Gas prices in California continue to disappoint.
The national average is $2.65 a gallon. California’s average price is $3.81, although many gas stations in the Bay Area are now above $4.00 a gallon.
image credit: AAA
Gas prices in California continue to disappoint.
The national average is $2.65 a gallon. California’s average price is $3.81, although many gas stations in the Bay Area are now above $4.00 a gallon.
image credit: AAA
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For most of you, you’re welcome. For the whiners, you’re free to smoke until your lungs are as damaged as you please.
Huh? Are you OK?
Sounds you’re the only one whining…
Your just a special kind of one. There is next to no difference in the gas we use compared to the gas we ship to the adjoining states that we refine for. They just change a small percent of the additives, but that doesn’t justify a dollar more than everyone else. Once again get out of your basement the air is thin in there
Moutainside Jay likes to squawk and makes no sense.
Does this suprise anyone? Cali’s politics are the worse in the US…
And people keep voting for more. When will they learn ?
I hear that!
There is no cure for stupidity…
There are a lot of people in California, including most of your elected officials, who want you to pay a lot more for gasoline. And if you’re one of those people who have to drive to work to support your family, you are not a priority of those people.
I drive nearly 80 miles a day and spend 3 to 4 hours in traffic. I’m one of these people that the price of gas affects. I also commute in a way that public transit is not an option. I have no problem paying more tax on gas as long as it is being allocated towards maintenance of the roads and for an investment into public transit. I’m considered a middle class income in the Bay Area, so this really does hit me.
“you are not a priority of those people.”
Absolutely TRUE.
Recall the high speed train to nowhere?
“Newsom will announce new plans for a satellite to track climate change”
No one has ever bothered to answer why there is a 12 cent tax on gas that was tagged on a couple of years ago and every time the question is raised why???? it is ignored. Come on folks with common sense let’s hold the liberals feet to the fire to get a breakdown of what each tax represents. This may keep them busy from passing ridiculous laws and other such nonsense. it is time we got answers instead of being ignored.
Is “California Gas” really needed in todays cars? We could save almost a dollar a gallon a national standard.
I would say it isn’t. My story: I went to another state that does not use the CA mixture. I was there for over two months and ran several tanks of non CA stuff thru my car. I got better gas mileage in town and on the freeway at a far, far better price. I returned home with the non-CA blend in my tank, and as timing would have it… It was time for a Smog Check. The car had not been tuned up since the last smog AND… it passed with better numbers than the prior Smog Test with CA gas!
Cal gas has to meet low VOC standards which makes it less efficient. As they say less bang for your buck.
I found that California gas reduced gas mileage by a good 10% in the motorhome.
I did a bit of research on Google and learned that there are 12 distinct blends and 34 states use special blends, some just in heavily populated areas. A couple like California use it statewide. The materials used in the additives have lower thermal content than raw gasoline, therefore the mix averages less heat, thus lower gas mileage.
Lower gas mileage means more fuel burnt to achieve the same function which means more hydro carbons released even if burnt at a lower amount. Great logic. And now we have cars that shut the motor off at stop signs. Let’s see how well the catalytic converters do when heating up and then cooling down a bit once at operating temperature or stuck in our great ca traffic and not moving for minutes at a time .
Most of that is because we require our own special mix of gasoline and taxes, all of which leads us to having the highest gas prices in the country (back and forth with Hawaii), which trickles down to all the goods we consume.
On a 15 gal tank it’s $15. Drive by McDonalds next time and your even. Or give up 3 lattes. Quit whining.
Salty here…
Ironically we have the refineries here to process the oil and yet we have the higher prices for gas.
Once again our politician’s have sold us down the drain for their own political gains.
That pos Governor will probably again pass some kind of additional taxes on us to pay for another worthless initiative.
GET rid of the bum..
Salty OUT!!
Most of the gas that is used to fill up your tank on in
California comes from California. There should be no excuse why gas prices are so high in California. That
is why I left the state over a year ago.
Sandy has it right!!!!
Screwed by politician’s like Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer etc.. Gee, they all seem to be wealthy. How ironic..
Salty Here:
We have refineries in Pittsburg, Martinez, Hercules (i think). Why are OUR gas prices higher then average. They take the gas from these refineries and transport it out of the area to places where the prices are lower. It makes no sense…
Someone is in bed w someone (hopefully it’s not Gaven w his best friends wife again!!!).
Salty OUT!!!!
A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend who owns a mint condition 1939 Buick. I asked about the no lead gas and if his engine had been rebuilt, like many others, using satellite valves to burn the hotter no lead gas. Or if he used a lead additive.
He said neither? What? I was a bit shocked for sure.
He then explained that prior to the 1950’s gasoline contained no lead at all. It later was added to give engines additional power. Now I was shocked again when I thought the govt allows oil producers to make us pay extra to remove the lead pollutant from gasoline??????
Side note: A few years back I read somewhere that the govt makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies.
Salty here..
You show me an honest politician, and you will find a poor ($$) man.
All crooked..
Salty OUT!!