The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted unanimously to classify the National Rifle Association as a domestic terrorist organization following a recent rash of mass shootings across the U.S.
QUESTION: What’s your opinion on this move by the SF BoS?
Talk about it….
They can all go jump in the bay.Next time they really need a police officer to save them from a Terrorist tell them not to bring guns to the rescue.
I declare the San Francisco Zoo a prison. Where creatures are have no rights, and are held against their will. By failing to close and release these prisoners, The board of supervisors are all guilty of crimes against the planet, and innocent freedom loving beings.
Talk about inflated self importance-nobody outside the Bay Area cares what happens in that once great city. It means nothing.
The never ending gun debate. I understand both sides. Both sides have valid arguments. As far as the BoS – par for the course.
1. The State of California should revoke San Francisco’s privileges to be a city
2. The federal government needs to conduct investigations into communist elements within our country and come up with real solutions to deal with it.
Communism is a very real threat in our country and it needs to be dealt with.
Boy are you gonna be upset when find out that A) Communism is completely legal in America and B) Find out that Communist Party USA is a fully recognized political party in the US right along with Republican and Democrat.
Javier- That only proves how stupid people are. Dems try to erase history and then make all the same mistakes again and again.
I’m a gun owner, I learned to shoot at age 6 with a .22 and the NRA stopped being about hunting, sport shooting, etc… long, long ago. They are now simply a funnel for gun and ammo companies to try and gin up repeat sales to a shrinking market of buyers.
Are they a Domestic Terrorist organization?
I think that might be a little much but they are certainly not friends of the vast majority of Americans who are fed up with watching kids being slaughtered in schools and people being gunned down while shopping for milk and cereal.
All the stuff that the NRA was back then is still there today. Quit following the media’s and politicians crap and go see for yourself. They still do great things and could do more to help if they were not so attacked along with our rights to own guns. Politicians go after them along with the media why criminals are laughing because none of there crap applies to stopping them from doing there crimes.
“the NRA stopped being about hunting, sport shooting, etc”
Just for s**ts and giggles, I’ll stipulate to your claim. Chicken/egg question for you. What do you think came first – the NRA shifting their focus or pearl clutching politicians advocating for confiscation of legally owned property?
By the way, the government can’t “buy back” something that never belonged to the government, especially using my tax dollars. It’s confiscation that several Dem candidates are proposing, plain and simple.
Nice to see that the SF BOS have so few important concerns that they can waste time and money drafting this wackadoo resolution.
I’m just surprised that the Berkeley City Council didn’t do this first.
A city that gives sanctuary to many criminals and calls the NRA a domestic terrorist organization is moronic. A man in this country that has been deported five times, and was protected by San Francisco’s sanctuary policy, shot and killed Kate Steinle and is acquitted.
A city that allows criminals to walk the streets breaking into peoples property and cars, discarding needles in the streets, parks, and playgrounds, and pooping and peeing all over town, is more like a domestic terrorist organization. When a man terrorizes a woman as she tries to enter her apartment building by grabbing her and attempted to drag her outside, is arrested and then is let out of jail by some liberal judge, is the true definition of terrorism.
It boggles my mind how educated intelligent people can be so stupid.
What the Board of Sups is saying is that millions of American citizens that are law abiding NRA members and want to protect America’s freedom are terrorists.
Honestly, it just boggles my mind.
You just nailed it! Nodding head in agreement 👍
@ Dawg — BINGO!
@ Dawg: Bravo. Mic Drop.
I don’t know the legal aspects of this – but it appears to be just grandstanding. Knowing that many law enforcement officers (and members of the military) are members of the NRA, this could be interesting.
I’m just waiting for someone to go Dirty Harry on them.
@Jeff….”I’m just waiting for someone to go Dirty Harry on them.”
“RED FLAG!!!…RED FLAG!!!….take away his guns”, that’s the next step for the anti-gun idiots, mark my words.
Given that the peninsula is so seismic the only thing that should be in San Francisco is one level warehouses since it is a seaport. But they are building high rises there and some of them are tilting.
Patriot, what is your definition of “communism”. Which kind of collectivism do you speak of?
Can Ben Garrison make a comic about NRA coming into a room with other terrorists who have a bunch of kills under their belt and make fun of NRA for not killing anyone?
Too much time on their hands, not doing what they’re meant to be doing.
Again……… Idiots !
