Home » DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall Meeting In Concord – Topics Include Impeachment, News From Washington

DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall Meeting In Concord – Topics Include Impeachment, News From Washington


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) announced he will host a town hall meeting at Concord High School on Thursday, Nov.7 at 6:30 p.m.

During the town hall, he will provide an update on the impeachment inquiry into President Trump and other news of the day from Washington.

Concord Town Hall
Thursday, Nov.7 – 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Concord High School – Multi-Purpose Room
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

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I hope everyone who cares about this attends tonight.

In particular, the posters here who complain and call names to everyone who doesn’t agree with them

But we all know you won’t, it’s easier to call names on the internet than actually stand up for what you believe in

I believe he spews BS just to remain in office, just like 99% of all politicians.

Lessee if I have this right……..left-wing-nuts post a party-line comment copied from some fringe fake news source?
Conservatives post a counter comment and call you out on your fake talking points, but you call them complainers?
Then you attack them and claim conservatives don’t stand up for what they believe?
The one positive thing about posting conservative comments here is, you can’t find them and harass them, blame them for your failures, and try to destroy their business like you did to chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby. You can’t harass their children at their schools, or picket outside their homes. The list of those fun attacks by liberal nuts is long.
Now you dare conservatives to attend your little fringe leftist conservative-blaming-party? Yep…….sounds about right!
Enjoy you evening out with your mob.

I attended the one he did in Richmond. He said the only reason Trump won was because of Russia. I still fell the same about him, he is a POS. Vote Him Out !

tsa: Desaulgnier intends to be a lifer. All he has to do it mouth the platitudes for the next 50 years. As for his knowledge about the supposed impeachment, party line garbage. Follow Judicial Watch if you want some balance to the alphabet stew. CNN, MCNBC etc.


The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Mark Levin is informative too. The great thing about radio is, the persons of substance (knowledgeable) that call in. Truly enlightening.

So let’s see, a “town hall” meeting put on by a leftist piece of garbage with the sole intent of mollifying his core constituency of unhinged leftist kooks…and you think ANYTHING a conservative has to say will do anything OTHER than make said conservative a target for these leftist nutjobs? Or are you pretending to not know it’s LEFTISTS who are the overwhelming majority purveyors of shouting people down, harassing them in restaurants, and cracking their skulls with bike locks?

An evening in the insane leftist echo chamber…yyyeeeahhh, think I’ll pass, but you have fun, make sure to wear your pink p**** hat and say hi to all the overweight, unhinged, hair-dyed women there…RESIST!!!

@ Yogurt

So, let me get this right. If we don’t give up one of our evenings to come out and hear him spew his party-line garbage, we’re not standing up for what we believe in? So, you truly believe he’s having the “town hall meeting” to hear what his constituents have to say? Amazing. Like he will change his stance if we present sound points! HA! No. I have a life and value my time. If I believed for one second that going would be beneficial, I would be there. Needless to say, I won’t be there!

Carpe, you are right…In the Richmond Town Clown meeting Me and my friend were the 1% of the meeting. We were getting threatening looks by people with dyed short hair and Resist Tee’s. It was not a welcoming place for conservatives.

When you go to his fake Town Hall Meetings, your questions are screened by his staff and only softball questions are answered. They pick and choose which question they want to answer. All he does is spread his fake Dem talking points.

Just as I suspected. No one hear actually stands up for their beliefs.

Calling people names on the internet is your only tool.

Or maybe you feel like the 45 republicans that stormed the inquiry yesterday, including 13 of them that can sit in the room and have access to the testimony already.

Your internet outrage accomplishes very little. If you actually believed what you said and really cared you would do something.

But you don’t, it’s ok I know it’s hard to stand up for what you believe in. Someday, I hope that you do it

Whatever Yogurt. Go ahead and live in your dream world. However, all you have to do is read the reasons why people are not attending these meetings to understand. They are nothing more than a pep rally for the believers. Sounds a lot like multi-level marketing!

Impeachment news? Does that mean he will talk about the kangaroo court the dinocrats are now holding. Everyday with them is a new failure they proclaim as the second coming.

LOL – you mean like Republicans held when Clinton lied about getting a bj?

Oh you mean the BJ he got in our oval office while his wife was up in the living quarters. Or were you talking about the three rape victims one of whom he had to pay a lot of money to. You know the three that Hillary the feminist slandered all over the place. When she said it was all a right wing plot. Don’t forget the Blue dress.

