Home » The Water Cooler – Your Favorite & Least Favorite Kind Of Soda

The Water Cooler – Your Favorite & Least Favorite Kind Of Soda



The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


What’s your favorite kind of soda, and which one do you hate?

Talk about it….

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Never have been a soda guy…now an ice cold beer is another story.

Same here with soda, and a cold beer sounds good now 🙂

I usually don’t drink a lot of soda, but when I do, I like ginger ale or root beer. I don’t like Coca-Cola.

Never got use to the taste of root beer, I think you have to be born and grown up here to like it. I try not to drink too many sodas, especially those with sugar in it. I like coke, but not diet coke, however the coke called Zero, has no calories and no aftertaste. I usually keep some diet sprite and diet ginger ale on hand, but don’t drink them that often.

The first time I tasted coke was in Denmark, I was in a girl scout camp on a small island (Samso) and a couple of us was hitch hiking (fairly common, and safe at the time, 60/61) a truck that was transporting sodas to stores, stopped and picked us up, they were distributing Coca Cola, for the first time to Danish stores, and gave us each a bottle. We liked it right away, and as active teen age girls we didn’t worry about the sugar content.

Neat story, as always Hanne. Thanks!

Sodas tasted much better then than they do nowadays. They had real cane sugar, and I suspect more of the flavorings were from natural sources. No sodas taste as good as they did throughout the 1960s. You can still get Coca-Cola made with cane sugar from Mexico, which is more like the real stuff, though.

I’m not much of a soda drinker, but I do enjoy a root beer float sometimes. I hate any diet soda. Any artificially sweetened products leave a terrible aftertaste.

Favorite: Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi
No Way: Dr. Pepper… gack!! Makes me wanna hurl!

Dr Pepper is a another soda that I never acquired a taste for. I like Fanta Orange, but too much sugar so rarely drink it.

I used to drink Pepsi when I was young..I hate root beer soda…yuck!

Diet Dr. Pepper. Hands down the most authentic-tasting diet soda on the market.

Now and then, I’ll treat myself to a Weinhard’s root beer or a Sioux City Sarsparilla

Favorite: Dr. Pepper
Least: Diet Dr. Pepper

They don’t even taste similar.

My favorite is Hansen’s Mandarin Lime. Diet Dr. Pepper if I don’t want sugar.

Least favorite is plain seltzer water. It tastes like Alka Seltzer to me.

Add white wine and a slice of lemon to Seltzer water, and it will taste better.

I don’t drink a lot of soda because truly they’re not good for you. But once in awhile a Dr pepper or a Cherry Coke can sure be a pleasure and give you a nice afternoon pick up!

Back in the 80’s Fanta used to make a Red Cream Soda damn tasty 😋

I used to drink Red Cream Soda on my paper route in the early seventies. Good stuff indeed!

Favorite: Club
Hate: Anything Diet


Favorite: FRESCA
Can’t Stand: PEPSI

Barq’s, a Louisiana soda now owned by Coke. Sort of like rootbeer, but different. My FIL did their ad campaigns for years.
Dr Pepper is also tasty.
Also like a ginger ale from time to time, good to settle my tummy.

Otherwise, don’t really care for sodas.

The taxable kind

As a yute, I usually drank RC Cola or Mountain Dew. I no longer drink any kind of pop, but if I do, it would be a root beer, usually Dog N Suds or Sarsaparilla.

Favorite: Weinhard’s Black Cherry Cream
Hate: any orange soda

Nesbitt Orange. The old one.

Favourite: cragmont
Least: Woke-a-cola

Coca-Cola is my favorite, and my least favorite is Dr. Pepper, because it tastes like medicine.

Anything but WOKE Coke!

Favorite: Dr. Pepper
Yuck: Fresca

Best all time is Fanta Red Cream Soda, when it came in a glass bottle and you popped the top off with the bottle opener on the vending machine.

Favorite: Any Coca-Cola Product.
Hate: Fanta and crush

Favorite: is 7-up
Hate : Is any Cream soda

There used to be (maybe still is) an A&W in a little town on the way back from…Yosemite maybe…or Calaveras County (?)…that we’d stop at and get a quart of ice cold root beer…it was heaven after driving in 105 degree temp for several hours

Learned to drink Fanta in Spain when I was a kid.
Very few sodas these days, but I do like an occasional powerful ginger beer – the more bite-ish, the better!

You might like Canada Dry’s newest offering; see below

In 2003, for a New Year’s resolution, I gave up soda. Haven’t had one since! It’s true!!! I sometimes dream of having a big fat juicy burger or a big fat piece of Costco pizza with a root beer!!

The following year, I gave up fast food. Haven’t had it since!!! It’s true!! Now….. if one considers Costco pizza fast food, then I lied!! Have it about once a year.

For the Ginger Ale lovers, Canada Dry recently came out with a new one, called Bold, which really has a lot of the old flavor, and then some. Has some burn, too.

The burn is the best.

I loved Birerley’s grape soda! (it was non-carbonated). We had cases of it in our garage back in the 1950’s. Never liked any carbonated beverages except Root Beer and Beer.

Nehi Orange soda. Haven’t seen it in years

Back when I was on the USS Ustafish, we pulled into Roosevelt Roads. At a local establishment, I ordered a rum and Coke, and the bartender waved a bottle of coke over a glass of rum and gave me the glass. Apparently, Coca-Cola shipped from the US had formaldehyde as a preservative and was considered undrinkable by virtually everyone. I still don’t drink it.

@Cowellian……It was like Brylcreem, “a little dab’ll do ya”.

I thought “a little dab’ll do ya in!”

If I do drink soda favorite Dr Pepper least favorite Mountain Dew

Wondering why all of you that declare you don’t drink soda opted to comment.

Funny Rollo. Really don’t need the disclaimer “I don’t drink soda”

I miss the original, Jolt Cola “All the Sugar and Twice the Caffeine”. My favorite is Mexican made Coca-Cola, hands down, the best tasting soda available today.

It’s pretty hard to screw-up soda, and I’ll drink just about anything carbonated,…if it’s free! I can’t recall a least favorite soda.



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