Home » Attorney To Announce Lawsuit Against BART For Alleged Racial Profiling At Pleasant Hill Station

Attorney To Announce Lawsuit Against BART For Alleged Racial Profiling At Pleasant Hill Station


A lawsuit is being filed on behalf of a man who was allegedly racially profiled by BART police at the Pleasant Hill BART station last week, the attorney for the man said Wednesday.

The suit will be announced by attorney John Burris at 2 p.m. at his offices in Oakland on behalf of Steve Foster. Foster, who is black, was stopped by BART police for eating on the platform at the station at 8 a.m. Nov. 4.

State law prohibits eating in the paid area of the BART system.


“These BART officers engaged in racial profiling, and selective law enforcement in that BART patrons routinely eat sandwiches and other food on the platform and BART trains without any law enforcement intervention,
chastisements or other admonishments by police,” Burris said in a statement.

Burris said BART police typically do not enforce the “no eating” rule.

RELATED STORY: BART General Manager Issues Statement On Man Cited For Eating While Waiting For Train In Pleasant Hill

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Oh brother! If the idiot had just put away his food when told to, this would not have been an issue. Why the hell did this incident and the ensuing lawsuit even make news?

Exactly. Steve Foster antagonized the officer. Rather than putting his food away or moving along, he taunted the peace officer. Steve chose to perpetuate trouble rather than step down like a gentleman.

Some low life attorney and Foster just looking for some quick money, that’s all.


Sing it Sister!! Sandwicheater should have put the sandwich away when asked by the officer like 99.9% of society would do. Also the BART GM should have never apologized to Steve Sandwicheater Foster unless he believes BART rules are unjust. If BART has to pay any money to this clown I will be disappointed.

Personally, I find this incredibly concerning. Just because a police officer might need to prioritize certain rules during certain times, does not excuse the fact that you are still breaking rules/policies. The same logic applies with others who eat in the paid areas and don’t get caught. Just because you got away with it doesn’t mean you didn’t break the rules.

The original article mentions that the officer advised him to stop as he was taking care of another call, and the man chose to ignore him and continue eating. And then of all the things he could do, he chose to swear and throw homophobic slurs towards the officer? Genius move!

Why is it becoming normal for ‘adults’ to think whining and crying like babies is the go-to way to solve all their problems? Can’t wait to see how quick this case is going to get dismissed.

I told everyone this was going to happen. Where is the LGBTQ group now????

I wish someone had a video of these people PLANNING the whole event.

It does kind of smell like a setup doesn’t it….

A McMuffin Eat-In, an act of “civil disobedience,” is planned for Saturday at the Pleasant Hill BART station. Now isn’t Contra Costa so fortunate to have the incursion of Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco liberal nonsense destroying the peace and quiet of such lovely areas as Orinda, Pleasant Hill, and others. Defying the police unless they are at your beck and call, then suing them because they were busy herding the “trash” somewhere else. Eventually the “trash” will run everybody else off and, since they won’t be able to stand the mess they’ve made, they’ll have to find some place new and cleaner themselves.

This should qualify as “Disturbing the peace.”


I will be there making citizens arrests….I plan to hook up a bunch of people.


@Jeff – you should probably leave the law enforcement to the professionals.

I love to bring a nice chick-fil-a breakfast begal to the eat in… While wearing my MAGA hat.

Oh, I was a deputy sheriff for fifteen years.


Now isn’t Contra Costa unfortunate to have the incursion of Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco liberal nonsense destroying the peace and quiet of such lovely areas as Orinda, Pleasant Hill, and others. This should qualify as “disturbing the peace,” and infringing the Constitutional and Human Rights of others.

Defying the police unless they are at your beck and call, then suing them because they were busy herding more pressing and critical “trash” somewhere else. Eventually the “trash” will run everybody else off and, since they won’t be able to stand the mess they’ve made, they’ll have to find some place newer, safer, and cleaner to live themselves. You see it over and over, again. Guess they’ve picked Pleasant Hill for that this time. They’ve completely messed up Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco with their liberal nonsense, so now they’ll start on Orinda, Pleasant Hill, etc. When they’re done the Hill won’t be Pleasant, anymore.

A McMuffin Eat-In, an act of “civil disobedience,” is planned for Saturday at the Pleasant Hill BART station.


