Home » Concord Man Arrested For Burglary, Possession Of Stolen Property After Break-In At City Hall

Concord Man Arrested For Burglary, Possession Of Stolen Property After Break-In At City Hall


A Concord man was arrested for allegedly burglarizing City Hall this week, according to police.

On Wednesday at 5 a.m., the suspect, identified by police as Jesse Morron, allegedly broke into Concord City Hall, and when officers arrived on scene, the suspect assaulted the cops, police said.

He was arrested and found to be in possession of stolen property from the building and drug paraphernalia, according to police.


The District Attorney’s Office has charged Marron with several crimes, including burglary, possession of stolen property, obstructing an officer in the performance of their duties, and possession of drug paraphernalia.


S April 26, 2019 - 8:04 AM - 8:04 AM

my guess; in part, he wanted to get arrested for 3 squares and a cot….. ?????

The Wizard April 26, 2019 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

At least he dressed up for the occasion.

Lovelace April 26, 2019 - 8:56 AM - 8:56 AM

What a moron…..🤔

Paul April 26, 2019 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

I think Claycord added an extra “r” to his last name.

jon s April 26, 2019 - 1:04 PM - 1:04 PM

Darn it Paul,I was going to say that!

Kirkwood April 26, 2019 - 8:57 AM - 8:57 AM

The 5 buildings at the City Hall complex are difficult to break into, my guess is that somebody left a door unlocked, although it might be possible to hide somewhere inside until closing time.

What? April 26, 2019 - 5:44 PM - 5:44 PM

Or he smashed a window.

"Q" April 26, 2019 - 8:59 AM - 8:59 AM

Daniel Craig is off his game, but he’ll bounce back.

Double Dzzz April 26, 2019 - 10:52 AM - 10:52 AM

Very good “Q”

Trucker Bug April 26, 2019 - 9:02 AM - 9:02 AM

Well his last name fits him

Mountainside Jay April 26, 2019 - 9:27 AM - 9:27 AM

He may be a Morron, but at least he’s a nicely dressed Morron.

DD April 26, 2019 - 9:32 AM - 9:32 AM


Simonpure April 26, 2019 - 9:43 AM - 9:43 AM

Which is it…Morron or Marron…guess it doesn’t matter. Clearly a moron 🙂

Pat April 26, 2019 - 9:44 AM - 9:44 AM

What a moron.

x April 26, 2019 - 9:47 AM - 9:47 AM

Typo, Jesse Moron

WC Resident April 26, 2019 - 10:21 AM - 10:21 AM

His name is Jesse Marron and is also the same guy that ran the Marron House homeless shelter and thrift store.

See http://claycord.com/2018/01/26/claycord-talk-about-whatever-41/ and search for Marron on the page.

The suit he is wearing was also stolen during the burglary. His prior arrests include public intoxication, possession of controlled substance, revocation of probation, and assault with deadly weapon.

Kentucky Derby April 26, 2019 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM

That is Jesse Marron. I think he had a past with Delancy Street (if I’m remembering correctly). I guess he didn’t change his spots after all. Leopards can change their spots – but sadly, it’s the norm.

Did the Marron House on N. 6th close?

WC Resident April 26, 2019 - 4:47 PM - 4:47 PM

Yes, the Marron House on N. 6th is gone and has been sold. Amazingly, it was only on the market for 23 days which is a short time for such an unusual house. It used to be two 3-bed, 1-bath houses next door to each other and was joined into a single 5-bed 2-bath house with two garages, two driveways, and lots of extra room compared to a traditional house. Funky stuff like that usually sits on the market for years.

I believe the Marron House still exists as a concept and is run out of an apartment in Concord.

Kentucky Derby April 26, 2019 - 5:44 PM - 5:44 PM

WC Resident – thank you. There’s a gentleman in Concord (my age) who has been struggling with homelessness (off and on) for over 20 years. He was living on N. 6th and he’s back on the streets. He’s presentable (despite his circumstances) and I believe he was living there. I enjoy talking to him.

It’s a nice looking house (on the outside). Non-traditional houses usually do take longer to sell.

Imma Morron April 26, 2019 - 10:28 AM - 10:28 AM


Anonymous April 26, 2019 - 10:34 AM - 10:34 AM

I believe this us the guy that had the Marron Thrift Sfore on Willow Pass Rd. near Granada.

Silva April 26, 2019 - 11:34 AM - 11:34 AM

Even in that suit he looks pretty methy.

S April 26, 2019 - 12:53 PM - 12:53 PM

Very “Double Entendre” (ish)

Nice Job………………

ilovepopcorn April 26, 2019 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

Good work Concord Police! Thank you very much. Glad this man got busted.

ConcordRez April 26, 2019 - 12:08 PM - 12:08 PM

Other sources note that the suit was stolen in the robbery. I don’t belong to Linkedin anymore to see photo on that site. Is this the same person who is holding a go-fund-me for Marron House and ran a thrift store to benefit same for wayward youth?

Roz April 26, 2019 - 12:09 PM - 12:09 PM

Jesse was the owner of Marron House Thrift shop on Willow Pass Road. I use to visit his shop and found some great vintage items. He fell back into drug abuse, lost everything, plus his wife. It’s sad, but he will be off the street again for awhile, and hope he can get straight again and back on his feet.

Silva April 26, 2019 - 2:40 PM - 2:40 PM

That’s really awfully sad.

Willowpass April 27, 2019 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM

I hope he gets better because he is a good man with great intentions sometimes gels the best place for people to help them regroup

WC Resident April 26, 2019 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

@S – His previous arrest was on April 16th and he was released from the Martinez detention facility on April 18th at 6:30pm. It makes sense that after five days that he would be seeking 3 squares and a cot.

@Kirkwood – Please tell us how you know that the City Hall complex is difficult to break into. 🙂

The security alarm tripped at 5 a.m. Either he broke in early Wednesday morning in or entered Tuesday during business hours and then fell asleep somewhere.

@Simonpure – I’m sure he has heard “What a maroon!” delivered with a fake Bugs Bunny accent many times as a kid and beyond.

anotheranon April 26, 2019 - 2:30 PM - 2:30 PM

WC Resident;
The phrase you’ve used, “3 squares and a cot”, originally was 3 hots and a cot, which rhymes a bit better.

dltravers April 26, 2019 - 1:02 PM - 1:02 PM

Looks like he is wearing a bullet proof vest under that suit. He looks like one of the boys from the outfit.

The Professor April 26, 2019 - 1:19 PM - 1:19 PM

He looks like Jeremy Wade from “River Monsters”.

Guess the fish weren’t biting…

My2cents April 27, 2019 - 12:22 AM - 12:22 AM

Obviously his last name fits him perfectly!! Glad he was caught…!

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