This week, gas prices are as much as nine cents cheaper in every state except California, (+5 cents), Florida (+4 cents), Ohio (+2 cents) and South Carolina (+1 cent).
Hurricane Dorian has been the driver for the increases in Florida and, most likely, South Carolina.
“As an east coast storm, Hurricane Dorian is not threatening major oil and gas infrastructure so its impact is localized to its path along the East Coast,” said Jeanette Casselano, AAA spokesperson. “For the rest of the country, demand, which remains high, is chipping away at supply, but not at a high enough rate to increase gas prices.”
Today’s national average is $2.57, which is a penny cheaper than last week, 14-cents less than a month ago and 26-cents cheaper than a year ago.
The cheapest gas prices in the country are in Louisiana, where the average price for a gallon of gas is $2.18. The most expensive is California, at $3.62.
Like this a surprise? California has been sticking it to it’s residents for a long time…I can’t wait to put it in the rearview mirror!
don’t let the door hit you on the way out – bye!!
Yeah, but all that extra tax goes to road repai………mmwwwaaahahahahaaaaaa
Couldn’t get it out. Our roads suck.
Is everyone clear on why CA gasoline is more expensive? It’s a special recipe/blend, designated by CARB. Not many refineries can produce it. Is it worth $1.00 a gallon more?
No, it’s not worth a dollar more. It’s not worth a dime more.
Do you know many states now use seasonal blends and have to switch over. CA started it but hardly alone now. That’s how very old that is. AZ now uses different blend for winter and summer as nearest example. Tax is an issue but stations also keep prices up when prices drop to make up margins. Don’t make as much during peak times so they tend to recover when prices drop by being slower to reduce price.
The high percentage of ethanol absolutely destroys any rubber products in a car’s fuel system. Further it’s a less efficient combustible than gasoline, so less power and higher fuel consumption.
Not only CARB Gas but taxes, taxes and more taxes! And to think that the folks of Cali. voted in more taxes under Governor Brown. On top of that we have some of the worst road conditions in the USA based on a 9,000 mile road trip I just got done with. Again, me thinks something smells with the boys up in River City (Sacramento) who are spending our gas tax money on everything but our roads. We won’t even start a discussion on the cost overruns on CALTRANS projects.
CA gasoline is higher priced because of taxes. I know, that is a no brainer. Taxes go for a variety of things. Global warming, illegals. But especially for the services that go with this Mother of All Black Holes in our economy.
Supposedly some taxes go towards Highways and Streets, Bridges and such. It is never enough. It will never be enough until we have two classes of people. The wealthy, living in gated communities and the impoverished.
You have hit on the scam that California perpetuates on it’s populace.
Transportation, roads, infrastructure etc… t should be obvious to any taxpayer in the state that there are no end to the taxes that the left will
levied against the people.
Do not vote for any measure that wants to raise taxes for “infrastructure”-it goes into the rainy day fund-$21 billion and counting.
California pays more for gasoline because they elect people who want the state to pay more for gasoline. They will blame greedy oil companies, and they will blame greedy gas stations. But in the end, the price of gasoline in California is a direct result of government policies.
Why is premium gas $.40/ a gallon more than regular?
Can’t wait to leave.
Of course in those other states, you can enjoy hot humid summers and/or freezing cold winters.
So please, move to one of those states to save a bit of money – we’ll be glad to have fewer cars on the road – and you can use that vast windfall to pay the AC / Heating bills when you are running them non-stop for a long time each year 🙂
You’ll be picking up the bill when people leave. It won’t go down.
Actually, we left that decrepit state 2 years ago. Contrary to popular opinion, California does not have the best weather or beauty. We moved to the east coast and yeah it can be humid at times. But we dont have to deal with earthquakes or half the state catching fire. Where I live it is plush and green and clean air. Oh, and people are polite for a change! We had a 1500 sq ft. house and a 5000 sq ft yard. I am sitting on a house twice as big and 2 acres! So it IS greener on the other side!
Robby. It was with great pleasure to but your corrupt pos state in my review mirror. Weather only goes so far.
Rob, you pay the highest taxes
Rob, you have the worst roads in the country
Rob, you have the highest gas prices in the country
Rob, California has some of the rudest people and worst customer service in the country
Rob, you have the highest utility prices in the country
Rob, you have some of the worst schools in the country
Rob, you have the highest dmv fees in the country
Rob, shall I go on. I live where it is green, peaceful with great roads, etc etc.
Rob, did I mention your corrupt politician’s.
Almost forgot rob, last month my gas and electric bill 130.00 with running ac all the time since I can now afford to.
By all means rob, you can have your pos state.