Hell, Burris says that police typically do not enforce the “no eating” rule.

I guess BART PD ought to staff up and start citing EVERYONE for EVERY violation.

@Gitit – you’re probably right. BART will roll over and pay… and then Burris will demand “special training” for the officers to allow “persons of color” to do whatever TF they want.

SF Bay Area – you don’t like it – your policies and politics over time brought this to you. As others have pointed out, it’s the lack of discipline and respect. Thank you, Bay Area parents. It’s on your back.

Using the word liberal with such disdain offends about 70% of your neighbors who probably actually agree with you about this situation. FOX news is really doing a number on you.

How about “leftist nonsense”? Happy now?

@Me Fine, if you support liberal nonsense, keep it up. Coming soon to a place near you!

So “me” is “offended”, as are the other 70% of neighbors…..

Guess what, “me”…. The SF Bay Area is a liberal bastion, like it or not. That liberal/leftist population elected leftist/liberal politicians. Those politicians pandered to their voting base to decriminalize many law violations. Just look at the moron recently elected DA in SF. More instances where the cops are spat on, attacked, etc… all because parents have NOT disciplined their children.

You don’t like it and “feel offended?

Tough $hit, buttercup. You made your bed, now lie in it.

This isn’t about Fox news – but I don’t put it past you LIBERALS to make generic attacks on conservatives. I guess I can blame the antifa attacks on everyone on them watching MSNBC and being unable to think for themselves.

Grow up and take some responsibility yourself.


@Fred P.

What about Chesa Boudin makes him a moron? Please explain.


– He’s a DA who has NEVER prosecuted a case;
– One of his first acts will be getting rid of gang enhancements;
– He plans on decriminalizing “quality of life” crimes. Count on SF residents stepping in and on more feces, urine and needles in the coming years;
– He worked for Hugo Chavez;
– He’s not just soft on crime, he’s overtly anti-law enforcement;
– He makes Kamala Harris look like Rudy Giuliani

Enough for you?

Disgusting to know there is a 99% probability that Bart management, led by a pandering fool, will likely pee all over itself, and pay, rather than stand up to this cheap shake down attempt. Let’s see….

Once again taxpayer dollars will be used to reward truly horrible parenting.

Oh good! Now that clown can buy more shoes to match his hats with his settlement!!!

Here we go AGAIN, racial profiling. That card is SO played out.

There actually is no such thing as “racial profiling.” It’s actually “racial misbehaving” re-branded, and we clearly see it in this video.

Exhibit 1 will be the General Managers apology to the criminal. Then BART will write a nice fat check to Burris with our money.

Remember when we taught our children discipline and respect? When we taught them if you work hard you will get ahead, and you’ll have self respect in your success because you earned it?

This is what the participation trophy crowd has given us. Complete and utter turds walking around society thinking nothing applies to them because mommy told them they are “special”.

“Remember when we taught our children discipline and respect?”

And it’s a lot more effective when there’s two parents teaching it, preferably while sharing a residence.

AGAIN, John Burris, give me a brake

Screeching tires on pavement

Steve Foster has shown the world the content of his character and it has been found lacking anything redeemable.

John Burris disgusts me. It’s a sad world we live in when minorities and other protected classes can break the law or antagonize the police and then run to Burris for money when they get arrested or detained. Also sickening is the fact that most large corporations, cities or agencies will settle the lawsuit because it’s cheaper than paying expensive lawyers to fight the good fight. Until people start standing up to these frivolous lawsuits and quit rolling over it will continue to happen. I’m sure many of these altercations are being planned in order to collect money. Again disgusting.

These attorneys that are using this case as racial profiling are making it hard for justification of real cases of racism and racial profiling!! Very obvious this is not racial injustice. I guess YOU AND I WILL HAVE TO PAY MORE SO WE CAN HIRE MORE ATTORNEYS and we will have to hire BART COPS OF EVERY RACE TO MATCH THE SUSPECTS.
I am sick and tired of this game. I am sure all of us are fed up with POLITICS AND PC nonsense too. Ridicules.

Punk refused to follow the rules for using Bart. Punk refused to cooperate with the police so the citation could be filled out. Punk made a big deal about his violation. Punk wants to sue for racial discrimination like because he’s black he should be able to violate the law and get away with it. Insanity.

