The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
If there’s only money for one, should school sports programs, art programs, music programs or trade programs be the priority?
Talk about it….
Sports programs, Art programs, Music programs can be something to do as a after school program.
Trade programs help guide students into something they might like to have as a job.
I had drafting classes high school and then landed a job as a civil draftsperson. ~~~ 🙂
Trade program. There should be more now (for non college students) to prepare the students for the future
Trade programs – no question. Give them skills they can use and build on if they choose…. a decent tradesman or woman can make $100K after graduating from a trades school – many college students pursue education and land jobs completely out of their educational field making less and saddled with college tuition debt… well. not now maybe under Bidenomics
Trade programs.
But there is more than enough money for both in our poorly managed school district.
The trades are the backbone of America. A lot of skilled tradesmen are getting older and retiring. That means there will be plenty of work after high school graduation.
Have a brother inlaw retired that worked at a refinery, he was asked to stay on past his retirement date and they offered him a very hefty bonus each year he stayed because they couldn’t find people to hire. Decades ago my former employer couldn’t find qualified industrial electricians so they started their own inhouse training program. Program evolved into ETEC program at Los Medanos junior college in Pittsburg.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8Lk1KwWEMo congressional testimony
Hands down trade programs ! ! !
Kids these days have little in the way of problem solving ability and graduate with few to none in the way of a skill set an employer would be willing to pay up for.
IF a kid has the ability to break a problem down into smaller parts, change one variable and see the results. If it doesn’t solve the problem you back out the change and try another variable.
Providing one can recognize the dangers involved.
One of the things we taught LMC summer interns from ETEC program, there are no bad ideas.
There are ideas that won’t work and most definitely you don’t keep score as to who was wrong.
Major Safety item was planning, dangers involved like gravity, stored energy, etc.
Kids need more than anything a unique skill set employers want and with that skill set they can go anywhere in the world and get a good paying job. A skill set that doesn’t come with massive student loan debt.
Trades programs… there are too many children (and many adults) who cannot do the simplest things using their brain and hands.
Trades teaches “how to”, deductive reasoning, and problem solving.
MDUSD, ya got your ears on ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
Art because it promotes flexibility and creativity. Of course that There is less money making opportunities in art; but those who pursue any art disciplines could count on people in trade to support them. For example people in trade are paying student debt for people with Bachelor of Arts in fields, including but not limited to, liberal art, journalism, ect…
Ha ha!
All the thumbs-downers didn’t read it carefully, did they?
Need a sarc-font.
We all read it very carefully. Are you familiar with Paul’s other inane comments?
All of them are great programs. Any choice will do, as long as diversity, equality, and inclusion are followed.
Sports. If you want to learn a trade as a profession, go to trade school. The same way the rest of us paid to go to college. Sports is healthy, and with the obesity rate, kids need as much physical activity as they can get.
None!!! The only useful degree is in interpretive social justice liberal dance arts with a minor in Marxist Revolutionary Tactics and Whining.
Is that a Bachelor’s or graduate degree?
You forgot gender studies.
Do not forget Under water Basket Weaving…that’s a degree in high demand
Trade programs. Sports, music, art, let the attendees pay for it, not we taxpayers. Back in my day (said to indicate just how old I am), if you played football, you paid to play, same with baseball, hockey, etc. If you played an instrument, you paid for that instrument and for lessons. Couldn’t afford it, well, you didn’t join. You can’t always get what you want (I’ve heard that somewhere before). Need to stop looking in other peoples’ pockets. Want something, work for it.
Trade but with music as a strong second choice. Music because it seems to stimulate the brain more especially in math. But trade first.
How about money used to teach kids how to write and do math? That seems to have been cut in favor of DEI crap.
Music. Learning to play an instrument teaches a child discipline as well as gives him or her a skill and appreciation for music and helps to expand the developing brain by building more neurons.
“[C]hildren who undergo musical training have better verbal memory, second language pronunciation accuracy, reading ability and executive functions. Learning to play an instrument as a child may even predict academic performance and IQ in young adulthood.”
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3957486/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20children%20who%20undergo,and%20IQ%20in%20young%20adulthood.
Arts and music. If you enjoy TV, movies and music concerts, support these programs. Ask Tom Hanks where he would be if not for the high school and college theater depts.
I loved the small engine repair class MDUSD offered. It was a summer school thing at the Mt. Diablo High School campus. Another summer they had a computer class where we’d devise programs on these things that looked like graph paper and then using a typewriter like thing we would punch up the program onto a deck of IBM cards. The cards were taken each night to the MDUSD headquarters when ran your jobs on their mainframe. The next day we got a printout with the results. Both of those were “trades” and both continued to be useful. Though the classes were at Mt. Diablo High’s campus they were open to elementary and intermediate school plus high school age MDUSD students. Later they added a food program which I believe continues and is available today.
Trade Programs.
Read on.
The California State Lottery began with a ballot measure, Proposition 37, that was approved by voters on November 6, 1984. Called the California State Lottery Act of 1984, it allows the Lottery to supplement funding for public education in California through the responsible sale of lottery products.
Follow the money. Start cutting admin positions unit all three programs can be funded as intended by the Proposition.