Yes, the hummer Clinton received in the oval office from a SUBORDINATE and then lied under oath to a grand jury.

@ Rob

The difference here is that Clinton lied to the public on national TV. That was proven. However, the Democrats have yet to be able to prove anything. They’ve spent this entire presidency going after the President because they’re angry the people choose him over that crooked psychopath Hillary. All these years of wasted time. Time they could have spent doing something productive for the country! They’ve done more to destroy their name in the last 4 years than ever before in history!

I for one have ALWAYS been independent. However, I can no longer find it in my conscience to vote for any Democrat!

Let’s just be clear that Republicans/Conservatives believe it is ok for a Politician / Sitting President to use the power of the United States (in this case for defense dollars that Congress appropriated) in order to dig up dirt on a political opponent in a Quid Pro Quo.

When a Democrat Nominee is chosen and if the polls go as they are looking like now and the critical states in the Upper Midwest are breaking for the Democrat.

Perhaps that Democrat should go to China and say, “Hey, those trade issues are messed up. If you could find some first on Trump and his Kids, particularly all of those patents and deals that have been given to them right after Trump was elected, well, we could certainly have a very good conversation about undoing the crap that Trump has done to you and the American farmers”…

LOL – I suspect Republicans would suddenly not find the concept of a political Quid Pro Quo to be so nice 🙂

Rob the only Quid Pro Quo we know about was Biden’s protecting his crooked son. It is on tape. I’m surprised you haven’t heard it.
Trump would love to run against Biden but he was trying to get information of the corruption between the Obama administration and the Ukrainians. That happened to include Biden.

Stay confused no one can help you.

Poor Rob, he just keeps wishing all of this bad news for Dems in 2020 would go away. It’s not going away Rob.
Wait until you see the IG report that is about to hit the streets.
This is the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.
Get your hanky ready Rob. You’ll need it.

Rob I’ve been looking for weeks. Please tell us in Trump’s own words, context included, what was the Quid Pro Quo? You know – something like “we’re leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor isn’t fired, you’re not getting the money”. Something along those lines.

@ Noj,
Well, you’re both right and wrong. IG, Barr, Durham reports will lay bare and PROVE WITH DOCUMENTED FACTS what anyone with half a brain and shred of intellectual honesty has known since circa May 2017, that ALL of this—FISA abuse, unmasking, sham/rigged email “investigation”, hoax dossier, Clinton PAYING a FOREIGN AGENT to use RUSSIAN propaganda to INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION—has been the “insurance policy”, a coordinated soft coup perpetrated by the Obama administration, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, and other “deep state” career govt drones.

So on that you are CORRECT. Unfortunately, though, you are wrong in thinking ANYONE, besides perhaps a low-level sacrificial lamb, is going to face actual serious consequences, i.e. prison. If someone is affiliated in any way with Trump, they get heavily armed federal SWAT teams kicking in their front doors in predawn raids, charged, and face many YEARS in prison for “process crimes”. But deep state careerists and Democrats? Ha, at most a sternly-worded letter of reprimand.

Did you actually read the transcript?

Thank-you for posting this. That’s evening of 11/07 @ Concord High.

Thank You slagheap!

I was going to mention it too. Some think it’s tonight.

Concord Town Hall
Thursday, Nov.7 – 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Concord High School – Multi-Purpose Room
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Might be worth going just to see how many people get up and walk out on him.

Might be worth going just to get up and walk out on him.

I guess this will be another Spare the Air day.

Jay Darn you are funny.

Ya think they’ll let me in with my Trump 2020 hat ?

I can[‘t recommend it but, if you do wear a helmet or bring a garbage can lid for a shield.

No, and decent chance at least one unhinged bed-wetter will be brought to tears/hysterics and will try to have you arrested for “threatening” them with your hat.

My daughter and I bought I’m with Hilary t shirts. I painted a big red X over Hilary and wrote stupid under the X. On the back in bright red letters I wrote Trump. I was thinking of wearing my t shirt. You wear your hat and we can stand together while they beat the crap out of us.

FPN Lol. You contributed money to the Clinton campaign and painted over a shirt with your candidate’s name, thus proving the disparaging comments about his base’s level of intelligence. Good work. You make it easier for all of us.

I’m certain FPN bought Trump branded paint, so it’s a wash. As far as intellect? It’s hard to tell – Clinton supporters’ intellect can’t quite shine through their emotional outbursts about pronouns.