I eye rolled so hard I have to go to optometrist now

Why does everyone seem to forget the suspect happens to be a homophobe?

What a bunch of BS. Burris and Foster are both Jackasses.

Great point. BART police should use the defense that the officer was triggered by the homophobic slurs, thus his reaction was justified. See how they react when their own standards are applied to them.

Do not settle! This one is easy! Young man – either you were eating on the Pleasant Hill BART platform or not. BART -reiterate the reasons for no food/drink in stations and on trains. Seek attorney’s fees and go to trial -don’t be afraid! And continue to enforce the rules or change them.

I saw this coming from miles away. They should make it where the loser pays the court cost and his attorney fees. His motto is I have a crappy attitude problem and others can pay me. BART better not settle.

How is this racial profiling? Is this guy even black – he’s black-adjacent at best.

While blaming BART GM and John Burris, don’t forget about the media. They played a major role by blowing this incident out of proportion tAND providing a fake narrative to generate clicks.
Do you think if the media haven’t ran with the “Man arrested for eating a sandwich” headlines Burris would be even remotely interested? Not a chance. He is a shrewd businessman, and can sense when bad publicity is likely to force a public agency to cave in. Even when said agency has done nothing wrong at all.

spot on

The Bart police officer did not make the law. His job, as well as any police officer, is to enforce the law. Laws are made for reasons. The officer fairly gave him a warning…and Foster of course saw an opportunity to pull the race card and chose to be disrespectful and escalate it. Why do the Fosters of the world think they’re above the law, then antagonize the police for doing their jobs, then twist situations into a race thing????! You’re NOT above the law because you’re not white!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here goes Burris chasing deep pockets! You’re just as pathetic.

The Bart police officer did not make the law. His job, as well as any police officer, is to enforce the law. Laws are made for reasons. The officer fairly gave him a warning…and Foster of course saw an opportunity to pull the race card and chose to be disrespectful and escalate it. Why do the Fosters of the world think they’re above the law, then antagonize the police for doing their jobs, then twist situations into a race thing????! You’re NOT above the law because you’re not white!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here goes Burris chasing deep pockets! You’re just as pathetic.

You would think with the Orinda situation Mr. Burris would have bigger fish to fry. The BART eating confrontation appears premeditated, and hopefully nothing more than a waste of time.

My statement is not a racist one. Many people of different nationalities have bigger fish to fry.

This is 6 figure, low hanging fruit for attorneys like Burris. They sue for millions, settle for hundreds of thousands, and skim off 30% of the take. Not bad for a shakedown.

Burris is a race baiting shyster. Sadly, it’s working for him. It’s easier to settle, and frivolous law suits (like this one) shouldn’t be settled. Stand up to their BS, and shoot them down.

It does not even take a brain to understand why eating is not allowed near the tracks. They don’t want someone to slip on food dropped and then get sued for it. When he was asked to leave he should have had the common sense to understand this and listen to a officer of the law instead of have a hissy fit.

It seems pretty simple to me.

Go through the BART records and see who the BART police have cited for eating.

While I haven’t received many citations over the course of my life, I don’t remember any that referenced my race.

So looks like it’s time for Bart to hire only black officers
That should do it right ….ohhh I mean left

From the gym to the filming to the obvious set up of a sandwich
This was staged by Bart and now will be pushed into politikal ring so dems can Force more socialist laws down our throats

It’s well known that Bart is a bunch of bent over libs hooked on socialism politicos and forced transit of citizens

The Bart statement alone shows this is a political scam

Follow the money it always leads to a rich white guy
This shows that this guy sold out for a sandwich lol
Wonder why profiling exists and is a proven tool of highlighting sell outs

This sandwich guy is probably going to do the bended capersnick pose in court to further his sell out.cause lol

You voted for entitlement it’s here and now we all must pay
I hope your happy this will be the new money scheme
Spit on Bart get arrested sue
Pee on Bart get arrested and sue
Stab someone get arrested and sue

Thanks everyone for your insightful voting
It’s making a lovely state turn to garbage

BART management already screwed the pooch and gave Burris the easy win by publicly apologizing for the Officers actions. WEAK!

