Home » Driver Arrested After Hit & Run Collision In Downtown Concord

Driver Arrested After Hit & Run Collision In Downtown Concord


The driver of a vehicle involved in a hit & run collision in Downtown Concord has been arrested, according to police.

Five people ran from the vehicle after the crash, which occurred just before 6 p.m. on Saturday. Four people were able to evade police.

A records check of the driver revealed he had several felony warrants issued for his arrest, according to police.


Further information will be released this weekend, police said.

photo: Concord Police Dept.


Bob November 10, 2019 - 5:23 AM - 5:23 AM

You never wanna be the slowest one in the group when you’re commiting a crime

TMB November 10, 2019 - 5:51 AM - 5:51 AM

Where in downtown Concord did this occur?

Karen November 10, 2019 - 6:08 AM - 6:08 AM

We were driving from Galindo and turning onto Cowel road during this time. So many police cars were driving with lights and sirens trying to get to the scene. Thank goodness they were responding. The only concern that we had was how erratic one of the police cars was driving down Cowel. It was so dark, and the police car was driving super fast on the wrong side of the road. There was almost a head on collision.

Anon November 10, 2019 - 9:35 AM - 9:35 AM

Well, had the Police been slow to respond and everyone got away……Everyone would be posting: “WHERE WERE THE POLICE???”.

Be aware of your surroundings and watch for emergency lights.

Michael November 10, 2019 - 10:09 AM - 10:09 AM

…and that is why we are suppose to pull over on the shoulder and stop for any emergency vehicle with flashing lights until it passes. This includes fire trucks and ambulances.

Ricardoh November 10, 2019 - 10:06 AM - 10:06 AM

What did they hit that they ran from? And their names are what?

Foonman November 10, 2019 - 12:12 PM - 12:12 PM

Several felony warrants? Well I’m not shocked. Becoming numb to this kind of thing now….not good….

Forsythe November 10, 2019 - 12:44 PM - 12:44 PM

Thank you CPD. I was very happy to see that you caught one of these fools. Hopefully your success in catching (him or her) will make it easier to find the other four idiots.

anon November 10, 2019 - 2:21 PM - 2:21 PM

There is more to this story. Maybe Claycord can find out.

Barbosa November 10, 2019 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

What are the odds the vehicle was stolen? I’d put it at 60% stolen.

xj November 10, 2019 - 9:00 PM - 9:00 PM

What is the name/description of the perp that was caught? Mugshot? Who are his associates? Probably all have felony records too. Surely there was other DNA left at the scene. Perhaps urine or feces on the seats? You know, in an accident, first you say it, then you do it.

GM November 10, 2019 - 10:50 PM - 10:50 PM

A hit-and-run is not an accident. Call this what it is: a crash, a collision, a wreck, an incident, a crime.

Sam Malone November 11, 2019 - 2:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Seems like they are protecting the repeat offenders as usual. Sad state of affairs.

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