You would think they would be more concerned about the homeless blocking sidewalks with tents, crap, needles, and drug addicts sleeping in the streets. They care more about illegal aliens and allowing the druggies to shoot up with clean needles than they do about the good citizens of the city. How did the voters get so stupid?
The current Democrat/media line is that the NRA is a corporate front for “big gun” that buys off Republicans. That is ridiculous. The US pizza industry does more gross sales than the gun industry. The clout that the NRA has comes from its voting members, and the millions more nonmembers who agree with its aims and also vote.
Declaring the NRA a terrorist organization is the same as declaring all those who believe in gun rights to be terrorists. The next step would be a conservative city declaring Planned Parenthood something similar. And the great dividing of America continues, as both sides define the other as not just wrong, but evil.
I don’t know where they think declaring their fellow citizens terrorists ends, but it doesn’t end anywhere good.
The word “terrorist” has been dumbed down to be used mostly as a political pejorative these days, similar to “racist” or “liberal”. The PLO, the IRA, and the KKK are terrorist organizations. Guns kill lots of Americans, but the NRA advocating for guns does not make them a terrorist organization. Alcohol kills way more than firearms, but Anhueser Busch advocating for more alcohol consumption does not make them a terrorist organization.
I believe this is a diversion to redirect criticism for failed inept Leadership on their handling of Homeless, Crime, and Housing, this feel good rhetoric is happy talk for the Liberal Base, I’m waiting for them to send in SWAT for NRA members or use Red Flag Judges to confiscate guns
A domestic terrorist organization?,…why would it be?
Crazy people doing crazy with guns,…how is that part of the NRA?
It seem that the KKK would be more of a domestic terrorist organization.
Keep wasting time and tax dollars just like the train to nowhere. So grateful I was able to get out of this insane asylum. Not much surprises me when it comes to these liberals. The other 49 states should take heed of these idiots. Pelosi should be the poster child for term limits.
I want out so badly! The insane are running the asylum and have made California a living hell.
The left has lost ALL ability to reason. I can’t take another second of these pukes!
It’s all fun and games until you realize that someone actually voted for these idiots. And continue to vote.
Insanity is alive and well in California. We reward the criminals, give free money to illegals before our veterans or homeless, we turn the other cheek (pun intended) when someone drops their pants and unloads on the sidewalk, we give drug addicts needles and places to shoot up, and we have hypocrites wall to wall saying they are tolerant and are fighting hate, all the while being the most intolerant hate filled beings on the planet.
I’ve never seen an masked NRA member with a baseball bat beating someone that disagreed with them. That would be the white elephant in the room called Antifa, or, you could just say liberal I guess.
Thank. You. Commonsensenor.
The NRA is instrumental in efforts to provide easy access to military style weapons and other guns that are terrorizing our churches, schools, and communities. From our children to our police, no one is safe. So yes, they are part of the problem and I appreciate the SF BoS for identifying them as such.
From U.S. Code 18 § 2331:
the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States
Now please provide a specific example of an act by the NRA, or even a confirmed member of the NRA, that meets that criteria. Or just remain a dullard. Up to you.
Easy access to “military style weapons.” So, these rifles are a style, then? It’s about how they look? Because a rifle like an AR -15 operates no differently than something like a Ruger Mini 14. They have the same action, the same ballistics. Yet everyone is hyperventilating about the AR 15 because politicians decided to call it an “assault weapon” based solely on a couple of different accessories, like the pistol grip and how it looks. Oh, it LOOKS kinda like a military rifle. Yeah, but looks aren’t everything, you know.
And easy access? No easier than buying any other semi-auto rifle. Fill out the ATF form, show your ID and get your background check. In California you turn over a thumb print and wait 10 days to pick it up. Not that long ago, there were no background checks, no thumbprints, no waiting periods. You could order a shot gun or a rifle from a catalog like Montgomery Ward, no background check and get it delivered to your doorstep. Now, any legal internet sales have to get shipped to a license dealer where you have to go through all of the steps including the background check.
Violence has not increased because of “easy and unfettered access” to firearms, because it’s less easy now. Something in society has changed, and it’s not guns.
You’ve drank the Kool Aid.
Guns aren’t “terrorizing” anyone or any place. The number of gun homicides is such a small fraction of total deaths that it is almost a rounding error.
More people are killed by abuse of prescription drugs than by gun homicide.
Crickets. What a shock.
