Home » Concord Costco Rationing Water – Lines At Gas Station Stretch To Detroit Ave.

Concord Costco Rationing Water – Lines At Gas Station Stretch To Detroit Ave.


We’re getting reports of extremely long lines at the Concord Costco gas station. Some are saying lines stretch out to Detroit Ave.

Also, several people are telling that Concord Costco is only allowing people to purchase no more than four cases of water each due to the sudden demand.

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It’s a simple power outage, not a major natural disaster

Not such a simple power outage.

It could have been completely avoided if PG&E executives and State Representatives had done their due diligence.

Ultimately the blame lies with the voters who have not taken their representative to the task.

I think the news media has hyped this up a little too much. Of course, be prepared, but don’t go crazy.

Paranoia run amok, the California way of processing situations…

I don’t know about anyone else, but my faucet still works when the power is out!

Right??? lol

water doesn’t just flow downhill to your faucet. EBMUD even warned people that eventually, water won’t pump out…

Yeah, but you could fill several containers in case. I did and if I don’t need them then I’ll still run them through my water filter for use.

God help us if we have to spend two days drinking tap water 😱

People act as if Costco is the only gas station in town. I drove by a dozen gas stations today and none of them had a line.
All to save a buck or two, what a bunch of cheapskates.

More like $4-5

Right? The lines at Safeway and Costco are always insane. I don’t know what these people’s time is worth, but I know I’m not gonna wait 30 minutes to save $5… And I firmly believe that cheap gas will cost you more in the long run, when your ports and valves get choked up with soot.

Bob Foo I fill my truck at Safeway. Never wait more the ten minutes and save about a dollar a gallon because I shop at Safeway. The truck takes about twenty three gallons most of the time. Thats $23.

Oh, Costco does not refine their own fuel, they buy it from one of our three local refineries………….The Big Names………same gas.

The Antioch Costco was starting to get longer lines at their gas station about 11:30. I didn’t go inside but I know yesterday there were a lot of people there buying lots of water.

People like this crack me up! Everyone is acting like it’s the end of the world and the news media is just out for the ratings and drama. Everyone take a deep breath and relax.

The sky is falling…the sky is falling. Wondering why everyone feels the need to fill up their tanks. It’s not like the power will be out everywhere.

We took the opportunity to fill up our cars yesterday anyway, before the price hike today. It’s not like the gas will go to waste.

I just laugh at all the people over reacting like were stranded after an EQ for days with no help coming. Not like we can’t go drive and get gas or water a few blocks or miles down the road. Nobody is trapped. There is enough in people’s home to get by for days. Not even an emergency because you have choices available to you. When choices are removed and stuck, that is an emergency. All the convenience stores I’ve seen today have plenty of water? Pay a little more but better than sitting in a line of people.

Saying possibly 8pm more outages. Hope not. When Survivor comes on LOL! 😉

I don’t want to miss Survivor either!!! If if there is no power, it won’t record on my DVR. bummer

If you have Astound you can watch tonight’s Survivor with “Free On Demand” in a day or so. I would expect Comcast would have a similar service.

If you have Comcast for TV you can bring up the show the day later On Demand

What was that guy thinking. I’m thinking he wanted to go home.

What about the beer?

At last!

A question based on reason and logic.

I believe at least a month’s supply is in order for an issue such as this.

My Hubby is already stocked up,…LOL!

Come on Roz…Your hubby and I are always stocked up:) What brand does he prefer?

Now THIS is a real issue!

If you live in the Bay Area and are not prepared to hunker off grid for a few days, regardless of the cause, this is the result. We’ve got two 55-gal drums of water storage, emergency lighting, battery backup for computer, stocked pantry, etc. While we don’t necessarily agree with the PG&E forced shutdowns, we have been around long enough to know that we may have to depend on ourselves for awhile.

This is a good reminder for everyone to get prepped.

How does the battery backup for your computer help during a blackout? Can you get online?

In some area that have pumps the water doesn’t work when pg&e is out

What I don’t understand is why some people are so concerned about what other people are doing.

Exactly what you are doing but they aren’t making an a$$ of themselves.

California, please get your act together, you’re embarrassing yourself on every level.

Commonsensenor – embarrassing ourselves is kind of what we do on Claycord every day.

I am so bored with the sky is falling people. Wake up the world is not ending. Not yet anyway I will tell when it does. Trust me.

Where’s DeSaulnier? Doesn’t he have a statement or two to make about what’s happening to his constituents? Isn’t he going to blame Trump for this? Hold a Town Hall about it, or something?

Hahahahahahaha!!! Best comment yet!

DeSaulnier can’t issue a statement until Nancy tells him what his opinion is.

Agreed, best post today!

