Gas prices in California continue to disappoint, again.
Two weeks after attacks on major Saudi Arabian oil facilities, the majority of Americans are starting to see signs of gas prices trending cheaper. While the national average may have only decreased by a penny on the week, 10 states saw pump prices decline by a nickel or more. California, however, has seen an increase of $.28 since September 27.
“Crude oil prices have dropped close to where they were right before the drone attacks on the Saudi oil facilities,” said Jeanette Casselano, AAA spokesperson. “This is helping to push gas prices cheaper in most of the country. Americans can expect this trend to continue, except for those filling-up on the West Coast, where refinery disruptions are causing spikes at the pump.”
The average price for a gallon of gas in California is currently $4.12. AAA says they expect that price to increase over the next week.
image credit: AAA
The gas taxes just kicked in. Thanks Cali!
Now you’re just lying. If this was capitalism, the market would set the price. This is government interfering with supply and pricing. There’s another name for that.
uuuhh lol no it is not
it is socialism ….high gas …high taxes …highway robbery
capitalism went out of fashion in this state when sanctuary reared its anti American head …and placed its citizens in the streets in favor of housing illegals in all the affordable housing wahhlaa the politicians created a housing shortage and installed rent control throughout the state there by giving more power to the state over the populous ….next phase will be creating food shortages and lines forming for basics
laugh now because it will happen ….no one ever thought before that demifornia would oust citizens from housing to give it away to illegals or take millions from school budgets to fund illegals housing and free medical or that theft would be legal …yet here we are
….wow sounds like demifornia is trying to entice illegals with all the comforts of home ….bad roads …legal theft …lowering of police presence,socialist housing and healthcare ..empty storefronts rundown buildings dollar and thrift stores everywhere ….hmmm wonder what politicians are responsible for these wonders of system sucking from the tax payers
more taxes next year and every year to follow …all to support illegal while citizens are homeless and hungry ….ahhhh feels good right …ooops sorry LEFT
No, this is about Californians voting gasoline taxes upon their neighbors.
Please define “work harder”. How about working smarter instead?
Mountain Jay. Wow. Work harder just so we can get ripped off by our own government. You really need to get out of your basement and get some fresh air. Some of the crap you come up with just amazes me.
I was in Nevada the last few days and paid 3.14 a gallon in Mindon
28 cents? where’s that number coming from? The Arco on Clayton Rd has bumped prices from $3.17 to $3.74… I’m no math wiz but thats about double the 28 cents….This is not capitalism…this is price gouging…oil reserves were almost 30% higher than expected and we are supposedly energy independent… this is nothing more than corporate greed… Capitalism is supply snd demand…this is the oil companies using something that happened in another country to artificially inflate prices. since demand has tapered off and supply is up…prices should actually be coming down… to put is bluntly… we are getting shafted
Bend forward. Keep voting Democrat.
BOKED – bend over, keep electing Democrats
Sounds like living at Mom’s is really making you an armchair warrior.Don’t tell’re a care giver.
I just heard that %30 of all millennials are now caregivers.This is someone that gets to sit around at home and do what they always did and get paid for it now.
Idiot, getting ripped off at the pump isn’t a hand out
Mountainside Jay, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. How is getting ripped off at the a hand out.😏
Unlike you liberals (who are unable to comprehend basic economics), we also expect the politicians to be responsible with the taxes they enact – and not just roll over for every tax and fee proposal that comes down the pike. Yet YOU have FAILED to hold them accountable for their financial ineptitude. You OBVIOUSLY prefer paying more and are incapable of any financial responsibility.
“scuse me – I didn’t mean to use words that were obviously waaaay over your head.
Since you obviously support paying more, why don’t you just kick another $10k or so to the state – being as you’re so generous with OPM (other people’s money)?
Recall Gavin Newsom
Stop complaining, folks. The reason that California has this problem is because of the people that vote for the polititions that push environmental regulation and high taxes. It is all about taxes and environment concerns. If you vote democrat in California, you vote for the highest gas prices in the nation.
Jon is correct. Do we really need the overlords in Sacramento? Some may argue we’d die without them, but I think a successful gubernatorial recall would be a good first baby step toward renewed prosperity!
Make California Great Again!
Jon you sound like quite the politician yourself. I suppose you haven’t been paying attention much.
The recall petition is at !
This seems to be another Jon using the same spelling,but it’s not me,the anti liberal Jon,that enjoys the delusional.posting of the left but can’t actually take them seriously if Randy is your Rep.
I wonder why they let 2 screens names that are identical post?I guess they don’t micro manage .”The stop complaining” post wasn’t me
Jay – this is NOT “capitalism” – this is TAXATION! AS brought to you by the good old democrat supermajority in Sacramento.
California currently imposes the second-highest gas taxes in the country. A state excise tax added $.417 per gallon, a rate that increased to $.473 in July. On top of that, the state imposes a 2.25 percent gasoline sales tax.
With all of the taxes (including the “mystery surcharge tax), that comes up to ~$1.26 in taxes ALONE!
And you call that “capitalism”??????????
Back to school for you, sonny. You have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know nothing about capitalism or taxes.
The chart says our prices are higher here because of “refinery disruptions”.
Have any of you heard about any “disruptions”?