A whole lotta Blue Lives Matters people in here…

John Burris has made millions suing the public agencies that represent the services that we need. Essentially his millions fall on the back of the rest of us.
How do you spell “ambulance chaser.?

The John Burris retirement fund, getting mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money.

His mother must be so proud. Maybe he’ll buy her a house out of the settlement. I heard that’s big.

Well I guess this assanine stunt makes it ok for short white people to sue the NBA.

Burris.. lol.

This guy is defiant. It may be petty, but you still have to follow the law and listen to the police. Now you blew it up into this. Maybe he’s smart, Bart
Will pay him a million bucks for his “pain and suffering”

You can’t make this stuff up!

After minimal resistance the man should have given the cop his name. That said I wonder how many other eaters were cited that day; or even that week.

As far as you know, every other “eater” complied with law enforcement when asked to stop eating.

‘Tis the season to be folly.

Unfortunately, BART will settle this matter after a lengthy process that mostly plays out in the media.
Burris, Allred, and her scuzzy kid Bloom take nuisance cases like this all of the time. The script reads: 1. Find a plaintiff who is in a protected class, usually a minority or woman. Sue for millions. 2. Claim racism/sexism as the police motivation behind the arrest. 3. Stand in front of many cameras while the “victim” describes their “ordeal”.Maybe have a baby or infirm relative in the background. 4. Settle. 5. Cash your 30% check.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
It is nothing but legalized blackmail.

He gave attitude, which is messed up, but he is not wrong about being profiled.

Maybe if BART police were more concerned with fare evasion, and REAL health and safety violations, something this trivial would not have become such a mess.

Hey! Maybe they have footage of Sandwich Man jumping the gates!

If you have evidence that there were people of other races eating on the platform and were given a pass by the officer, by all means get that over to race baiting Burris ASAP.

I can only assume that the fire department and local police department knows Mr. Burris’s home address.

I wouldn’t want to be a 911 caller from that address needing help to come quickly.

I second that

From the first second I saw the video, I was 100% certain of two things that would happen:
1) BART management, the same people who won’t release videos of crimes captured by TAXPAYER-FUNDED cameras due to “racial sensitivity”, would throw this cop under the bus.


2) John Burris would file a lawsuit because he is a vile, loathsome, POS race hustler.

Don’t start no s*!/, won’t be no s*!)….
Pretty simple!!
No family values. Mom and Dad had none either!


I would love to see Bart fight this. Stand up to this contrived, staged crap and say to this creep , “No, you were wrong – you get nothing”. What would happen, Bart? What are you afraid of? The Twitter-verse would be outraged? So what – they run manufactured outrage everyday. Are you afraid people would boycott Bart? No – people need Bart and will take it regardless. In fact, I bet people would applaud Bart for fighting another fake “racist” shake-down. The Me-Too movement and Cancel Culture are falling apart because people know it’s a scam and they’re sick to death of it. Well, this “racist” scam has gone way past its’ shelf life, too. The cop was doing his job. Stand up for your employee, Bart. Stand up for your millions of riders who follow the rules and pay their fares. We’re sick of police, and businesses paying off scum like this and we get stuck with the bill. Speak up, Bart – end these frivolous shake downs. I would bet the law abiding portion of the Bay Area would support your decision.

Profiling is harassing someone that could of or might have broken the law. This guy did break the law and is all pissy that he got a ticket

Hey Jackass!

News Flash: YOU WERE BREAKING THE LAW! Get over it, pay the fine, and DON’T EAT ON BART!

I got a ticket for going 50 in 35. I signed the ticket and said thank you officer(didn’t mean it but showed respect). I paid the ticket and that was it. I thought about how many times I sped down that same street and it was just about everyday. So the fact that I was caught that time wasn’t an excuse to debate anything. Shut up whoever u are and except the fact you know your wrong and ignored the rules and except the concecences(And don’t be rude because u got busted, laws are made for a reason). Not so police can profile an obvious person who thinks he is special because they usually don’t enforce it). It’s time that they are starting enforce the smallest things including the rampant harassment to innocent passengers and drug use by every color in the rainbow. But personally this guy was just a jerk getting harassed for breaking the law, what a drag. Why me he says. “Because your a whoa is me” Dik. Swallow your pride and ur sandwich when u are told.



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