You can have your cell phones charged and your computer charged but will the cell phone towers have power or will we have the internet?

What do you expect
The mentality of the rvoters is at play here
More worried about plastic straws
And not realizing that the reason why you get to protest straws and manholes
Is because we are comfy cozy and have a chik fila down the street.
Because we are not communist socialist but your changing that obviously since a Preventative power outage sends Panic in the streets and gas lines

Watching PGE SLAP FOOLS is too funny
Just like when grey Davis said the power companies have to be competitive
They all of a sudden had rolling blackouts
Until he caved

Oh and China runs the NBA hows that for communism in the country

Always wondered how Rome was destroyed
Now we know


“Just like when grey Davis said the power companies have to be competitive
They all of a sudden had rolling blackouts
Until he caved”

Ever hear of “Enron”? They hung Gray Davis out to dry, along with many other people.

Sir, this is an Arby’s

Fourth DINK nailed it

It amazes me how so many people are always on the virtual edge of running out of gas, or food, or on the verge of collapse from dehydration.

From the Contra Costa Water District: (they are asking people to minimize outdoor watering):
Posted on: October 8, 2019
Possible Public Safety Power Shutoff this week
PG&E has announced a possible Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event to begin as soon as Wednesday morning that will impact the Bay Area, including parts of our service area. Over the past few months, Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) has been preparing for this possibility and taking steps to ensure water service to customers is maintained during a PSPS event. CCWD is adjusting operations to top off reservoirs serving customers and deploying generators to critical pump stations that may lose power. For customers, we do not anticipate impacts to water service, but we do encourage you to minimize outdoor water use during the event and double check your irrigation system when PG&E service is restored.

I panicked after I first saw this article. I’ve drunk half of the earthquake water and now my eyeballs are floating. Help!

I know the feeling. Things like this activate my need for cookies. I got so excited last night I accidentally ate a piece of a broken lacquered plaster of Paris bead that must have fallen off of a nearby macramé into the Vanilla Wafers box. Didn’t even realize it ’till I swallowed.


If this is happening with power outages, I would hate to see what would happen if a earthquake hit.

This reason this is happening is because we’ve been forewarned and the media has hyped it up. There is no 2 day warning prior to an earthquake. They just happen and then you deal with the damages after. This situation is much more similar to a hurricane than an earthquake. (I used to live in the south and have gone through several hurricanes)

That’s why I much prefer earthquakes. No days/weeks spent waiting and worrying.

Nothing like fear to get people off their butts.

This is a good reminder to be prepared to be self-sufficient, if need be. The government won’t be coming to save us!

Please remember to check in on any friends, family or neighbors who may not be as prepared as you are.

Thinking of drinking water only: Part of our hurricane preparation Back East (where I grew up) is to scour all the bathtubs with Ajax, rinse very well, and then fill the tubs with clean water keep ladles nearby to help with drinking. Also scrub mildew lines off the inside of the water-holding tanks above toilets, flush toilet several times, and from then on … the water inside the enclosed tank is perfectly fine to drink.
Get some ice chests ready with cold packs and ice on standby. Once power is out, open fridge and freezer as seldom as possible.
This is a great disaster drill, folks…. to help prevent a REAL disaster!

Clothes Washers hold ALOT of water too.

Just heard on the news not to do any “unnecessary BBQing”. I stopped at medium rare.

Bless your heart.

There is no such thing as “unnecessary BBQing”!

People seem to forget that darn near every house has a 50-75 gallon water reservoir filled with ready to use treated water. It’s called their water heater, there is a hose bib at the bottom of each water heater all you have to do is open it up.
I filled five 5 gallon buckets and a 5 gallon water jug, the water in the buckets are for flushing toilets or washing dishes and the jug is for drinking.
People are insane….LOL.

Funny thing I noticed about all these comments…. I haven’t noticed any comments from Prius or EV car owners anywhere. On second thought, I wonder if Prius dealerships are closed due to no electricity?

I have never lived anywhere like this in my life. People are so afraid of every little thing. So you lose power, drive to a restaurant to eat, go to a hotel.sit in the dark and enjoy the solitude. God I’d hate to see them get a real problem.

I hear ya… sometimes I wonder if it isn’t just people have become so “I need to point a finger and whine about something “, rather than just pushing through…

I’ve only belonged to Costco a month. The gas lines have been to Detroit most times I’ve been there.

Costco gas stations open early and close late. If you go at the right times there is seldom a line.

Costco is much easier to do if you can possibly go during the off-peak hours (mornings) and avoid weekends and the run up to major holidays, ConcordRez.

We had to go to the Costco Pharmacy today. Everything looked perfectly normal. No lines at the pumps and a lady exited the store alongside us with four cases of water. Go figure.



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