Home » Cannabis Shop Run By Former Congressman’s Family Gets Initial Nod In Martinez

Cannabis Shop Run By Former Congressman’s Family Gets Initial Nod In Martinez


The Martinez City Council has chosen the operator for its second retail marijuana dispensary – a firm led by the son of retired longtime U.S. Rep. George Miller.

The council voted 4-0 on Wednesday to award a “conditional certificate” allowing Embarc to apply for a commercial cannabis operating permit.

Mayor Rob Schroder, who sells insurance for a living, recused himself from Wednesday’s vote, as a partner in one of the proposed dispensaries (not Embarc) has a business relationship with Schroder.

Embarc was one of four firms selected as finalists to receive this conditional certificate, and the highest-ranked proposal based on a list of criteria set by the city.


The owner and CEO of Embarc is George Miller IV, the son of U.S. Rep. George Miller and himself a onetime state Assembly candidate.

The elder Miller, who from 1975 until 2015 represented parts of the East Bay in the U.S. House of Representatives, is the chairman of Embarc’s Community Advisory Board. That board would oversee a Community Benefits Fund to which Embarc would give 1 percent of its gross revenues, for distribution to various nonprofits.

Council members’ top two applicant choices for the one certificate, as well as a third applicant, proposed retail store locations on Alhambra Avenue, one of the city’s most traveled thoroughfares. The proposed Embarc location, a former book store at 3501 Alhambra Ave., is 2 1/2 blocks – 1,150 feet — from the campus of Alhambra High School, and directly adjacent to the Martinez Unified School District’s adult school property, where a vacant former Wendy’s restaurant sits.

That proximity doesn’t sit well with CJ Cammack, the school district superintendent. He told the City Council that the district had received “zero communication at any time in this process” concerning a retail cannabis business near the high school. The adult school, Cammack said, hosts a GED (General Education Diploma) program in which some younger students take part. He said he opposes a dispensary anywhere near a school, as they lend “a greater culture of acceptance of marijuana use.”


The lack of warning was not intentional, a calm but angry Cammack said, “but I believe it was a significant oversight.”

Also unhappy was Helen Russo, an assistant school district superintendent. She said the district never heard anything from the city about the retail cannabis proposals, and that the 3501 Alhambra location presents “a huge concern about our students’ safety.”

“There’s no reason that we shouldn’t have been involved with this,” Russo said. “I feel really disrespected, I really do.”

About a dozen others spoke up on the dispensary proposals, their opinions ranging from warm welcome to sharp criticism of the location near schools. One man told the council he would rather spend his money locally
than drive to Vallejo or another city to buy cannabis; a woman called the dispensary an “attractive nuisance” not worthy of a spot on the city’s main thoroughfare.


Ultimately, the council went with the Millers’ proposal over more experienced cannabis sellers, not only because of Embarc’s high score on the city’s criteria ranking but because of the Miller name, long established in Martinez.

Councilman Mark Ross acknowledged he is wary of the old book store location near the high school, but also said a location in a light-industrial district wouldn’t be a secret to students.

“Kids are going to get in trouble whether it’s next door or down the street,” said Ross, adding he said it was up to parents, school officials and the community in general to equip kids to make good life decisions about
cannabis or anything else.

Miller IV said his family feels rooted in Martinez – “This is where I’m from, this is where my family lives.” He told the council be believes that comes with some responsibility, and wants to make sure Embarc does things the right way.


“One bad thing can ruin a reputation,” he said. “Failure is not an option.”

Embarc’s proposal to the city includes giving 6 percent of gross revenues to the city and 2 percent of gross for a public safety fund, along with the aforementioned 1 percent to a community benefits fund.

City staff was asked to bring back to the council a formal resolution for Embarc to receive the certificate. That is expected at the council’s Dec. 18 meeting.

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wow. just wow. First off, I AM “pro-pot”. I think the legalization wave sweeping the nation is proper public policy. Alcohol prohibition was a disaster for the country, marijuana prohibition is a disaster for the country.

The Martinez mayor is trying to sell weed?! I don’t care if it is becoming marginally legal. The Martinez mayor should not be selling weed. Excuse me, has a “business relationship” with someone who is trying to sell weed. He can have a “relationship” with a drug dealer. Just not a “business relationship”. Sorry, you’re mayor. You should be a boy scout. If you want to get shady, fine, don’t be mayor anymore.

Good Lord I thought we were finally free of the Miller Roman Numeral political syndicate. Now they want to use their political connections to open a government sanctioned weed shop by the high school. I suppose I should be embarrassed I didn’t see that one coming. Nice that the “elder Miller” will hang around to delegate weed profits to favored non-profits to buy the support from various targeted constituencies.

