Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Immigration Town Hall In Concord

Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Immigration Town Hall In Concord


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) announced that he will host an Immigration Town Hall on Aug.22 at 6:30 p.m. at Meadow Homes Elementary School in Concord.

Immigration Town Hall
Thursday, August 22
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Meadow Homes Elementary School
1371 Detroit Ave. Concord

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again??? Gheeze….

Why does he keep talking about this, why can’t he do more for his District, Central County is in a death sprial with Homeless, Crime, Inflation and he wants you to hear the Democrate Talking Points, how out of touch can this guy be ? Election time is coming

Let me guess, he will be pandering to the audience again. Free Free Free.

The guy is obsessed with illegal aliens.

Mark wants to put out this info prior to his town hall:

“Anonymous tips may be reported to ICE via the toll-free HSI Tip Line, (866) 347-2423.”

ICE could easily show up there and meet their quota for the month.

How beautiful would that be?

Why? So he can talk more about all the free stuff they will be getting

“This just in: the Democrats would like to buy some more votes. Film at 11.”

Here’s a suggestion, maybe the meeting can be about the differences between “Immigration” and “Illegal Immigration”.

Explain the process of each & the end result of each.

Well said sir

Excellent idea, but my guess would be you’d be stoned on the spot by his “followers,” otherwise known as sheep. Sorry, Ilovepopcorn. It’s hateful to call people who disagree with you “hateful.”


So the topic is immigration, great I hope it’s how to go about it legally.

Not a chance.

Not a chance.

More of the disgusting hateful negative unfair comments that are always predictable every time Mark DeSaulnier is at work doing his job that he was elected to do ya’ll.

@ilovepopcorn, don’t see disgusting or unfair comments here about Congressman DeSaulnier…people are just questioning why there is never a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws, and we have laws surrounding security, # of immigrants admitted, and paths to citizenship. It is odd that so many elected officials sworn to uphold our laws, pander to those who scoff at our laws. I am Hispanic, and love legal immigration. I wan’t to know who is coming here and how many.

Maybe we should drop off a few illegals at you house. You can feed them, house them and pay for their healthcare. But you, marky and his supporters don’t want that. This is all because of his and your hated to our wonderful president. As mr. Random Task says, you all must like 1930 germany. Go Trump MAGA

Why is he not protecting me, a legal citizen. He was elected to treat all citizens equally.

“Quit questioning the democratic party, you hateful bigots, or we will call you nazis”

Mark couldn’t care less about and has done absolutely nothing for honest responsible taxpaying law abiding citizens. All he’s capable of doing is pandering to illegal aliens, criminals, welfare deadbeats.
It’s obvious which group his supporters fall into.

Maybe he should have this conversation in a predominately white area and see the response he gets.

Pandering and virtue signaling at its best…

Notice the location of this supposed Town Hall meeting, the heart of his supporters, who can’t legally vote. Usual waste of time for all!!!

Yep, that school is almost entirely children of illegal alien parents. Our tax dollars hard at work doing absolutely nothing for me, a tax payer. I am disgusted!!

Not able to legally vote? Hasn’t stopped them before.

No lol they end up voting illegally.

@ilovepopcorn, don’t see disgusting or unfair comments here about Congressman DeSaulnier…people are just questioning why there is never a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws, and we have laws surrounding security, # of immigrants admitted, and paths to citizenship. It is odd that so many elected officials sworn to uphold our laws, pander to those who scoff at our laws. I am Hispanic, and love legal immigration. I wan’t to know who is coming here and how many.

Why, Why, Why does he keep talking about this, why can’t he do more for his District, Central County is in a death sprial with Homeless, Crime, Inflation and he wants you to hear the Democrate Talking Points, how out of touch can this guy be ? Election time is coming, I don’t care D or R, vote for anyone but this Clown

Anyone but DeSaulnier!

yes actually you are right election time is coming and also the census

why is de slacker pushing the dem agenda meetings ….

so he can push illegals to fill out the census and sense the number of representatives is per population ….the dems are importing illegals to boost those numbers and increase their seats …and power …very simple tactic really ….pander to those who cant refute you at the expense of citizens …easy right

all the dems want is power and yes they will pander to illegals and low income because they are indentured to the dems as they throw money at them ..just enough to live and stay on the teet with the treat of losing the teet if anyone other than a dem is in power ….brain washing at its best …using a captured audience like cattle ….

keep voting dem your showing your lack of knowledge as the dems in sf want to cover up scenes of Washington with a slave ….they are enslaving the illegals and low income for fed money and house seats …

but you already knew that and vote for them because you have to

not to worry there are brave souls out there somewhere to help
that is what America is all about …freedom and ridding the streets of insurgents meant to poison our nation

de slacker is just doing his job ….using you for votes and seats …as he is told to do ….he is not working for anyone but Pelosi

but you knew that already and are still indentured servants

I would say its sad …but you already knew that …

and popcorn what is or are these great things that de slacker is doing for the state …..besides lining up illegals to be counted …really tell me …I need to be schooled since mdusd is not likely to… since they too are under the thumb of dem control

please impress us all of the great antics of a de slacker as a Pelosi pawn


Damn Random that was a great well explained fact filled post, don’t expect popcorn to understand it though.

