Home » DIRTY DINING: Burger King Closed After Health Inspection Finds Live & Dead Cockroaches, Bag Of Frozen Hamburgers On Floor

DIRTY DINING: Burger King Closed After Health Inspection Finds Live & Dead Cockroaches, Bag Of Frozen Hamburgers On Floor


Burger King, located at 7 Muir Rd. in Martinez, was closed on Sept.25 after inspectors from the Contra Costa County Health Department say they found the following.

  • Large bag of frozen hamburger patties were on the floor and unattended at start of inspection.
  • Dead cockroaches:
    – On floor under display freezer and to-go condiment packets
    – Adult cockroach on door of frozen Coke machine.
    – On floor under food prep island (mayo section).
    – Inside bottom counter and door (under mayo section).
    – On floor between stand up freezer and fryers.
    – On floor between stand up freezer and three-comp sink and empty egg case on wall.
    – On floor in walk-in cooler.
  • Live cockroaches:
    – (1) Near back door drain.
    – (3) Between wall and tile next to walk-in cooler.
    – (6) Between wall and tile and on floor along back food prep sink and dry storage racks.
    – Nymph (1) on food prep sink next to “tomatoes only” sign.
    – (1) Stuck on tape on rack storing to-go containers in back.
    – (1) under bottom counter on right side of red Coke soda machine (customer service area).
    – (1) between bottom tiles behind front “free wifi” sign. Missing tile grout.
    – Nymph (4) inside office.
    – (1) on wall in back bread storage room (no lighting in room).
    – (1) on empty black crate used for bread (no lighting in room).
    – (1) on floor near water heater (no lighting in room).
    – (6) on floor between floor drain and metal sheet under island next to egg patties cooker.

The restaurant has since been reinspected and reopened.

Please click on the ‘Dirty Dining‘ link to view all the most recent restaurant closures in Contra Costa County.



Jack October 2, 2019 - 8:18 AM - 8:18 AM

Stopped eating there long time ago.. horrible customer service and the workers seem like they’re druggies.. just close it down that’s place is gross

Rob October 2, 2019 - 8:40 AM - 8:40 AM

Again – how do all of these things go unnoticed by people who work there every day for 8 hours – and yet an inspector can show up and find them so easily…

S October 2, 2019 - 8:42 AM - 8:42 AM

Glad this county works hard on these inspections…… Seeing that problem not just here though… Saw where a McDonald’s in Marin County was shut down last week because of creepy crawlers….

bronco billy October 2, 2019 - 8:47 AM - 8:47 AM

yes 2 chicken sandwiches and make my whopper with cheese and only 5 nymphs on it ,..im trying to watch my diet…

Dorothy October 2, 2019 - 10:29 AM - 10:29 AM

Don’t eat at any Burger King location, haven’t for years.

Did I Say That Out Loud October 2, 2019 - 11:43 AM - 11:43 AM

I don’t eat out anymore. Just not worth the health risks or the money. What I can’t understand is if the Health Inspector sees all this why don’t the workers? Apparently they must be slobs….or blind. My apology to those who are sight impaired.

Foonman October 2, 2019 - 11:52 AM - 11:52 AM

That sounds about right…..for that location….waiting to see about other locations…not just Burger Kings….

martinezmike October 2, 2019 - 12:44 PM - 12:44 PM

The disgusting burger. It’s not impossible.

Bernadine Temple October 2, 2019 - 1:33 PM - 1:33 PM

I use to do food safety evaluations at Burger King for Ecosure part of Ecolab.
Burger King hired us to help employees learn food safety. There were 10 areas to check and if one or more failed entire visit had to be repeated. Wonder if Burger King stopped these private company inspections? If they did it was obviously a mistake.

Bobohead October 2, 2019 - 2:42 PM - 2:42 PM

uhmm…. Its Burger King. Aren’t cockroaches part of every meal?

Hehehhehe October 2, 2019 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

Went there a few weeks ago. Fries all over the floor, workers just hanging out. It looked gross and we questioned how long until they got shut down

S October 2, 2019 - 6:04 PM - 6:04 PM

did u still eat their grub???

Joseph October 2, 2019 - 4:36 PM - 4:36 PM

Shut them down and open something better there food is terrible anyways.

jon October 2, 2019 - 5:21 PM - 5:21 PM

Nobody that works there wants to see a customer

CONCORDIAN94 October 2, 2019 - 5:22 PM - 5:22 PM

The one located on Clayton road behind staples should be closed too…

John October 2, 2019 - 6:34 PM - 6:34 PM

Bulldoze it down. Put a Pete’s coffee drive through

The Wizard October 3, 2019 - 8:25 AM - 8:25 AM

Let the Fire Dept burn down that grease pit and build a Chick-fil-A.

Cher October 3, 2019 - 1:43 PM - 1:43 PM

Don’t need a coffee shop directly across the street from Starbucks. But pleeeese close it down for good. Only people who missed this news would ever go back there. That means it is an unsuspecting public being put at risk. Make ownership and licensing change! Put in a mom and pop sandwich shop!

jon October 3, 2019 - 3:18 PM - 3:18 PM

why would people that hates America(their employees) do anything to help?If they report the mess they get fired most likely,and they will have to clean their own mess.Did they notice the container oif burger spit at the ready?why would you eat there if your not an illegal or ethnic?

FPN October 3, 2019 - 3:52 PM - 3:52 PM

Never been to Chick Fil A. Hear it’s great.

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