The city of San Francisco are the terrorist being a sanctuary city. An innocent 32 year old woman was killed there in 2015 by an illegal immigrant deported fives prior to this incident. The city has got some spine to call the NRA terrorist, the gun was not the problem, the city was in harboring an illegal immigrant that was also a felon.
meh. i never thought of it as a domestic terror group. a cynical and fraudulent trade organization for arms manufacturers, yes. a hideously corrupt lobby, slowly losing sway, yes. but not a terrorist organization. having said that, given the state of affairs under the current administration, domestic terror org works for me.
So, are they going to go after all the SF residents who are members of the NRA and arrest them? What if that person is an immigrant? Then they’ll have to give them sanctuary at the same time. Dorks.
The CDC Data showed MORE people died last year from VEHICLES (cars) than guns…. That’s more of a problem…. No More Cars! No More Cars! No More Cars!
I think the SF Board of supes should be worried about cleaning up syringes and human fecies off the San Francisco city streets (#1 Place to poop in the USA) . They should also look into allowing their police department to enforce the laws.
California government is a domestic terrorist group.
Eh, if the NRA has a problem with it then they can stop advocating for the murder of innocent Americans, including children. Conservative hypocrisy as usual.
You are a liar and a hypocrite! The NRA has never advocated for the murder of anyone. They have always advocated for prosecuting criminals and leaving the law-abiding citizens alone. But every major liberal city in the country treats murder as sport. They persecute law-abiding citizens, and give criminals a free pass.
Give me a break. No one believes they advocate murder. Maybe parents should parent and stop the violent electronic games that advocate murder and violence using assault rifpes. Or maybe watch what they are doing on social media. Social media is a terrorist organization.
Jay, provide one iota of evidence that the NRA advocates for “the murder of innocent Americans, including children”. You won’t because you can’t, and cowards like you are the reason gun owners refuse to even have a conversation. Pathetic.
And there it is, the dumbest thing I’ll read all day.
Wow, that’s the most stupid and inflammatory think I’ve heard in days, since the last time I read some tweets from Moms Demand Action. No, no the NRA does not advocate for the murder of anyone. They advocate for firearm safety. They have firearm safety and hunting classes. They have a legislative branch that advocates for the rights of their millions of members who are not murderers and terrorists, but gun owners who want to responsibly and safety own and use firearms. The rhetoric demonizing the NRA is really over the top.
Crickets again. Go figure.
The entire Bay Area is a hot mess with SF leading the way. Sad!
Video of areas in Oakland and San Francisco show the streets strewn with garbage of every sort, tires, couches, mattresses, ordinary household trash … for blocks and blocks. These districts actually look like a landfill exploded right on the streets of what we know of as modern and sophisticated metropolitan cities.
Mayors of the two cities continue to tell us day in and day out how diligently they are working to solve these urban problem. Now the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has the audacity to ignore this wretchedness and begin creating a “black list” of organizations they consider to be “terrorist.”
Seems like they are simply wasting time addressing extraneous issues while their cities continue to descend even further into squalor. They can’t do anything about it, or they don’t know what to do about it, so they’ll make a meaningless gesture that is beyond their scope of authority, and irrelevant to governing the city.
San Francisco and Oakland are blighted, and they’re telling the rest of us what to do?
If I designate the City of San Francisco a Domestic Terror Organization can we shut them down and seize their assets? Shut down their web sites? Harass their politicians? I’d call this a joke except that the Lunatic Left is serious and dangerous.
I guess that since the SF BOS has time to make this declaration they must have already solved their homeless problem and endemic drug abuse?
I’ll depend upon an NRA member over a bos(er) if attacked by an illegal alien zombie
It’s SF who cares?
Are the city sups going to declare themselves bio-terrorists for allowing an promoting the bio-hazards of disease, filth, and mental illness they have condoned and encouraged in SF?
Let’s face it – SF is an open sewer and the BOS don’t have the collective IQ of specimens in a petri dish as to how to fix anything. They should not be allowed within a mile of any governance group.
Remember when Gavin the Great was going to fix homelessness when he became mayor. Now he is governor and he is going to fix homelessness in the state. Not!
I’m fairly moderate-liberal myself, but this is just stupid. Seriously BOS, you don’t have more IMPORTANT things to do with your time? I don’t like what the NRA does to achieve its goals, but they are definitely NOT a terrorist organization.
