Home » CA State High Court Strikes Down Law That Would Have Required President Trump To Disclose Tax Returns

CA State High Court Strikes Down Law That Would Have Required President Trump To Disclose Tax Returns


The California Supreme Court in San Francisco on Thursday struck down a state law that would have required President Donald Trump to release his tax returns in order to be listed on the state’s primary ballot.

The law enacted by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom earlier this year would have required all presidential candidates wishing to appear on the primary ballot to disclose five years of income tax returns.

The state high court’s seven justices unanimously ruled that the law conflicts with a state constitutional amendment that mandates that the primary ballot list all “recognized candidates throughout the nation or throughout California.”

The amendment was approved by state voters as a reform measure in 1972. The court ruled in a lawsuit filed by the California Republican Party.


Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye wrote that the constitutional amendment sets forth “a rule of inclusivity for presidential primary elections that the Legislature cannot contravene.”

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Well done!

oh sure right after Hillary and her daughter and bill show theirs

oh and Pelosi and Feinstein and kamala I mean really right

I’m glad. Making entire laws to specifically target a single person is absolutely absurd.

We just keep on winning.

TRUMP 2020! 😎

Oh the liberal tears. Cue screaming at the sky.

Yep, voters wanting information about their elected officials, how outrageous! Politicians should be able to keep secret any information they want to….I guess that’s what you’re saying right?

Whiny liberals had a fit with The U.S. Supreme Court and threatened to change composition of the Court by increasing number of justices so as to pack the Court and influence future decisions their way, to no ones surprise.

Like the immature, mentally insecure bully on the playground, lacking skills and intellect to win, DEMANDS rules of game be changed so they can prevail.

newsom and feckless state legislature lack maturity the residents of California deserve.

Here is who voted or the bill,

You DO know who represents you in ca state legislature because you are a responsible voter, . . . . right ? ? ? ?

Who exactly is the designated ADULT, up there in state government?

Newsom is governing the state like it is his own private monarchy. He’s got to go. But, the even bigger problem is Weiner who served for years on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors before being elected to the California Senate representing San Francisco. He has introduced every sort of hair-brained legislation, and everybody else must be afraid of him because they pass it.

It would appear that Grayson (Assembly) and Glazer (Senate), both representing the Claycord area, voted to pass this legislation. Glazer was elected on the campaign promise to clean up BART. I don’t see that happening. If not recalled, they need to be voted out of office at the first opportunity.

With few exceptions, the whole group in Sacramento has completely lost sight of why they were elected. They do not work to solve the problems facing their constituents when they are focused on vendetta politics that really don’t concern them.

Actually, he runs it more like a private tea party……..

He grabs at any chance he has to screw around with Trump. It would be nice if he were somewhat interested in serving the people of California. I mean some of those folks elected him for whatever reason.

Oh targeting one person

Yeah well in this state it’s 1940 Germany

Your neighbor is reporting on you and your workplace as well
Facebook and your phone are tracking you and the gov of this state has access to all of it

Your freedoms and privacy and pursuit of happiness are long gone in this state …unless your illegal a bum or a politician

Good luck finding housing if your low income because the gov gives it all to illegals and leaves American citizens on the street

But hey it’s not China yet right
At least for another maybe 4-5 years

So enjoy your anti manhole covers
Pretty soon the socialist communist gov will tell you where to work and pay you pennies and house you in gov run apartments if you behave and get lucky in the drawIng

Impeach! Newsom.

Finally a decision that is not based on crazy childish emotions.

Recall Newsom.

There is a petition circulating to do just that.

Gav looks like a fool again. This Jackass needs to be recalled.

Correct decision. The liberal bs has been slowly coming to the surface. They’ve done so much damage to their party it will be a long time before they become relevant again. Common sense and truth always wins!

like it matters…..he wasn’t going to win California regardless

Dear Governor Nancy’s Nephew:

They should pass the kissy kissy act. Not only trying to pass unlawful legislature but paying back wasted dollars AND Kiss This To Boot !!!

Power to the People.

Yet another decision by the Liberal Court to undercut the will of the people and refuse to accept States Rights.

10th Amendment:The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The qualifications for the POTUS are enumerated in the US Constitution so that power reserved to the Federal Government and NOT the states.

Pretty simple to understand I would think.

Pay attention! This was a ruling by the CALIFORNIA State Supreme Court.

Can you imagine how chagrined they must have been to reach a unanimous decision in the President’s favor? I imagine they all ran straight to their therapists.

Elected officials should not use their position to disadvantage potential and actual rivals or people they just don’t like. Isn’t that what is alleged by the Democrats in the impeachment hearings? And yet here we have Democrats doing the same thing. The Court says they were wrong but there will be no consequences.

Whatever Mountainslide you know everything. Sure declare what is not right fully yours and then give it out. Makes perfect non sense. Gloss again has-been.

Oh yeah everyone has the right to have a degree in um um.

Mountainside Jay,

That is for the candidate to decide. And as long as it is not a condition of office, no one should deny voters their vote should they choose to vote for such a candidate.

Why do so many defend Trump and his unwillingness to show his tax returns? If there’s nothing to hide , show them, like the presidents before him did. I am tired of the decisiveness on both sides and dems and Republicans are equally guilty.

It’s really nobody’s business, that’s why!

@ gittyup bet you wouldn’t be singing the same song if it were Pres Obama who wouldn’t release his tax returns.

Because if Trump releases his tax returns his enemies will nit pick them endlessly. If there was something wrong with them then the IRS would be only too happy to drag him in for an audit and all of the details would be leaked to the press. It’s another nothing burger.

I don’t care about anyone’s taxes but my own. If there’s a violation of the tax code, that’s the purview of the IRS.



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