Do It ~ Do It ~ Do It!

DeSaulnier is a sack of crap…

There are few things I would want to discuss. Desaulnier, add these topics.
1. Reasons for hikes in Gas Prices
2. After you lie about point 1, explain to me why we pay the highest taxes on gas per gallon.
3. Why am I paying for the nonexistant bullet train on my DMV registration
4. What is the status for cleaning up homelessness problem
5. Any chance you can crack down on the petty theft, B/E, etc in the area?
6. Why did Newsom “repurpose” gas taxes?
7. After you lie about point 6, give me the real answer

I might be impressed enough to attend if he would arrange to rent the clubhouse at USI on Evora Road for one of these.

so nothing on crime or bums or how by flooding the state with illegals and the state housing them in low income housing and creating no space for actual low income citizens all 15 million illegals are housed in low income rentals …what was the count of homeless again in the state ….de slacker do you know ?

and about that bond for the high speed rail scam ….
that is still ticking away …..any news on where that money is and or going …how about a refund after the bond matures ….??

oh or hey de slacker …the roads are not being fixed ….still after toll hikes and tax hikes and measure Q tax kept on books and gas tax ….
I mean there should be crews all over the place ….paving

now I have seen some slurry seal going on in one spot ….but come on …if that’s the extent of it …then we have a real problem …I mean on treat blvd at the new mels diner …there is road chunks from a hole …all over the road waiting for a vehicle to run over and throw in the air and smash a window or dent a fender or flatten tires ….or forbid hit a pedestrian ….

I mean treat is a main road to the freeway you would think it would be one of the first to be addressed ….as the yv skim job is a joke fix for maybe 2 years ….main roads should be good for at least 7 years and maintained every 2 years to push that maximum further

back when politicians in this state were held accountable like 50 years ago …roads were paved regularly and never crumbling or ridden with pot holes

which seems to be the norm now ….that sanctuary has been declared and all our money goes to illegals to push up the population and give politicians fed money to abuse and hide

so de slacker how about state issues and not pipe dreams or tantrums
can not wait till Pelosi and kamala finally use you as the scape goat ….
the fool always gets the rub ….in the end

He needs to get out of politics and reopen his bar in Concord where more of his type like to meet! NO MORE!

I seen him at his bar one time back fill his liquor bottles with cheap boze from plastic jugs. Now I know why I always got headaches there. He is a crook.

Will be worthless. I may go just to walk out on him. Hatred of a sitting president is not a platform to run off of for an upcoming election. Look at Trump’s accomplishments to date…definitely a lot more substantial and meaningful than the two terms of the previous officeholder combined.
Please…vote Desaulnier OUT!!

Which potential impeachment are they referring to?

Today, Matt Gaetz and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise led more than two dozen Republican members of Congress into the classified hearing room where Adam Schiff was about to preside over testimony from Laura Cooper, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense who works on Ukraine issues. Adam Schiff promptly curtailed today’s sham impeachment inquest.

You can follow this developing story on Fox News.

Speaking of shams: Mark must be getting word from Nancy Pelosi to push impeachment. She is a bitter old lady.

I will show up if the subject is the Gavin Newsom RECALL election, otherwise no need to waste my time…..

Gavin Newsom looks like a used car salesman, with that greasy hair thing.

His vote to not censure the pathological liar Adam ” a Big Piece of ,,,,” Schiff should be sufficient for him Mark to be run out of the house. If he is that corrupt and stupid himself he has no business being in the House. Mark, time to go.

Mark is genetically incapable of answering tough questions. That’s why his handlers are there.

I went to one of his “town halls” when I was back in town…. you’re absolutely right… he takes only the softball questions and ignores everything else.

That’s a FACT!

You’re right. And while I do like to poke fun at DeSaulnier, I m honestly starting to wonder if the reason that his handlers constantly interfere is because DeSaulnier is somehow “losing it”. Health-wise. Mentally-wise. How ever you want to look at it. I think he is on the down slope, and while I am sympathetic, I also think he should get the gd out of public office and just sit in his back yard for the rest of his life. Let someone who is a bit more awake/lively/healthy/aware of their surroundings take over.

The time has come for Mark to feed the pigeons at the park.

I want to go to see who is ruining my city and state.

So what happened at deslacker’s town hall?

Anybody go?



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