Home » Concord Police Department Holding DUI Enforcement Operations

Concord Police Department Holding DUI Enforcement Operations


Officers from the Concord Police Department will be out Friday looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

DUI saturation patrols will take place in areas with high frequencies of DUI collisions and/or arrests. In 2017, 1,120 people were killed in alcohol-involved crashes on California roads.

Concord Police Department encourages drivers to follow these tips to avoid a DUI:


    • Always use a designated sober driver – a friend who is not drinking, ride-share, cab or public transportation – to get home.
    • See someone who is clearly impaired try and drive? Take the keys and help them make other arrangements to find a sober way home.
    • Report drunk drivers – Call 911.
    • Hosting a party? Offer nonalcoholic drinks. Monitor who is drinking and how they are getting home.

Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with DUI can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to be upwards of $13,500. This includes fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension and other expenses not to mention possible jail time.

Funding for this DUI operation is provided to the Concord Police Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Funny that this story is right after the reckless driving story.
Coincidence ………???

Story on the morning news about a company that’s developing a dual alcohol/cannabis breathalyzer, reported to detect THC use within the last 3 hours. Should simplify the field sobriety testing for stoners who think the long needed liberalization of pot policies include getting blazed while driving. Impaired is impaired! I enjoy a nice THC buzz now and then, but do so in my home, not on the roads.

Idk I mean people that are like really wasted need to be taken off the road but the street pirate cops are not on your side as a citizen in CA. From my experience They are power hungry narcissistic types most of the time looking for any reason to pounce… unless your a democrat politician = those ppl can undermine federal law apparently

The made only 1 arrest with the last one.

What’s the over/under on this one?

The last one was a checkpoint. This one is saturation. I prefer the saturation patrols much better as the results are typically higher. Too easy to avoid checkpoints.

I’m not sure these are very effective, not many arrests, but getting 1 DD off the streets is a good thing



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