Contra Costa County is seeking volunteers to apply for its Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board that assesses the county’s needs when it comes to prevention, treatment and recovery programs for alcohol and drugs.
The board has 11 members and three alternates, all appointed by the county Board of Supervisors. The board meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 4 p.m., according to the county.
Applicants must be 16 or older and Contra Costa County residents.
The county is currently seeking applicants from District 5 along the north shore of the county from Pinole to Antioch, as well as at-large and alternate seats.
Members usually serve three-year terms on the board, which reports its findings to the Board of Supervisors, Contra Costa Health Services and community partners, according to the county.
People can contact Isabelle Kirske at (925) 335-3313 or for an application or more information.
WAIT SO the state promotes bumage and filth and encourages cities to do the same …..then want volunteers to access their work …wow
what next a committee to seek better ways to jump the border ….
wow …..politicians do nothing but increase the plight of citizens and the dem cronies promote concern and volunteer panels to access the political agendas effect ….
hey how about preventing it altogether
sounds way to hard …so lets promote it and brow beat the public into accepting it and blaming it on landlords and trump
economy has nothing to do with drugged and boozed bums …they don’t want any help and want nothing to do with civilized society. 50 sum years of taxing us to provide programs for them have yielded what …. a huge increase and hep A …nice work ….
try demanding politicians open the books and provide where the mon ey is going for these programs and their pet programs ….
maybe put dare I say more money into schools so we don’t have dropout rates of 15-25% adding to the bum population ….
nope fund illegals instead and force more taxes down our throats with a large helping of bleeding heart and brow beating if you don’t add to the basket being handed around ….
yes we all want to rid bums and get citizens off the streets but ….acceptance is not the way and giving affordable housing to illegals and forcing citizens into the streets is not the answer kamala and newscum would have you think so ….well I guess only Pelosi and newscum as kamala is not working for the state as she promotes her bid to lol spread her infinite wisdom as potus …..after doing such a …hmm what has she done for the state accept make a few dudes ….errr nvm
stop throwing good money at bad problems ….actually do your job as a college educated politician and help the problem instead of wreaking havoc on the state to please Pelosi and installing a socialist mentality where it does not belong ….
stop abusing the landlords for what you created
stop throwing tax money at your created socialist problems
no amount of panels or committees or de salckers is going to stop it or resolve it ….unless the politicians actually work to stabilize the state instead of using it as a wells fargo ghost account for politicians careers
You would make a great volunteer. We need people like you Random Task. I will if you will?