Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Passes Measure To Better Inform States About Foreign Interference In Elections

Congressman DeSaulnier Passes Measure To Better Inform States About Foreign Interference In Elections


A measure authored by Congressman DeSaulnier to better inform states about foreign efforts to interfere in an election was included in the final version of the Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for A Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act (H.R. 4617), which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 227-to-181.

The SHIELD Act would strengthen the country’s ability to better identify and fight foreign interference in elections.

Congressman DeSaulnier’s amendment would require the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to inform states within 30 days of receiving information that a targeted disinformation campaign has occurred in their jurisdiction.

“In 2016, bad actors weaponized social media platforms to spread false information, push misleading ads, and ultimately undermine Americans’ faith in democracy,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “We know this disinformation campaign was successful, and that foreign agents, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller warned, are ‘doing it as we sit here, and expect to do it again in the next campaign.’ It is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that we have a government that is for and by the American people, and not by foreign adversaries.”


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I agree with Mark the only reason he was elected was because of Russia.

I agree Mark was elected because of the Russians.

@ The Wizard – you are right DeSaulnier was put in place by the Russians and that explains everything about good ol Mark…He is a gasbag who cares not for the citizens.

I can’t believe they keep saying our democracy when we are a Republic. I think it was the opposite. My spam folder was filled with pro-trump, whereas, the pro-Hillary emails always made it to my inbox. Despite the efforts of the DNC, Hillary lost.

LOL – I hear you – I also cannot stand when people call an internal combustion engine a motor…

And you do know that your Email Spam folder is not a democracy or a republic – it is controlled by your user habits and options you pick when you get emails…

And DNC Efforts – LOL _ come on – she didn’t even go to the states that were critical – it was gross incompetence.

Everyone who was influenced by the Russians in the last election raise your hand. Now everyone who was influenced by CNN,MSNBC,ABC,CBS,or NBC raise your hand. Who did the most influencing?

Agree…CNN used to be a good news source with breaking news. Now it’s garbage with breaking politics.

So… how do you know if someone raises their hand…

Rob I know the answer. Are you ready? 0% by Russians 50% by the above stations.


If we want a government for the people we need to get rid of the democrats and Mark. They are only in it for themselves.

Is he saying that foreign interference in the 2016 was successful because, what, HIllary lost? Maybe she was a terrible candidate. Maybe people in states other than the west coast and the northeast didn’t much care for her? I dunno, the Russians, I guess.

We can start with Israeli dual citizens holding US office. Total conflict of interest and, by far, the biggest influence in our politics. After that we can go after Mexican meddling in the election, Chinese spying, and UK influence. And then we can deal with Russia buying facebook ads.

Would that be ONLY those with US/Israeli citizenship, or all duel citizens? Either way, you’ll run into some constitutional hurdles. Good luck.

I would go for all, but I would start with our greatest ally first.

Right. Only Americans should be allowed to weaponize social media to spread false information and undermine democracy (here and abroad).

So, glad Congressman DeSaulnier is focusing his time on attempting to over-turn election results of years ago…certainly nothing pressing going on in California currently he should be addressing. I actually think the Democrats constant attempts to destroy our two-party system are going to backfire against them.

Stupid comment considering Antifa is with the left. Of course you assume all Rep are KKK which only adds to my first comment = stupid.

Wasn’t it Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein who had the Chinese Spy as her driver for 20 years?

They say a person’s driver is their most trusted person because they’re privy to everything said in the car when the public isn’t listening.

But de slacker you are the one misleading the public
So how does that work

Roads still crumbling
Bridges crumbling
Bum population outrageous I mean are you guys having them shipped in
Healthcare coverage ridiculous you can not get full coverage everything is only covered up to 60% thanks oscama ….
Fires are accepted as oh well or blamed on outdated lines or equipment
Funny how hypocritical the gov is here blaming them for not keeping up infrastructure and quick to blame as the gov actually steals more tax money for fuel and we are getting nothing from it.

De slacker you cater to a few dem voters at these events
Then cram agenda topics down our throats until our colon bursts
No amount of claiming your right will take away the bums and illegals and garbage roads …I mean if you are trying to make demifornia into Mexico city it is working like a charm all but bribing the police and lol cheap pharmaceuticals

Your hypocrisy about Russia is hilarious
As democrats flood America with illegals and claim it’s a good thing
Yet have not ever claimed why
Or explained the housing problem to American citizens
Since you house illegals in all of the low income housing and leave American citizens out in the streets

I am not sure how many of these scam meetings you have had
But I am sure nothing has been done ever
Since gas is high
And a soccer stadium is better than housing or lower taxes or even better roads

Meanwhile, the state is burning down.

