farms? Are you just going by the PETA propaganda videos?
long as they are not on private property and don’t impead anyone’s path; have at it. I sure hope that Brisket I have in the smoker since 2 this morning was treated right at the slaughter house.
People have the right to protest, but they don’t have the right to block traffic and keep others from going about their business. Protest away, but stay out the road and other traffic lanes.
We’re having smoked turkey today.
Don’t blame the school! Cal & Sac St are both great schools. Maybe take a look at the parenting?
parenting? Wuts dat?
IF these activists do truly believe in their cause and sympathize with animals, shouldn’t they stand in the rain without umbrellas.
Stand in the rain without umbrellas? Would you explain the logic?
Animals they are sympathetic to don’t have umbrellas . . .
Watch the undercover videos. If you have watched them and still eat meat and dairy – your choice. I am vegan, I don’t hate meat eaters. If you hate PETA, don’t watch their videos. There are plenty of other non-profits trying to enlighten consumers about the cruelty and dangers of factory farming, including the Humane Society of the United States. Watch the documentary Earthlings. I chose not to support this industry and the cruelty involved. Don’t think for one minute that corporate America cares one bit about these animals or about the food you eat. The volunteers from the local non-profit protesting at Whole Foods do not get paid – in fact, if they are arrested, they pay. More and more people are learning about factory farming and the change is in motion. You get to choose if you want to keep your head in the sand and joke about it.
When they block the roads and driveways, PETA deserves all the hate and ridicule they get.
two briskets walk into a bar, but there’s no place to sit. That’s ok; they’re “LEAN”. HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaaaaaaaaa
Hey What a Bunch of Jokers – it wasn’t PETA. Can you read? An indication of the intelligence level behind some of these comments 🙁
I’ll bring the barbeque…
Who’s with me