Is he announcing how many illegals he’s going to shelter, IN HIS HOME?

Pandering to the poor, poor illegals. They come here to intentionally take whatever they can get from this country for free. I can’t believe ANYONE would think this is ok. Thanks for the American citizen support Destupid.

Again Mark!!!

Who do you think is paying the taxes in your district?

I think Mark want to feel Santa Clause handing out Gifts from the taxpayers bag!!!

Legal immigrants = welcome
Illegal immigrants = not welcome

The above makes no exceptions for race, religion, gender, etc.

Okay, Bob, here’s the solution: change the law to make the illegal immigrants legal. Problem solved.

You’re welcome.

” … change the law to make the illegal immigrants legal.”

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to enter the country legally? Apparently not. It is an expensive, a complex, an extended, and a rigorous process that is not for the faint of heart. But, when they have completed it, they are easily more knowlegeable about the country than any natural-born citizen. They are assets to the country and are motivated to be outstanding citizens.

Who would bother with it if they didn’t have to? Why would the country choose to undermine this excellent orientation for legal immigrants to become worthy, productive, and outstanding citizens by letting in hoards of illegals. Illegals who may have criminal histories, or who do not seem to care about citizenship, speaking the language, abiding by the law, even knowing the laws, assimilating as members of the community, and paying their own way? It would be unbelievably foolish ti do so.



You are conflating immigration with citizenship. One of the current requirements for citizenship, for example, is legal residency for an extended period of time — usually five years. One also has to be 18 years of age to apply for citizenship, so it could be a much longer period of time than even the five years.

I have no particular problem with more stringent requirements for citizenship that aim to achieve the goals you highlighted. That, in fact, is exactly the intention behind DACA. Those eligible for DACA by definition meet the requirements you mentioned but look at the hardline opposition so many of you have even to that program.

My whole point here is that our immigration laws are highly contradictory and unmanageable, and need to be changed.

I’m not “conflating” anything! You are the one who ssid ” … here’s the solution: change the law to make the illegal immigrants legal” which confuses legal immigration with illegal immigration. My point is why undermine legal immigrants and those seeking citizenship by making it that easy for illegal immigrants who aren’t. It is purely simplistic and clearly unfair to legal immigrants! It’s ridiculous!

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants enter LEAGALLY, just like those seeking citizenship and why shouldn’t illegals be seeking to obtain citizenship? My guess is they are expecting a Bush-style amnesty at some point, a huge mistake which brought us to the mess we have today.

I’d just like to see Mark do something concerning the welfare of American citizens instead of the citizens of Mexico & Central American countries.


@ Complex ~ Try wearing a red or blue t-shirt & cap, then walk down Monument Blvd on a late Saturday night… you’ll find out what a “hateful community” really is.

Obviously, DeSaulnier does not spend much time in Washington DC, for whatever reason. This is a disservice to his constituents and he cannot fulfill the obligations of the office without a presence on the floor of the Senate where the nation’s business is conducted. To further the interests of his District, he needs to serve on committees, meet with other members of Congress, establish relationsips with lawmakers, be present for important voting and involved in the daily business of his office. In short, be actively engaged in representing the people of his District. If he is unable to do this, and it appears he isn’t, he needs to step aside and allow someone who can to assume the office.

Errata: ” … on the floor of the House …” Even more critical than the Senate because he represents a specific area of the state … our area.

It would be great if he would get the supporters of legal immigration there. I will be at work and not able to attend. Please attend because needs to hear from us even if he wont listen.

They would not let you talk.

It would end in harassment and getting you fired from your job. That’s what they want to happen if you don’t align completely with their views.If you agree with 4/5 views you’re still the enemy.

They only way to effectively and fully express you distain is privately at the ballot box. It is a secret ballot for a reason and your choices there, and your privacy, need be protected per your Constitutional rights.

Hey gittyup-genius- it’s disdain, not “distain”. Your welcome.

@ Ddoyle……… It’s “You’re welcome”, not “Your welcome”

@Doyle I am a genius. What’s your excuse?

Ddoyle wins tonight’s “your a genius” irony award.

Thanks guys. It helps to have friends! 😀

I think Congress is on summer break.

How can we tell the difference?…. they don’t accomplish anything.

Useless meeting….already know what he will be saying.

ilovepopcorn – You are spot on! We have some very angry people here who feel they are being taken advantage of by the poor when they are actually being taken advantage of by the wealthy. They buy into all the propaganda that the wealthy put out there to instigate infighting amongst the people. Concord historically has been a blue collar city. They feel safer with the strong insulting daddy figure Trump represents.

Ahhh… another liberal “expert” that claims to know it all and can the world what is “really” happening.

Get over it…. if you’re for taking in illegal immigrants, then I suggest you stop talking and start doing. Open your doors and let them in, if you think you’re so altruistic.

Otherwise, just suffer and realize that others have opinions that differ from yours. While you don’t like them, they’re just as valid as your opinions.


Angry? No, just disgusted by the leftists who refuse to DO anything about it except pontificate, whine and insult others that don’t agree with them.

Point to ONE statement that can be characterized as “very angry.”



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