I’m sick of my fellow democrats just crying about every tiny little thing that right-wing people and groups do, rather than doing something about it! Stop whining on social media and in your conference rooms, go out and DO SOMETHING.
We need to do something about the culture of violence and “us vs them” thinking in this country, and get back to helping each other and treating people right. Given how many guns currently exist in the US, we cannot realistically get rid of guns at this point. We need to have more creative solutions to the problem.
yeah so what
just because they love to be the bum capital of the country and make outlandish comments and statements and ludicrous blasphemy …does not mean they are the capital of the country and their actions have any weight
the city has become a beacon for idiocy and rampant degradation
dirty nasty filthy and trodden with reps who have one goal and that is to instill chaos ….that is how you rule people keep them in turmoil ….
well that is the communist socialist way anyways
sf used to be a place people respected …living there and visiting
now just a wasted pearl thrown into a peril of over embellished politicians guided by a democrat agenda of fleecing through chaos
I have never seen so much disregard for America as sf has been spewing out for the last 40 years ….their holier than though or rather bloated egotistical and Marxist ways believed to be progressive yet are obviously detrimental politics against citizens of the country in favor of criminals and illegals killing said citizens
now employing a tactic of slander and anarchy against a organization ….far above and helpful than a Clinton scam foundation that somehow still exists …wow
for a city like sf to slander and mock the nra and expect anything but a roll of the eyes is the reason why its losing its tourism and respect as a once great city of diversity to a hole of despair and obvious corruption of government.
that’s why my dad used to always say don pay attention. “Don.”
Would that be the same city, dogs have to watch where they step ? ? ?
NRA is not a terrorist group. I believe the goverment should give every adult 18 years of age a gun with training classes on how to store, use, and carry said gun. Along with back ground checks. No one is going to be shooting anyone if everyone has a gun. Gun free zones are just big targets for shooters. You are a sitting duck in a gun free zone. Worse ideal ever. Why would you unarm citizens knowing there are crazys out shooting people.
Your average 18 year old can barely find their own rear end with both hands. The same for our elected government officials. Your idea would result in a lot of people accidentally shooting themselves or worse yet innocent people around them.
I would be diametrically opposed to the government giving guns to every 18 year old. They should work hard and pay for their own guns.
Yes, “gun-free zones” are dangerous, its fish in a barrel.
I’m not gonna lift a finger to defend or help the NRA, but the SF BoS is essentially clown college for plura-sexuals and dope fiends. Can’t take them anymore seriously than the NRA at this point. A$$hats, one and all.
now, that wasn’t nice…. Clown College is a respected institution.
What a bunch of duckin’ fummies!
I am a combat veteran that served approx 28 years in the military, volunteer at my Church and community organizations, help out with Boy Scouts, have a clean record and am a lifelong responsible gun owner. I am also an NRA Life member. And that makes me a terrorist?? I wonder if our Congressman DeSaulnier would agree with the City of SF?? Congressman…if you are reading this, would you agree or disagree with the SF Supervisors? Am I a terrorist??
And another thing…if I happened to go to SF City Hall with an NRA Member polo shirt, what would they do to me?? Shouldn’t known domestic terrorists be arrested?? Would they arrest me simply ’cause I may wear an “I AM THE NRA” T-shirt/polo shirt?? What would they do? If they did NOT arrest me, then they’d be endorsing known domestic terrorists and letting them roam freely about the City. If they DID arrest me, what would be the charge?? Shows you how insanely stupid the SF Supervisors are.
Name calling for political purposes. Not impressed.
Wait, wait, wait,….! Antifa is actually a very dangerous organization, but they are not yet declared a “domestic terrorist organization”? Catherine Stefani, and the SF Board of Supervisors, are so full of crap! I cannot trust, nor take seriously, anyone who says they support the 2nd Amendment, while at the same time, wants to declare an organization such as the NRA, “terrorists”. The NRA has never supported, nor have they taken part in violent demonstrations of any kind. Also, name one mass-murderer that was an NRA member.
Fearless Specktator we send 18 year olds off to fight our wars with guns.
Sure. A brave and patriotic person who makes the choice to join the service is a far cry more mature than a gun chewing teenager in line for a Frappuccino at Starbucks.
If he or she is chewing guns, that’s exactly who I want on the front line.
…was that the SF BoS or PoS?
their next move is to declare the UAW a terrorist organization.
We refer to SF as “Bag lady by the bay”.
This action by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors qualifies then as a “hate group,” in my opinion.