Home » AAA: Red Light-Running Deaths Hits 10-Year High – How Often Do You See A Driver Run A Red Light?

AAA: Red Light-Running Deaths Hits 10-Year High – How Often Do You See A Driver Run A Red Light?


QUESTION: How often do you see someone run a red light?

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At least once a day, if not more.

Daily…the days of just taking off when the light goes green are over.

You mean how many each time I see a light go red?
At least 3 against every light or across my green.

Frequently, especially at Clayton Rd and Denkinger(or Treat). The heavy trucks along Clayton Rd. sometimes are offenders, but mostly cars. Also at Clayton Rd and Claycord Ave, Clayton Rd and Bailey Rd, and Clayton Rd and Ayers. Too much speed on this section of Clayton Rd, as drivers try to make the lights. Going 50- 60 mph and see a yellow light? Speed up to miss the red.

Anytime I leave the house I see at least one.

At least once a day and cell phones at almost every stop light

I ride a bike for exercise 3 times a week and see a light runner at Treat and Navaronne Way EVERY time I get the pedestrian cross signal. Uphill or downhill on Treat, it doesn’t matter: some scum bag thinks their schedule is more important than somebody’s life and they speed thru a red. I also see one or more whenever I drive around town. They are everywhere and Concord PD doesn’t deploy enough motorcycle traffic officers to affect this trend. I’ve written this comment before: Hire another 12 officers and crank up the fines to pay for them!

I have never seen anyone run red lights like the youtube video that was posted. I have seen people haul ass to try to make a light and clearly didnt make it. Like my dad always said “A green light doesn’t mean go, it means look around for dumb asses”

Not everyday. But counting cars and bikes a couple times a week at the Oak Road / canal trail crossing (Walden Park). Some cyclists are convinced that it’s safer for everyone if they just scoot across. Some car drivers are just idiots.

I see cars running stop signs more than I see them running a red light and I see a lot of bicycles purposely running stop signs and red lights all the time.
With cars, it’s usually some guy that steps on it when the light is yellow and turns red before he is though the intersection.

This happens on Bancroft road in Walnut Creek daily because the lights are all out of sync, people exceed the limit thinking it’s a freeway
and trees are overgrown hiding some lights. We all saw what happened the other day 🙁

@ Aunt Barbara

I think you saw what happened the other day
when someone was speeding and ran a red
light. Then the driver starts looking for something
or someone to blame.

Three times on my morning commute. All left turn red light runners, entering intersection after the left turn arrow was red. Ygnacio/Oak Grove;
Ygnacio/Wiget; Ygnacio/Lennon Lane

Every day I see at least three driving to work and driving from work.

I had a person zip around me a couple of days ago. A couple of blocks later I almost caught up because of traffic and stop sign but then I saw him or her run the red light. I wonder where some of you are driving that has that many light runners.

Many times a day. I have a dash cam that is full of videos of it happening. Much of it is people going through a Red Arrow turn lights going left or right.

So often on Clayton. Two days ago, I was on Clayton and covertly. When the protected right turn is green for both opposite traffic, a car ran a red light. Same thing with people making a turn against no turn on red near cowell and under the Bart overhead. Like other poster said, people do 60 in 35 and 45 zone on Clayton.

Not nearly as often as I see super aggressive speeders/tailgaters.

ALL THE TIME! I also see drivers making their own lane, using turning lanes to cut through traffic at the last second without signaling, and of course, witnessing close calls with those “Fast and Furious” wannabes who don’t care that people are in the middle of changing lanes and have their blinker lights on.The first video of the accident is of a drunk woman who killed the other driver. It happened on Father’s Day.
Here is the link:

According to the Libertarians, traffic lights are government overreach. Life free or die!

We Libertarians, also believe in, “Live and let live”. We want to do our own thing, and not f__k with other people. Laws are a good thing if, they protect me from other people being a$$___es, but without protecting me from myself. Red light runners are a$$___es.

I commute early in the AM. I see it every day in the morning mostly. Thursday I saw half a dozen red light runners from stop and go to full on blowing the intersection at speed.

More than once a day. This has really turned into a major problem.

One may think laws are made to broken.

Every day. I never see any police around to do anything.

Constantly, Concord blvd. Willow Pass ,Clayton rd. are the worst in my travels for red light runners.

I just watched one a few months ago in front of Kohls. Guy ran a red light and hit a pedestrian. I helped the kid until help arrived. It was bad. Broken leg , shattered arm , broken pelvis, arm was split wide open from hand to elbow. You could see his bone.
I let clay cord know but they didn’t post it.

The mark of a crumbling society is the populace’s disregard for that society’s laws.

True, so true. The last time I ran a red light (many years ago), I felt like a complete idiot. Heavy personal shame. What if a cop or camera had given me an expensive ticket? What if I had been T-boned? Wound up in a hospital? Killed a pedestrian?