$1.30 a gallon cheaper in the Midwest…
I don’t mind paying a little more for clean air. However, this seems to be because the refineries, or at least some of them had some problem. A week or so ago I was paying $3.17 at Arco on Willow Pass, tonight I paid $3.83 at the same location, this morning when I left for work it was $3.79 and on Sunday I paid $3.59 at World on Monument Blvd. I live in Concord and work in Palo Alto, I drive a Toyota Camry, not bad on gas, not the best, but decent, this is seriously hurting my finances. I work retail and have social security, I do okay, but a jump like that in such a short time is definitely a financial set back..
CA had the chance to stop the outrageous ADDITIONAL 12% gas tax by voting YES on Proposition 6! This also increased YOUR registration fees. Need to learn how to vote, the trick you all the time with no meaning yes and vice versa. Prop 6 was listed as a transportation issue, but was really to gouge uou at the pump & vehicle registration. Increase is so high primarily to fund the light rail train that Governor Brown was wanting. He also bribed your felliow representatives by adding certain road projects in those areas. Really? CA get a clue.
It’s shearing time & we are the sheep.
I shop at Safeway for just two people. Using the points I get from that I just filled my truck for $3.35 a gallon at the Safeway station Sun Valley.
However I just saw a current picture on the news were something happened at a gas station some place back east and the gas was two dollars and change. I think Californians are being taken advantage of.
You think???It costs more here than in Hawaii..Hello?
Sonny, the only “handouts being given are to the politicians via increased taxes, and YOU have FAILED to hold them accountable for their failure to exercise fiscal restraint.
Using your logic- increase the price to $10/gallon, and you’ll come back with “that’s capitalism, work harder…” The you state that “citizens work…” Guess you’re now stating that illegal immigrants DON’T work. Which is it, moron? And frankly, I doubt that you “work” – otherwise you’d know the difference between the two…
Go take a basic economics class. Until you learn the difference between capitalism and taxation, you have no business talking about them…
You state that “snowflakes whine” – looking at your previous posts, you’ve fully demonstrated you are a snowflake…and a hypocritical one at that!
Gas at Arco this morning 3.85. 68 cent jump in the last month. But cheer up, things could get worse
$100 billion tax initiative—–passed
prop 13…….done away with
floodgates open for illegals
Trump elected for another term
yup, it got worse
I believe the previous administrations already factored in those factors. The Blame game sure solves everything huh
So from the picture it is not only California – in fact, are western states over $4 a gallon.
And honestly with electric cars – who in the world is still driving a car with an internal combustion engine giving its complexity, constant upkeep and maintenance and so many points of failure…
At this point, if you are still driving a gas-powered car you’re just doing it all to yourself.
Have you ever given a thought about where all the electricity is going to come from if everyone drives an electric car? We would need to double the power plants we have now. Maybe triple.
Ricardoh – just build more solar farms and hope for no clouds or bad weather. Or build more windmills and hope for more wind.
That being said, don’t try to use common sense, logic, science, or engineering where liberals are involved.
“At this point, if you are still driving a gas-powered car you’re just doing it all to yourself.”
There is the added attraction of causing handwringers like you considerable consternation.
Rob, if most of californian’s didn’t drive autos with internal combustion engines, this state would collapse. This state is unprepared to deal with 100% electric vehicles. The cost of travel and everything else will triple if and when that happens. And one massive EM explosion will shut down the entire state. Glad I won’t be here.
Everytime they release more electric cars gas goes up.They gas companies aren’t losing a penny.
Electric cars always have a lower book value than the same year and model gas vehicles and you come out a loser in the end with a car worth $2000 that needs $2000 battery.They are good for maybe 2 years,a gas car is on the road for decades.There are no old electric cars on the road that are daily drivers.Way more points of immediate failure and upkeep is a surprise,it just happens.You can’t rely on.or go any distance or a vacation on an electric car.There is no savings buying a new one every 4 years and selling whats left of the old one to the junkman.Everyone trying to sell a hybrid lies about the battery,swears it’s a great car,but don’t want to own it anymore.
Mountainside Jay is representative of many progressives that lack empathy for those who have long commutes to places without public transportation options. These commuters also pay income tax on their jobs, property taxes if they own a home, sales tax, car registration fees etc. Mountainside Jay also doesn’t care about what working families pay in food costs due to high taxes.
Progressives want what is best for controlling other people’s lives. Please vote for new leadership across CA and the working people may stop leaving in droves.
MJ: please wise up. You must be among the lowest information, least empathetic commenters on this board, and especially this thread. Please get a clue or get a job. Maybe both.
Not at all. Mountainside Jay needs to be respected here in this forum. She is perfectly entitled to any opinions or beliefs. La Ti DA
Opinions and beliefs are one thing…..and should NOT be confused with facts.
There are SIGNFICANT differences between capitalism and taxation. Don’t confuse the two.
Move closer to your job or find a job closer to your home. It’s insane to commute for hours. If effects quality of life, family, and costs to much.
I still use the horse and Buggy myself. Shasta Rasta..
I was a pretty strong proponent of traveling via Pogo stick until I had to use that pedestrian tunnel that goes under Clayton Rd. (in Clayton) and I wound up with a concussion.
Pedestrian tunnel under Clayton rd?Where?
So, that explains it! 😀
4of the 15 refineries are down for maintenance
ahh yes the continental divide
Was in Martinez Monday, $4.49
Think of high prices as your reward for blindly voting for whatever side spends the most on advertising.
Prop 6 opposition spent $45,903,147.36,_Voter_Approval_for_Future_Gas_and_Vehicle_Taxes_and_2017_Tax_Repeal_Initiative_(2018)
Take time to review contributors against, a list of those who would end up with taxpayer dollars.