Home » Monument Crisis Center Receives California Nonprofit Of The Year Award

Monument Crisis Center Receives California Nonprofit Of The Year Award


Monument Crisis Center, which is based in Concord, was recently named a California Nonprofit of the Year by State Senator Steve Glazer.

Monument Crisis Center’s Executive Director, Sandra Scherer, was in Sacramento to accept the award at the Annual California Nonprofits Day.

“We are humbled by this incredible honor and grateful to be part of the special community of California nonprofits,” said Scherer.


“I was proud to name Monument Crisis Center my district’s Nonprofit of the Year.  The work of Monument Crisis Center in Concord is critically important to families in need. It is a community-based non-profit family resource center that directly confronts the root causes of poverty, delivers immediate assistance, and provides comprehensive wrap-around, safety net services for Central and East Contra Costa County,” said Senator Glazer.

Now, celebrating its 16th year of service to the community, Monument Crisis Center has registered and individually assisted more than 22,000 Contra Costa households, adding approximately 1,000 new families a year, simultaneously guiding thousands of current families on pathways to improved health and wellness, education, safety, shelter, successful employment, financial stability and independence.

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I volunteered here. This is nanny organization, and the director Sandra Scherer expects everyone to bow to her. She makes a very healthy salary from all the money they get, as does her staff. She made me so disgusted I stopped volunteering.

On their food pantry, they have a sign posted for people who donate:

[this is verbatim]

“Attention: Updated Healthy Food Policy
Effective June 15, 2017:

No breads
No desserts
No pastries”

So, what if the family has kids? And bread is considered unhealthy? At other pantries I have worked at in CA and NV, they give out plenty of sweets, especially if the family has kids. as well as bread.

Technically yes, bread/pastries/desserts isn’t the healthiest (carbs/sugar). It does say “Healthy Food” policy. And like you said, most other places you can almost always get bread, I’ve never had a problem being short on bread and they have good bread at the $0.99 store if you have a buck to spare. So maybe they’re focusing on a better diet at this location, considering it doesn’t help the public by making the diabetes situation worse for people that have trouble paying for medical coverage as it is. There is a pantry that my father goes to that has lots of pastries, cakes and desserts. He’s diabetic but he has a terrible sweet tooth and can’t resist if temptation is there so I’m glad there is at least one place that is focusing on better choices.

I’ve volunteered there several times. I didn’t experience any issues regarding their Director, or any of their staff, and certainly nothing requiring anyone to “bow down”. I saw a lot of excellent work and supportive staff.

The Monument Crisis Center, Sandra and all of the wonderful staff very much deserve this award, I am so happy to see this. Such wonderful people that have helped me and my father and they care so much and work so hard. Thank you to all the staff there.

Most people don’t know or don’t care to know about the homeless situation at our front door of Concord. It’s getting much worse, everyday more and more people end up without a place to lay their head at night. More needs to be done, case workers hide in their office’s instead of going out and making contact with people in need. How can someone get back on their feet if office X is miles away, fill out this, send that, get here by this time with no place to stay and no vehicle to get there. I speak with alot of unfortunate transient people and did you know when you go to a shelter like the one on Arnold Industrial that if you go there to get rest, a meal ect. You cannot fall asleep inside, they have chairs not beds, if you fall asleep in a chair you get kicked out. Go drive by at night and it looks like a scene out of Walking Dead only these are not zombies but real people. They have a service van to pick up people in need but mostly never show up for people, the world is a crazy place, go see for yourself.

They need to be counted and categorized. That would be a start. Those that can be helped and veterans especially. The mentally ill need to be secured, analyzed and kept safe. As for the dopers, round them up. The are endangering the citizen’s with disease, filth and fire.

Mark Desaugner and other Democrats won’t touch that with a ten foot pole. Muellers report is apparently in danger. Not to mention the raise they all deserve. Again and again and again.

Who is voting these creeps in? We are in a national crisis, AND helping foreign invaders over our own citizens. What is Gavin doing, besides rising the cost of living an thus adding to the problem…oh.

Now, that’s what I call “being parsimonious with the truth”! Must be one of those “homeless advocates”, no?
1. Concord Homeless Shelter on Arnold Industrial DOES have beds – but only 20 of them. And that’s as many as its funding and capacity allows.
2. This shelter does offer other services, like meal and rest for those homeless who can’t be provided with beds. Again, as much as its funding and capacity allows.
Don’t like it? You’re most welcome to make a generous donation to fund the expansion of homeless shelters (with beds). That’s what those of us who aren’t “homeless advocates” normally do.
And if you’re not ready to make a donation, at least consider not voting for any of the “sanctuary city/county/state” morons, who think that housing nearly half a million of illegals in the Bay Area is more important than sheltering the native homeless population.
Source for the count of illegals in the Bay Area (a sum of SF and SJ metro areas):

The Shelter on Arnold doesn’t have beds, only chairs? WTF? You can’t sleep there? Where are getting this info!

Every homeless I see with a sign asking for *WORK* (money to drink or use), always refuses a ride to the Shelter.

And those bodies walking around at night? It’s a wet facility, and drug sales and drug are common place. Open your eyes…

I volunteered here. This is nanny organization.On their food pantry refrigerator, they have a sign posted for people who donate:

[this is verbatim]

“Attention: Updated Healthy Food Policy
Effective June 15, 2017:

No breads
No desserts
No pastries”

So in other words for people who are already at risk of poor nutrition and lack access to healthcare: “Don’t leave crap that provides no real nutritional content.

That actually sounds like not only a good message for the organization but for Americans in general given what the majority of people look like and the increasingly huge amount of resources being spent on healthcare problems tied to people just being fat and eating crap.

Such wonderful news. They help so many families. No one should go hungry.

Crisis center a worthwhile system,and works for many deserving people.



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