I don’t know why Superintendent Cammack would publicly except the story that the school district was not deliberately kept in the dark about the proposal. George Miller III was our local congressman for forty straight years. This is not a gang that is unfamiliar with the normal machinations of government. The school district I believe would be called, in the the liberal parlance, a “stakeholder”. No town hall meetings to solicit input from the “community” and “stakeholders”? No focus groups? No letters sent out to everyone within a certain radius to inform them of a permit application?

“Ultimately, the council went with the Millers’ proposal over more experienced cannabis sellers, not only because of Embarc’s high score on the city’s criteria ranking but because of the Miller name, long established in Martinez.” I don’t know to whom this statement is attributed, but would it be too outlandish a conjecture to suspect that the city’s ranking criteria was pretailored to an anticipated Embarc’s proposal? And Miller’s team was selected over people that actually have experience and know what they’re doing because… he’s George Miller? wow. To quote Mel Brooks, “It’s good to be da king.”

To follow Councilman Mark Ross’ resigned logic, kids are gonna do what kids are gonna do, anything bad is 100% the parents’ fault, and civic institutions are powerless to use zoning and permitting policies to enhance or protect neighborhoods and school zones. That abandoned Wendy’s would make a great porn palace. And the Teamsters Hall (George Miller’s folks) is RIGHT across the baseball diamond. They could be selling cupcake mango unicorn vapes. Kids LOVE that stuff.

“One bad thing can ruin a reputation,” he said. “Failure is not an option.” So spake George Miller IV. I would suggest that we are well past one bad thing, the first one was many decades ago, and it was indeed deleterious to a reputation. To try and conflate a corrupt scheme to sell weed near the high school with the heroic perseverance of Gene Kranz during the Apollo 13 mission by using that well known fictitious movie quote, is comedy worthy of a Cheech and Chong script.

Sadly, I believe this weed store will become reality. The Miller clan will use weed profits to pay off any police, health, or Community Services Bureau objections that would normally arise. They all have their little “non-profits” that are convenient repositories for money transfers that would otherwise be illegal.

Is Hunter Biden involved too?

Didn’t Miller’s son get a contract for solar panels for Mt Diablo School Dist. based on his daddy’s name?

Is he again cashing in on daddy’s name?

Yep, first the solar panel connection and now our weed connection. I think I will become a politician to get a piece of the pie. People will say look, Mr. Smith went to Washington.

Shocker, license granted to the son of an elite. Who here is surprised? Nepotism strikes again. God forbid one of the common people get licensed. Goes to show, it’s not what you know, but who your powerful daddy is.

back scratchin’

Oh, thank you, City of Martinez! I’m sick and tired running to Berkeley twice a month to buy my medicine. Let’s keep the tax dollars here in my town where I pay my property tax, sales tax, etc. Can’t wait!

Was just about to post the same thing. Not having to drive to Berkeley would be great and save on gas.

People still cannot see that Martinez never does anything to benefit Martinez residents……only outsiders.

BTW, Howe rd is a more appropriate location than Alhambra ave.

The best government money can buy.

These people worked hard and now they’re cashing in. That’s America. Get off your *ss and maybe you can do the same. I’ll never understand why Americans hate on American run family businesses.

I am positive you will never understand.

Nice gas lighting, Judy.
Had these people Not had the right connections – they wouldn’t ever have had a chance at putting a dispensary on Alhambra ave.

These people aren’t cashing in on their hard work – they’re cashing in on political connections. It’s not like those certificates to open a shop are readily available to be acquired by regular people without the political connections. That’s just corruption.

Good for Hunter Biden, er… George Miller IV. Great work being born.

Aren’t they pension babies? Shouldn’t they be chairing non profits or lolling about on yatchs?

George,Joe what difference does it make?

Near the high school. Wonderful location.

The liquor stores are less than a half a mile away from the High School. So much closer than the proposed location. Security around dispensaries are very tight and very safe. Liquor stores are wide open! And kids go in to get snacks surrounded by booze. No security

Is there still an outdoor ordinance on growing in Concord outdoor ? I agree that’s a horrible location in Martinez for a weed store

If it was a vaping shop or gun store your opinion would be Totally different. GROW UP.

BTW, nobody heard about the proposed indoor shooting range which Martinez wouldn’t even allow hearings.

Anon – great point. Because we all know guns bad, pot good. Can’t have a gun store anywhere near a school, even though anyone under 21 can’t buy a gun in the great state of California. Is it that people fear that the mere sight of a gun, glimpsed through the window of a gun store, will frighten the children that badly?

