Home » FBI Looking For Information On Firearm Stolen From Agent’s Vehicle

FBI Looking For Information On Firearm Stolen From Agent’s Vehicle


The Federal Bureau of Investigation San Francisco Division is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of a firearm and other items that were stolen from an agent’s vehicle in Oakland on Wednesday.

An unknown suspect at took the Colt M-4 semi-automatic rifle, a magazine loaded with .45 caliber ammunition and an official FBI raid jacket from an FBI special agent’s vehicle on Wednesday at 8:40 p.m.

The vehicle was in the parking lot of the Hegenburger Shopping Center at 8459 Edgewater Drive in Oakland.

Anyone with information on the theft is asked to contact the FBI San Francisco Field Office at (415) 553-7400.


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seems no longer a rare occurrence. Anyone else see the story of the san luis obisbo chief leaving her gun in a public bathroom. Some dude swiped it, but dude’s brother-in-law snitched. Gun recovered.

What kind of idiot would leave a rifle like that around to be stolen. Off with his head. Then the female chief of police in some city on the peninsula left her pistol in a restaurant bathroom. That was gone also. Off with her head too.

@ Ricardoh

He/She didn’t leave it “around to be stolen!” It was locked out of plain view in his/her non-descript WORK CAR. Cops and FBI agents need to carry weapons! It’s part of the job. It would look kind of strange if he/she walked into the shopping center carrying it, now wouldn’t it have? I can see public outrage when a cop leaves his/her gun in their personal car without a proper lock. However, given this was his/her work car, I would bet it was secured with a gun lock. Unfortunately, they are not a cure all. They can be defeated..

@ Sign from Above For forty years I carried very expensive tools in the back of my car or truck. They were chained in. Never had anything stolen. Every time I needed one I had to unchain it. When I was finished with it I re chained it. Even if it was in the guys trunk it should have been locked.

Cops really need to stop leaving their guns and ammo in a car when they decide to do whatever it is they are doing at Shopping Centers…

I guess we will just have to wait until it shows up in the hands of an illegal alien after he “accidentally” shoots someone while aiming at a seal.

Was the firearm securely locked and hidden. Seems like this happened before to another agent

For F**K’s sake, WHY are they allow to keep them in the car? They should have to keep them on their body. If they are off duty, they should be locked up at home or work.

Yep! Wouldn’t have caused any problem at all if the plain clothed FBI agent walked into the shopping mall carrying that automatic rifle! Just another day in Oakland! Really?

Clerk: I know the service was bad but don’t shoot me with your rifle.

“semi-automatic rifle”
read it
not a machine gun

This is one way the bad guys get guns. I don’t have all the details so I won’t speculate whether or not the gun was locked up and stored properly. If it was then new security measures are in order. If it wasn’t then we have a training and carelessness problem. Guns being stolen from Law Enforcement seems to be an ongoing issue. My favorite so far this year is the Police Chief of San Luis Obisbo leaving her gun in the restroom at an El Pollo Loco only to have it come up missing. Don’t think I would hire her as a dog catcher let alone Police Chief. These are the type of incidents that provide fodder for the Liberal Democrats and their crazy gun agenda.

Well that’s embarrassing…Somebody has some awkward explaining to do to his or her boss.

Even the cops don’t follow the gun laws.

This happens a lot more than you hear about. Sometimes the media doesn’t find out.

Easy fix – mandatory 10yr prison sentence for anyone involved in the theft of law enforcement property, from cars, radios, jackets, guns, vests, etc.

But instead –

California wants to PAY the criminal to return the gun, which creates a nice side income for burglars.

I guess $5,000 is the going rate for a human life? Will anything happen to these government officials who keep leaving their firearms unsecured?

Notice there was no mention the gun/ammo were in a secured vehicle, locked in a secondary compartment, etc? If it were, I’m sure it would have clearly called that out.

SB 869, section 25452 was put in place to prevent careless storage of guns/ammo by peace officers. Would like to know what discipline this officer faces.

Finally, a sane voice in this parade of stupidity they call a comments section.