I think more intersection cameras ought to be installed (surprisingly, Oakland has many), and bigger fines depending on the time & location. Automatic $1000 minimum for running red lights within a certain radius during school pick-up/drop-off hours.

Contra Costa County does not have red light cameras.

Not to mention, the lack of, respect, courtesy, class, and concern for fellow humans? I am one of those who thinks rules are (sometimes) meant to be broken, but nobody should put other people in danger without their permission, and/or without consequences.

At just about every traffic light during my commute home. Mostly left turners. Because of boredom I tend to count them. I’ve seen as many as six. Ygnacio at Civic tends to be the worst. I’ve seen left turners enter the intersection after their red, then get stuck in the intersection blocking traffic.

I don’t notice any more or any less than say 5 years ago. Probably because I’m stoned and texting. They still call it stoned, right?

Lol! I was going to comment but I can’t top that.

Pretty much every time I drive. I don’t expect anything to be done about it though, because the police are too busy chasing the masses of criminals that have been released from the prisons.

One to three red light runners during my work commute which is non freeway and takes about 17 minutes.

Everyday. Today I watched a country connection bus run the red light at willow pass rd & waterworld. All other cars were able to stop that were ahead of the bus.
I guess someone has to die before anything will be done.

All the time! It seems drivers feel if the light has been red less than 10 sex, it’s ok to keep going. Some feel lights are just suggestions or guidelines.

LOL, exactly… “suggestions or guidelines” 👍

Everyday, and stop sign don’t exist either.

More times than I can count. Red lights don’t mean anything to many people. Drive defensively..and especially pause before going thru your green light.Laws don’t seem to matter to many.

Seems like every time a light turns red, at least three more cars go through it. Especially if it’s a left turn arrow. If you want to see examples, just hang out with all the homeless people at the Willow Pass exit from 680 south.

Not that I’m saying that is ok, but the left turn lanes are not moving the traffic the way they are supposed to. When the people turning left are backed up into the lane that isn’t turning left, or you can’t get through on the first left-turn green light but have to wait for a second or third, they need to adjust the timing of the signal to accommodate the traffic.

Everyday at every major intersection multiple people run a red light every time it’s red. Just watch the people turning right on a red almost nobody stops! If you count you will see more run it than stop. Everyday I take my kid to school someone is running the light at Kirker on to Concord it’s nuts!

Careful, don’t mention left turn problems or they will take them out and install more roundabouts. Then we will have real trouble.

The DMV penalty points system needs to be revised.

I think currently you need four non DWI or reckless driving points to earn a license suspension. It should be about half that.

And a red light ticket conviction should double your insurance premiums up front.

It wouldn’t deter the careless reckless drivers in the least. They would just drive without a license and insurance.

I think Claycord should have a site where people with dash cams could post videos of these people who run red lights, or not stop at a stop sign etc. Sometimes public shaming might stop these people. Or, we could at least watch out for the idiots.

We are into at least the third generation of parents who have taught their kids that anything is OK as long as you don’t get caught, and if you do get caught, try to deflect the blame.

Red lights, yes. However, has anyone else noticed when stopped at a stop sign, your turn to go and the car behind you stays with you as you go through? This has happened to me about three times on Wilson dr. Different cars and people. Strange, as if it was a light change but these are stop signs. Every car must stop….

The Treat Blvd. Drag Strip is a problem. It frequently sounds like a drag strip. No cops around…ever. The red lights frequently get run.

Every red light on Ygnacio Valley when I was driving it every day. Is it better now? Doubtful.

the other morning i saw … no kidding …. four cars turn right on a red light from clayton road onto willow pass during commute hours … and the cars stopped at the light on willow pass from pittsburg didn’t even try to enter the intersection must be common

Where on Clayton Rd can you turn right directly onto Willow pass Rd?

Every damn day!! At LEAST once, and BLATANT runs, not accidental. I’m talking going through the intersection as the other cars that have a green light have already started to go. If deaths are at a 10 yr high, when is law enforcement going to crack down on these degenerates? What are they waiting for, a 20 yr high?

I have seen 3 this year.

I see this kind of selfish-douchebaggery every day, at every intersection I encounter. Why can’t these a$$___es just wait their turn like the rest of us? Is their time, and their need to get to their destination, more important than everyone else’s? F__k all of these jerks!
It seems as though, it wouldn’t be such a crime to stand on a street corner, and throw eggs at the cars of drivers that blatantly run through red lights? If an egg, just so, happens to make it through a vehicle’s open window…….?
What really needs to happen, is to raise the fine for running red lights to at least a mandatory minimum, $1500.00 w/ 2 points on the record (first offense), and actually enforce it. Cameras at every intersection are not the answer, they are a very expensive and a very lazy solution, in my opinion. Just light them up, and throw the book at them.

I always pause and look both ways before crossing an intersection. The husband almost got T-boned TWICE at Parkside and Willow Pass, in one week. The problem is, the runners are always speeding up.



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