Home » DIRTY DINING: Dead Rats Found, Rodent Feces Located On Rice Bags, Food Shelves At Concord Seafood City On Diamond Blvd.

DIRTY DINING: Dead Rats Found, Rodent Feces Located On Rice Bags, Food Shelves At Concord Seafood City On Diamond Blvd.


Seafood City, located at 2030 Diamond Blvd. in Concord, was closed on June 28 after inspectors from the Contra Costa County Environmental Health Department say they found the following.

  • 2 dead rodents on glue traps on the floor underneath food shelves in aisle 7.
  • 5+ rodent droppings on the shelf next to chips in aisle 7.
  • 10+ rodent droppings on the floor behind food shelf near aisle 1.
  • 20+ rodent droppings on the food shelves near aisle 1.
  • 20+ rodent droppings on the wooden pallet and rice bags in the back storage area near employee restrooms
    and box compactor.

The department says the purpose of the inspection was to conduct a complaint investigation, which alleged the bathrooms were messy, sinks weren’t working, floor is never clean, no toilet paper or ventilation, and rats were in the back garbage.

The store was reinspected and reopened the following day.


In related news, three restaurants, which are all located inside Seafood City, were shut down in late-May of this year due to vermin infestations.

Click on the link below to read more….

RELATED STORY: EXTRA DIRTY DINING: Health Department Closes Three Diamond Blvd. Restaurants Within Seven Days Due To Rodents, Cockroaches

Please click on the ‘Dirty Dining‘ link to view all the most recent restaurant closures in Contra Costa County.


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t’was just a matter of time… I remember someone mentioned this place specifically with a past closure of another place….

For the person who seems to doubt me on malls and big box conversions, here you go. After three places were closed due to infestations, one person on here called out Seafood City by name. I said I think every place under one roof should be closed and inspected. This is exactly why.

I agree and I made the same call… and I was told something to the fact it’s isolated… finally vindication… rats don’t see walls… they climb through them

Gosh, if that’s all it takes, guess nobody’s coming to my house for dinner anytime soon.


I’m with you. All the folks that say they’ll never
shop or eat at a place again because they found
mice, rats or insects have never really been hungry.
Watch the tv show “Alone” sometime. It’s where
you have to survive in the wilderness on what you
can catch. They set traps to catch mice and eat
bugs for protein. Your stomach can’t tell the difference.
It will keep you alive. Read “King Rat” sometime.
Miniature Asian deer are delicious!

All the folks that say they’ll never shop or eat at a place again because they found mice, rats or insects really don’t have any idea. There are actually legal acceptable limits of pests in our food; Here’s How Much Mouse Poop, Maggots, and Cigarette Butts the FDA Allows in Your Food https://tinyurl.com/y279fkr9

@silva people are allowed to have standards that are more strict than the law is. Just because something is legal to be sold to you doesn’t mean that you should accept it as a good or safe product.

West Leland, Personally I definitely have more strict standards than what the FDA allows. I very rarely eat at restaurants, I don’t eat cereal grains, and I don’t eat fast or processed food. I’ve worked in restaurants and I know that it’s a daily ongoing battle keeping bugs and rodents out of each and every restaurant, from the lowliest dive to the most posh eatery. My point was that those who think there’s never been any animals around their food really just don’t know. And that’s okay, what they don’t know isn’t likely to hurt them!

Shoulda Coulda, One of my very favorite delicacies are chapulínes oaxaqueños. Mmm, yum!

OK Silva, have to admit had to look that one up, . . . I’ll pass.

Original G, okay, I’ll describe them for ya! They come in varying sizes, I like the really little ones. They’re crispy, and I don’t know if they fry
’em up with lime juice or they just taste like lime juice naturally, but that’s what they taste like. Fresh lime juice. They’re as addictive as potato chips. And you end up with little red legs in your teeth!

Seafood city is such a large bunch of pershables under one big roof they there is no way they could keep that place sanitary.Im surprised that this is the first time.No way can it be clean in there.

It’s the dead rats in the traps that gives me the creeps….doesn’t anyone check the stupid traps everyday before the store opens and then when the store closes? Or do they just leave it up to the Health Department to find them rotting in the trap?

I too have wondered at this. Isn’t the stock pot replenished daily or do they prefer to let the meat age in place on the trap?

Sigh, don’t use glue boards. I can’t understand for the life of me why anyone still uses them. Simply one of the most inhumane ways to dispense of a pest there is.


The bathrooms in Seafood City are FILTHY!!!!! I doubt the tenants there give a damn!11 patrons still shop.

I’ve noticed the majority time it’s Asian restaurants that are closed due to unsanitary violations. Am I wrong??

Perhaps they’re the ones that get mentioned most. People insert their own agendas into what news you hear, even if they don’t have to make up anything.

TraumaRx , please go to the health department to see the list of closures due to health violations. It will show you the facts that the Asian restaurants are not the majority that failed inspections.

No, you’re not wrong. I’m sure people will try to claim otherwise, but the fact of the matter is that the owners of Asian restaurants have little regard for cleanliness or keeping things sanitary. I’ve visited China and Thailand many times, and can confirm this to be accurate.

I happened to stop by this place a few years ago and I sat there in amazement at how utterly filthy it was and this was in the public areas that you could see. I was at a loss to understand how a place that markets food could be so unsightly. It was obvious to me that management simply did not care and I was surprised that it was still open. It seems to me that the fundamental concept behind this place is faulty and that it needs to be fundamentally changed.

How sad that they use glue traps, which are extremely inhumane. Animals suffer for days in these terrible devices. Why not use the snap traps that kill the animal quickly and instantly??

Comrades – – – rest assured your hard working politicians have this matter in hand with new bills & taxes to liberate our abused rodents & critters. Committees will ensure voting rights and resource zones serve this class of under-represented vermin. Reparations to follow.

Is it really necessary to put all the specifics in these announcements?

Oh…hell yes
truth & facts are not part of your lifestyle ??
Vote progressive much ??
Seeing the world thru rose colored glasses is not too smart these days

Yes! People want to know which establishments they can trust. It appears this place wasn’t even making and effort..

It was just a matter of time. This place is a filthy mess that just plain stinks! I’m surprised it hasn’t been closed down completely.


I used to go there for fish because it was cheaper than a bait shop.

Cleanup on isle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…you know the drill guys. Pick up the rats and sweep up the droppings!

California is quickly turning into a third world state

If this SFC is filthy, what about the one in Vallejo? Not to mention Ranch 99 in Concord. I went there instead only to find half the onions in the bind rotting.



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