@Rob You have your head in the sand if you think California is that great. You’re living in the past. I was born and raised there and it hurt to leave. But when you find out you can buy twice the house for half as long much, you begin to wonder. Today we paid 2.17 for gas, and no, that’s not in Louisiana. My property tax is half of what I paid in CA. I enjoy plenty of sun , mountains and beaches. Our Express ways are great. You can have your stinkin’ state and homeless issues. California is now run by a bunch of socialist liberals. Good riddens!
Sorry Rob. I live in Northern Nevada and we have wonderful weather, fantastic lakes and high desert lands an I pay far less in energy cost than I did in CA and my home here is bigger. Also I don’t run any climate systems for 4-5 months a year.
Gas is $0.50 – $0.70 less a gallon (depending on where one makes the purchase). Nice try but everything in CA especially in the bay area and LA area is overpriced and you do not get what you pay for
Because Gerry brown unilaterally added another gas tax, and you idiots VOTED to keep it when given the chance to repeal.
Anyone want to raise your hands for voting to keep this tax?
How bout anyone who voted for DeSaulnier?
How many Gavin Newsome voters here?
Blame yourself. First you voted for “Getty” Newsom, then you voted to keep a sales tax on yourself alive, and then you vote for an increase in the gas tax.
Now go ahead, ask me again why gas in this lousy state is so high?
You guys crack me up. It’s YOU!
Don’t blame me for increased taxes, Noj. I don’t vote for them or the various bonds and other fees that others vote for and I have to pay.
You can save money on gas by not driving. Or if you were a baller like me, you wouldn’t care about how much gas cost.
It is the bleeding hearts and those who do not pay taxes that cause these idiots to keep getting into office. What is wrong with the common sense we had at birth. Keep paying for the illegals and the career bum politico’s you keep voting into office who are lifers who do nothing but keep taxing us and passing foolish laws instead of enforcing the laws that have some bit to them. The more people that leave California means the more those remaining will have to pay to pick up the slack and pay for the career Welfarians we are forced to support. Wise up people.
It kinda reminds me of the votes to raise bridge tolls. SF and the “west bay” voted to increase tolls, while the primary user (those in the East Bay) voted against it.
No guessing which side was more populous and therefore voted for it.
Installed an 80 gallon auxiliary tank on my truck. Always full when returning g from frequent road trips, rarely have to buy any fuel in California anymore.
If you fill up in Louisiana you save $120. Good plan.
paid $2.02 for regular unleaded in NOLA just a few weeks ago…
Ballots should come with a WARNING,
electing democrat politicians will be injurious to your financial well being.
(Excessively) High gas prices in California are a self-inflicted wound. Vote for the Liberals who gave you MTBE, the High Speed Rail Project, etc…and what else could you possibly expect?
Now the funny thing is that Liberals actually like high gas prices until it’s time to accept responsibility. But no one ever accused them of being honest or having integrity.
Not quite correct. Every location has separate blends for regional locations, based on CLIMATE. Gasoline BLENDED for the Southern state (warmer) will result in cold start problems if used at Lake Tahoe, due to the vapor pressure being too low (measurement of volatility). Summer blends have higher distillation start points, and higher RVP to reduce HC admitted to the atmosphere (Smog = hydrocarbon NOx & sunlight). A “lighter HC (higher RVP, or lower IBP will permit fumes to be released to the atmos causing smog).
What CA did was change stuff like benzene limits, distillation start/end points, RVP specs, olefins, aromatics, etc.
No other state has such tighter regs. CA also GETS the pleasure and opportunity to purchase ULSD (diesel with <10ppm sulfur), lighter gravities and less heavier stuff – which lowers the BTU and mileage (CA diesel will decrease your mileage in a diesel).
Don't forget we also passed AB32 years ago, regulating refineries to substantially reduce their emissions, creating flue gas treatment and limits that must be met.
FWIW, virtually ALL US MOGAS has 10% ethanol blended in it. Ethanol has a high octane, and the gasoline is not "on spec" until the E is blended (at the truck). So it's more *cost effective* for a refiner/blender to only make gas requiring ethanol to meet specs. E might be bad, but it ain't going away, and is much better than MTBE.
Thank God for e85. A natural race fuel priced cheaply for emissions but it works better in a high compression high HP cars than high octane race fuel, It has a much lower BTU value (lower mileage), but that requires a lot more fuel to be injected which cools the cylinders in high HP cars, allowing for more timing and even MORE power LOL. That's the most important thing there is…fast cars, right? 😉
9.8:1 air/ fuel ratio for E85 vs. 14.7:1 for pump gas. You need a big fuel tank to run E85!
Fast cars are certainly more important than fast food….
Lol on the “special blend”, and yet crickets on the bunker fuel that ships burn… ship worse than 1 million vehicles. And what about the locomotives idling all night long???
Well I guess we’re lucky to be here in Claycord. There at least 3 gas stations I can drive to in Concord where the price is $3.21.