Home » Arrive Alive California Inc. And ABC Team Up Through Office Of Traffic Safety Grant

Arrive Alive California Inc. And ABC Team Up Through Office Of Traffic Safety Grant


The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has announced it will administer a $282,000 grant with Arrive Alive California, Inc. to expand their Real DUI Court in Schools program to California high school campuses.

The grant will boost community outreach efforts to reduce impaired driving, especially among teenage drivers by bringing live courtroom experiences to high schools.

“Tragedy is striking our youth at an alarming rate.  Arrive Alive California, Inc. gives a new perspective through reality-based education on the consequences of driving impaired in order to help young people make better choices when they get behind the wheel,” said Angela Kellogg, CEO of Arrive Alive California, Inc. “We are honored to partner with ABC to expand our programming throughout California school campuses.”

The grant was awarded to ABC by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) through the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Through this grant, ABC and Arrive Alive California Inc. will partner together to reduce impaired driving in California.


Arrive Alive California Inc. will increase education about the dangers of impaired driving by bringing real DUI cases to high school campuses, allowing students to witness first-hand what happens when someone is convicted of a DUI. The grant program activities will run through September 30, 2020.

“ABC is embracing the opportunity to assist Arrive Alive California Inc. with this effort to increase safety in California by educating youth about the dangers of drinking and driving, and the costly consequences of DUI convictions,” said ABC Director Jacob Appelsmith.

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I hope that they also include the dangers of driving while high – which seems to be just as it even more so prevalent than alcohol use these days. I was startled when I was talking to some teens recently and all of the swore that they drive BETTER when stoned and it scared the hell out of me!

The amount of money our society spends dealing with drunks who drive is staggering – both monetary and lives.

IMHO – the people who profit off of the products and misery should be the ones who pay a big chunk of the cost of dealing with the outcome of their product.

Why should I have to pay for their mess while they walk away with big profits…

that scared you but a total power play by the democrats to rid you of freedom over the influx of illegals flooding and taking advantage of our system and the gov housing them in all the low income housing putting American citizens on the street is OK

well thank you for your candor and unbiased remarks in favor of servitude to politicians.

those same kids were in the 70S doing the same thing and yet here we are all up in arms because we can not over tax ourselves fast enough based on the untruths of politicians and their scare tactics of no money to repair roads

the likely hood of the world changing because of this is nil
yet the horror of it all presented by your comments should do it

no offense meant just to over emphasize kids saying something and deeming it factual and or an example of every kid jogs memories of the past where people thought the sky was falling and handed over all their possessions for a chance at forgiveness of living their lives

again no disrespect just opinion

but bums accepted and encouraged flooding the streets
I mean even the famed open minded Europe is now rousting the illegals and dismantling their shanty towns as well as us they offer alternate housing yet the illegals don’t want to have rules and laws offending their individuality …..so they keep setting up garbage towns where ever they can

but yes be in fear of a few kids saying they drive better ….just as the drunks and elderly and politicians say they drive better when your not looking

simple thought
why is there any and every alphabet numerical foundation getting money for the same thing

do we need 50 foundations accepting grant money saying the same thing
education and preventative measures ….been doing this for over 30 years and yet here we are still throwing money at a problem easily deterred by making people accountable for their actions….yet the state has implemented the no jail time enforcement instead a soft approach of self rehabilitation on their own while free to do what ever they want even though they broke the laws …..

if your going soft on crime and illegals and bums and corrupt politicians then stop throwing money at it to serve your own self righteous egos.

nobody I know voted to legalize theft yet here we are

so please if you legalized theft shout it out so at least I can believe it actually passed and was not dreamcasted in by a non opposed democrat bureaucracy ….IE/ the officials in a bureaucracy, considered as a group or hierarchy.



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