Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Pay Raise For Probation Officers, Social Workers

Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Pay Raise For Probation Officers, Social Workers


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors gave deputy probation officers, as well as social workers employed by the county, a pay raise this week during their meeting in Martinez.

According to county documents, probation officers in the Deputy Sheriffs Association, Probation and Probation Supervisors units who work with adults will get a 5 percent increase to their base pay, retroactive to Sept.

1, and juvenile institution officers working with children will get a 4 percent increase. The agreement also stipulates identical increases to take effect in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Staff estimates a fiscal impact of $2.4 million this fiscal year, with roughly $3.5 million in fiscal year 2020-21 and roughly $3.1 million in fiscal year 2021-22.


A parallel increase was also negotiated for public safety positions in the probation department not represented by the Deputy Sheriffs Association, Probation and Probation Supervisors units, as well as elected and appointed department heads and the county administrator.

Each of the pay raises passed unanimously 4-0, with Supervisor
John Gioia absent for the morning.

Social workers in the public defender’s office, Employment and Human Services Department and Health Services Department also got a 3.44 percent pay increase. The matter was part of the consent calendar, meaning
that it was not specifically debated by the board, but District 2 Supervisor Candace Andersen drew attention to this item out of more than 160 others.

“We value what you do and we’re very delighted to make that happen,” Andersen said.


Roughly two dozen members of Service Employees International Union Local 1021 who were in attendance for the meeting broke into applause.

During a brief exchange during public comment, Supervisor Karen Mitchoff acknowledged that social workers in Contra Costa County have been earning below the regional median, and this increase was intended to bring
Contra Costa’s pay into line with what county employees could earn elsewhere.

“This really is an adjustment to keep our workers competitive with others throughout the Bay Area,” Mitchoff said.

Union members called this a good first step, but next plan to work on their spiraling health care costs. Sandra Wall, a social worker who has been with the county for 21 years, said during that time her family’s monthly health care costs have gone from $20 to $570.

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Sandra Wall, a social worker who has been with the county for 21 years, said during that time her family’s monthly health care costs have gone from $20 to $570.

well your in a union you have to vote democrat and in this state that means you get roasted ….
you can thank oscama for getting rid of competition by hospitals and forcing you to apply during a short time to even get care …
when you could sign up any time you wanted before and shop for the best for you
now you are beholden to the hospital wishes and what they NOW OFFER
you voted for this so buckle up it only gets worse
since your union you have to vote democrat to screw yourself and everyone else
I mean you are in a union who is paying you really …not the union …youir employer …not really it is the tax payers …and you pay taxes ….
union jobs are public transit ….bus bart …see

Union members do not have to vote Democrat.

Ridiculous. There was competition before Obama with health care cost skyrocketing. Do some research. Your brain must have reset Jan 20, 2009.

Our Union tried to promote Susan Bonilla, thankfully I and another employee were both Claycord readers and spoke up and said “Nope, the public doesn’t like her over the whole BART fiasco”. Glazier ended up winning.

I’m in a union, and I’m a shop steward for my craft. I don’t vote Democrat.

The pay increase probably won’t do much to help meet the insane out-of-control cost of living increases in the the Bay Area. And will everyone else get a pay increase so they can pay the increase taxes to cover this? Ask your boss for one today.

It’s the sick outdated economic system that is the problem. Too random, too chaotic and the source of many a recession. We can do better.

Let me cry for them.Try being on a fixed income.I pay my on way plus yours.You get no Sympathy from me.

Exactly! Who (besides taxpayer-funded, government employees) gets raises like that – when they’re already making too much in the first place? And BOO HOO about their benefit costs. Join the crowd!

Take time to look at county wages before being judgmental. We are far behind other counties. We are on budgets also. Please apply for one of these positions I would love to see you last a day

I perused the article and didn’t see anywhere what the monthly or yearly salary for these employees are. I’m sure they are underpaid… or are they? Would be nice to know so we aren’t getting scammed again like the BART train operators. Pfft!

I work in railroad. And I used to work as a technician for BART. I can assure you that BART train operators are not overpaid, especially considering the selection process and the job duties they deal with.

Where I work, operators make about 30% more, and they don’t even have to deal with riders.

Oh BOO HOO.. Out with Unions! – ripping off taxpayers.

wow you do know this state is fully run by democrats
with no checks or balances
they do what they want
they manipulate the public …create chaos and then claim to fix it

bums and illegals
the dems brought them in to increase the population for more fed money and representatives ….that will not effect you at all ….accept for higher taxes
what 10% isn’t high enough ??

now after the sensus the dems will proudly say ….after we are reelected we will research and devise plans to deal with the over flow of bums and illegals …with more tax money of course …

just like they created a hysteria about high rent ….which is based off of SF
and now installed rent control for the whole state …who wins with that …hmmm…more red tape for owners …= more taxes more property tax more fees …more more more

like the lack of housing they claim ….well when your housing millions of illegals you so adamantly brought in to boost numbers ….why do you think that millions of citizens are crying they cant find a reasonable place to live
well the illegals are getting all the section 8 housing and apartments ….
so no one to blame but your arrogance at believing dems are working for you as long as you vote for them ….your problems are directly related to the actions of the people you voted for lol

who would vote for a party that would limit citizens ability for housing and social services as they are steered to illegals
they even take from our schools and claim no money for them …increase class sizes to over 35 …per teacher ….and your ok with that ….

so before crying foul realize the dems have controlled this state for almost 50 years ….and this is where we are ….

people must be happy right ….you voted for all of it …well most since about 20 years ago they just started slapping taxes and fees and changes as they see fit with out voting …..so this is your dem socialist communist utopia

just wait till you have to wait in line for necessities like groceries and gas

the comedy of your own demise is a record and history book fail

you drank the cool aide now live the dream lol

Random – you do know that the democrats in CA will continue to vote for more taxes, no matter what. They’ll continue to believe the lies tossed out by the (democrat) politicians, as they’re confident the voters aren’t able to think for themselves.

Also, they count on the voters’ VERY short attention spans and their inability to separate fact and opinion – as an example, look on this blog.

And all they can say is “CA is the worlds 5th largest economy.” But they can’t even keep $hit off their streets.

Current wages are available for viewing to the public and yes we are currently underpaid! Do the research before speaking. Also keep in mind that over a third of our income is taken away by taxes meaning we will not receive a huge salary increase. Many jobs pay far more than ours and I would love to see anyone try to stand a day in our shoes! It is very difficult work.

Probation does not get paid enough for dealing w these juvenile delinquents.



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