Yeah – how about we remind Americans of all of the political crap America has pulled just since WW2…

A lot of the problems around the world is partly due to America helping to overthrow an elected government to install a dictator to help American interests – and then – surprise – the locals get pissed off, rebel and then hate the United States…

Why would you “remind” americans ” about something you don’t like?Why not just leave the country,you cant win and there cant ever be another democrat president,its basically impossible because of the support you show for Trump everytime you attempt to insult him or anything he;s done.All it does is make his support grow as more of you talk crap.
Thank you,it has completely backfired for you and the kiddies.
All you do is flailing wildly at the air after an a$$ kicking.The whole lot of you.
You may as well get on a horse and joust a windmill,if any of you understands the reference.

Do we really need to have a law for EVERYTHING?

Maybe it’s just silly of me, but if the congressman really wants to help how about something that ensures ONLY those eligible to vote are able to do so.

Thanks for nothing Mark. My quality of life in CA sucks at the moment. I would like to blame Russians for this but I think blame lies much closer to home.

…to quote Hermione Granger “what an idiot”

Vote this Russian Out !

You’re being too harsh on DeSaulnier. He may be a Communist, but he isn’t a Russian.

That’s rich. Our corrupt Democrat Congressional leaders are staging a soft coup. Mark mentions Robert Mueller. That would be the senile figurehead “Mueller” that was supposed to give credence the Dem’s dishonest two year Russia investigation.

But here’s another thought. Who would decide who should be investigated if a “targeted disinformation campaign” was suspected? Would Americans be investigated?

Given the Democrat’s newest attempt to railroad the President, based upon an anonymous CIA whistleblower’s allegations, this proposed law might be aimed at intimidating ordinary voters.

Also the Democrats are very nervous that their shenanigans in the Ukraine. might soon be exposed.. Hillary, Obama and the rest are under a lot of scrutiny these days.

yeah why do you think the Donald is goading them to do it
every fly dropping is part of the problem
trump needs not bribe money like politicians
oscama and Hillary are great bed fellows in Russia and Ukraine and china and Europe
just wish they cared about the USof A as much
dem voters have been brain washed into thinking or rather following a bunch of yes men and coddlers ….seems to work ….as we pay the highest taxes and have the worst roads and infrastructure and social harmony.

the democrats have divided and conquered demifornia … not that hard with bezerkly and SF bending over in a slight breeze

by the way what was the bum count in those 2 areas …anyone
has the population flipped in favor of the bums yet ….it will soon …yet they don’t vote ….lol what happens then ….??

illegals and bums and racism these are the democrat tools
lol how they built this house of cards is beyond me ..anyone care to speculate or tell the truth ….

also why is it ok the slander our potus like a third world community country
with beheadings and burning and defamation because some lady lost an election by overlooking race and visiting the white people of demifornia 4 times during her bid for money …oh answered my own question ….well there you have it ….
election was lost due to Hillary not seeing money support in race or poverty areas so she passed them by ….without concern because she believed her seat was won ….I wonder why …..maybe that should be investigated to death …..with millions of dollars

So when they lose again in Nov,it wasn’t fair,its someone elses fault and lets investigate?The only makes them weaker and weaker,every four years because everything the democrats do is an awesome failure.Ya democrats!!!

Remember back in elementary school when immature bullies were not winning in recess games, they’d want to change the rules ? ?

Unfortunately there is no adult figure to curb the out of control senior citizen from SF. Yet one of her sycophants just today reminded us what congress is supposed to be doing.

Wondering when last time any in congress read our founding documents, with comprehension and reflection.

I remember when liberalism began early,when I lived in Canada in the 70’s.
In second grade a few of us got awards for excelling,mine was”outstanding work habits” I would finish my paper way before everyone else.
The next year,EVERYONE in the classroom got an award,including the troublemakers,it was”service in the classroom” in other words,a participation/nobody’s a loser” award.Meaningless,but pacified the”what about my low functioning,soon to be liberal child?” parents.

“…bad actors…” Don’t you just love the liberals subversion of the language. Like they’re some terrible thespians in a stage play that only need acting lessons. How cornball!

How about a law preventing Election Interference by The Press?

Another post where the liberals have no defense and have scurried away from the roach searching flashlight.Unable to take a taste of their own medicine,they can dish it out not take it.We had to endure 8 embarrassing anxiety filled years and stay silent while he attempted and failed to helped everyone but the Americans,and the libbies haven’t stopped crying since day 1.
So tolerant they AREN’T.



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