Home » Census 2020 In Contra Costa – Participate In Census Solutions Workshop In Concord

Census 2020 In Contra Costa – Participate In Census Solutions Workshop In Concord


Contra Costa County’s Census 2020 Complete Count Steering Committee seeks to increase awareness and motivate residents to respond to the 2020 Census.

In order to get a complete count, it will require strong collaboration between the County, cities, and community partners.

Here is how you can help:


  • Provide insight about your community to inform a local outreach effort.
  • Learn about potential mini-grant programs to reach hard-to-count populations.

The Census Solutions Workshop is focused on potential organizations, businesses, and agencies serving hard to count populations in Contra Costa County.

Participate in the workshop to learn about the importance of the Census in your community (register online):

June 20, 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

  • Central County Census Solutions Workshop
  • Willow Pass Community Center, 2748 East Olivera Rd, Concord
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Its not important, unless there is a US citizenship question on it.

I knew this would happen.

How come every time something about the US Census is posted here do people make an off-topic comment on the citizenship question? This post is not about that. nor was the one here a few weeks ago. It’s getting old.

What is a census, and what is it’s purpose?

>>> What is a census, and what is it’s the purpose?

To determine the number of House Seats each state receives and determines how dollars will be appropriated. U.S. Census figures are based on actual counts of persons dwelling in U.S. residential structures In fact citizens living abroad are not counted in the census so citizenship is not really part of the process.

No representation without taxation.



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