The above commentors are clueless. Many law enforcement vehicles now carry “patrol rifles”……a locked rifle does very little good to the LEO in an emergency situation, think North Hollywood shooting. And LEO’s, including chiefs, are humans, the make mistakes.

108RS……………….formerly of LA County Sheriff.

but discipline would be appropriate. A few days on the beach???

Yes, time off with no pay….very appropriate.


Now the FBI puts us in danger?
A canine should have been in the backseat, but it’s probably too hot.
Their windows should also be unbreakable.

The section does not apply to long guns.


Here we go
First this is demifornia so no one goes to prison
They are section 8 convicts

I guess the liberal capital is just plain lawless
Good thing those high Paying homebuyers have lots of stuff to steal
Hey welcome to sf now give me all your stuff
Liberal percenters lining up to give away 950 dollars a day to criminals

Next up
Did this state with de slacker and pelosi and all the seven dwarves
Just admonish and brow beat and pass crap to make this not happen
Let’s see if lib town follows through ooops nope they are now paying people to steal …I wonder if Venezuela should have had that tactic in their portfolio
Or did they not want to look like ding dongs giving money to thieves as a way of being liberal to a fault

I can’t eait for the de slacker post praising the paying of criminals for stealing guns that the liberals say we can’t have

Keep voting stupid and you get stupid

The libs have failed the public beyond comedy. Everything they do is backwards. Instead of being outraged that something was unlawfully stolen, most likely by a career criminal that has been cycled through the system without being prosecuted for any of their many crimes, they are outraged that a gun has been stolen.

This type of blatant stupidity/insanity is the real threat to our society. We need to stand up and escort them out of office where they can be tried for treason for not enforcing existing US laws.

Hey, maybe if they find his M-4 Rifle they will find my Flugelhorn (Mic Gillette’s from Tower of Power originally) in the same fence house.


Why, there ought to be a law for this. Oh wait didn’t our US Rep recently start a bill?

In the Army we had to carry our weapons with us at all times unless secured by someone else. some of that should also apply to these agencies. easy spot east Oakland in the field for someone to spot a law enforcement vehicle.

Hmm. Me thinks they understated this. M4’s are generally either semi-auto/burst or semi/full auto. Please correct if I’m mistaken.

Weapon should have been stored inside of a vault in the vehicle. Still accessible for use, but nobody is getting into the vault without some serious effort. (I’ve known FBI agents who have these in their govt. vehicles)
Besides embarrassment within the field office, there should be some serious professional consequences…

Obama & Eric Holder lost a whole bunch of guns & they didn’t get in any trouble for it.

Same tired story.They apparently just don’t give an ‘eff. I bet if the agent had personally owned that M-4 and paid out of his own pocket for it, he wouldn’t be leaving it in his damn car. God forbid I hand somebody a box of ammo without a background check though. Now I’m all pissed off again.

How unusual…a crime in a busy area in Oakland…..
they probably cheered him on.

Did the authorities ever recover the 10mm H&K MP5 submachine gun that was lost by or stolen from law enforcement a few years ago? I think it happened in the Bay Area.

I don’t understand why they don’t have a GPS tracking sticker on their duty guns, so they can go right to them if they are ripped off.
And why aren’t these weapons locked to the vehicle when they have to leave them.
$5,000? C’mon man!!!.no one is going to rat out a fellow gang member for 5G’s. Add another 0 and you might convince homeboy to start talking.

The “agent” should be arrested for being stupid enough to leave a firearm in a vehicle especially in Okilland.

Imagine the outcry from these flakes if an agent walked into a Starbucks slinging a long gun. Please people. If you don’t know the details please don’t make them up.

This is more of a reflection on the culture in Oakland than it is on the FBI agent. The firearm was secured in his work vehicle which was broken into by a thief. Thousands of vehicles are broken into every day. It’s not like he was a police chief who left her firearm in the rest room due to negligence. I would like to think the shopping center had security cameras, but given Oakland’s pro criminal culture probably not.



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