Based on the little tantrums you dopers are throwing, I’d say you’re the ones who need to grow up.

So heartwarming to see the long history of corruption in Bay Area politics being passed to the next generation.

Everybody can get high now.

Know exactly where old book store is on Alhambra. BAD IDEA.

POT sales should be AWAY from residential and schools.
Belongs on outskirts of a city and way away from any residential area.
How about, out past the refinery?

As an ‘old white guy’, I’m beginning to understand the anger of those who are not. Is there a singe person with a brain who thinks filthy politics didn’t get the Miller family that lucrative pot contract?

Cronyism, that’s why Miller stays local. So obvious.
Nothing worst than politicos that voted for stiffer jail for pot smokers
are now getting in the weed business.
Disgusting, but not surprising.

I’m glad to see that your last name and ability to line the pockets of the team making decisions worked. I hope your business fails on pure spite from those who were never handed everything in life. Keep milking the family cow bud…it’ll catch up with you.

I just wish they had said at front that politicians kids would get preference. Before all of the applicants spent a lot of time and money to appeal to them

I say add a strip club, porn shop, tobacco shop, a casino and a video game arcade.

Hell Yes !

George Miller III made it a point to champion kid’s causes, including education his entire career in congress. Is unfortunate the Miller name may end up linked to and remembered for POT.

@Dr. No I get that your “buying guns ammunition,” It’s the “whatnot” I’m worried about.

It’s close to the high school, but I seriously doubt it will make a difference. The kids will continue to buy from whatever student is selling weed at the high school this year and when that one leaves there will be another one to take his/her place.

There’s nothing quite like trading on the old family name. And I seem to remember some controversy when George the Third was running for Congress. I’m sure we won’t have to worry about anything untoward or crooked from this business venture.

We’re just waiting for DeSaulnier to “issue a statement” praising the approval.

YES, LOL!!! Marky Mark is best known for his nonsense press releases, unfortunately he can’t release this one until approved by team Pelosi.

Miller time!

This bud’s for you !

Democrat politicians claim to be “for the children”…what a bad joke.

Hard to name a vice or sin the dems don’t push on our young people.

Of course, one of the biggest promoters in the cannabis business is none other than John Boehner, the former Republican Speaker of the House, and don’t get us started on all the Republican supporters of tobacco or alcohol.

john boehner, career politician and for many, many years a Swamp Dweller. An in all to typical fashion, found a way to cash in on his many years as a Swamp Dwelling career politician.


Thank you mtzman. A swamp creature is a swamp creature by any other name.

Very disappointed to learn former Congressman George Miller’s son, George Jr., is opening up a marijuana store in Martinez. The Miller name in Contra Costa is a big one, the senior Miller represented Contra Costa in the House of Representatives from 1975 to 2015. Ex Congressman’s Miller’s father also was a powerful State seantor in the 60’s as well, a legendary figure in Sacramento, even today.
I am wondering if the senior Miller, the ex Congressman, is a silent partner in this marijuana business . Miller of course, is a longtime Martinez resdident. If George Miller Sr. is a silent partner this would be a sad ending to an llustrious political career. Imagine going from Chairman of House Education and Labor Committe to peddling marijuana in your hometown.
Even if Miller isn’t a silent partner, I noticed it was some of the senior Miller’s political cronies who approved the deal that awarded George Jr. a pot sales “franchise” in our county seat, notably Mark Ross, son of the longtime Community College Board member Gene Ross, who was a long time George Miller Sr. stooge.
Personally I am sickened and disgusted the Miller family will soon to be opening a store selling weed in downtown Martinez, not far from Alhambra High School, the ex- Congressman George Millers’ alma mater. Marijuana has long been a gateway drug to harder drugs, and the drug also winds up in the hands of teenagers a lot. According to the experts, smoking pot during the critical teenage years has a negative impact on the development of the brain.
As I understand it, this George Miller Jr., a failed Assembly candidate from yesteryear, also works as a lobbyist in Sacramento using his Dad’s name as a tool to open doors. So prior to going into the marijuana sales business George Miller Jr. wasn’t doing honest work. I don’t know about others, but I would be ashamed if my son opened a store in my hometown of Concord that sold weed, that’s not a reputable business, not now, not ever.
The Senior George Miller had an illustrious career in Washington DC, that’s true, but the most important role you play in life is being a parent. It looks to me like the senior Miller neglected his family, which is why this kid of his turned out to be a bum, I consider lobbyists and marijuana peddlers to be half crooked – neither job is “honest work”, as my father used to say., so George Miller’s namesake, the grandson of the Legendary state Senator, has turned out to be a first class bum, in my book.



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