The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
Of all the popular mysteries (Bigfoot, Jimmy Hoffa disappearance, UFOs, etc.), which fascinates you the most?
Talk about it….
The mystery of what happened to the “young, eager to help the people politician? What happened to them after years in office?
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession.
I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
— Ronald Reagan
Thousands of years ago before there was travel between the continents there are artifacts left on each continent with matching symbols and figures of who the people of the continents thought were gods. All continents seem to indicate the gods came from the sky. If I had a choice to go back in time to observe I would go to Peru to see a huge wall being built made out of massive stones that fit together like a glove. The stones weighing twenty tons or more had to be moved ten miles to get where the wall was built. They think it is ten thousand years old. There was some real stuff going on in the world years before history.
Yes, amazing and wonder how all of it was done.
I agree.
There are MANY places/things from pre history all over the world that are unexplained. And for many of them there does not seem to be a viable explanation given our “educated assumptions” about our ancient “ancestors”…..Really interesting.
What entity really planned the attack on September 11, 2001?
Years before it happened OBL said of the twin towers “Those should come down” No mystery to me who planned it.
…how Newsom beat the recall despite all his failures, lies, and unfulfilled campaign promises… as a tribute to his ethics – how he had an affair with his best friends wife while he was mayor of SF …. don’t forget – Harris’ affair with then Mayor Willie Brown… the mystery is – how do these people get the public trust?
Those pre-covid mysteries are nothing compared to the mysteries of the 2020 election, covid response, incentive to force an experimental jab on the population (and subsequent coverup of the mass amount of people that have and are experiencing side effects), apparently rising gas prices are a mystery to the biden regime since they’ve blamed covid, the supply chain, and now Russia over the past 3 months but took credit for lower gas prices in December lol. Bigfoot got nothing on the mysteries we face today.
Based on your logic we do not need to hold elections. Just count the people who have nothing better to do than attend a political rally.
Wow wish I’d thought of that.
Are Ancient Aliens real? and who was The Zodiac Killer
The Bermuda Triangle
Where to buy “Irish Bacon”
Doc Google it is always my answer.
Agatha Christie mysteries in books. Then There Were None was one of my favorites. Not much on the TV mysteries.
Amelia Earhart
Jimmy Hoffa
D B Cooper
Zodiac Killer
That is a pretty good list. And those are real mysteries, not some of the made ups here, such as the election etc. I have no doubt who planned 9/11. I read 2 books written by secret service agents who was guarding Kennedy. One was Clint Hill, the agent who protected Jackie Kennedy and who crawled up on the car and then threw himself over Mrs. Kennedy to protect her, the other was agent Jerry Blaine, I think with Clint Hill. Both thought Oswald was the killer and the lone killer, and I believe them, they were there.
1. Bigfoot
2. UFOs
3. How the Great Pyramids were actually built.
4. Loch Ness Monster
5. Emilia Earhart’s disappearance
@Exit 12A
You named my fascination…..the Pyramids. How in the world?
Was there a second shooter in Dealey Plaza? My family went there in ’64 on vacation visiting relatives and I went again in ’84 for business. It looked nothing the same in ’81 but in ’64 it hadn’t changed much and the conclusion with family members was that Oswald could easily have gotten 3 shots off. We will probably never know the real story.
…I’d love to get my hands on an unredacted Warren Commission file report…. each president says they will disclose the full contents but don’t … got to be a reason why
One theory I heard was that one of his secret service guards, in response to the first shot, returned fire without actually aiming, screwing up and hitting POTUS in the process.
The main reason for the secrecy being to protect the secret service’s reputation.
UFO’s fascinate me.
It’ll be fun to find out the truth.
@Cellophane….”The truth is out there”.
Where-in-the-heckfire is Malaysia Airlines flight 370? (another anniversary just passed 3/8/14)
My keys…. it’s been about 6 months now and I had to replace all of them, but I still haven’t found those damn keys!
Where are our tax dollars going? The roads are still terrible.
Who is the Zodiac?
Bob do you think they really did?
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum theft. Paintings never recovered.
How anyone with an IQ above “tilt” could vote for Gavin Newsom. He makes Jimmy Hoffa look like Jimmy Stewart…….
How is it we have a Nobel Prize-winning drug listed as one of the world’s essential medicines that has been prescribed to humans to fight a multitude of diseases through several decades that is totally FDA safety tested and no longer is patented and absolutely kicks azz over viruses … And yet, doctors are not using it to fight this alleged “pandemic” … That’s a mystery … #ChrisFarleyaccent