Home » The Water Cooler – Eating Unhealthy Food During the Holidays

The Water Cooler – Eating Unhealthy Food During the Holidays



The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


What was the most unhealthy thing that you ate (but loved) during the holidays?

Talk about it….

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Crab loaded with butter

Chocolate, and lots of it 😉

This year I didn’t eat anything I consider too unhealthy, but in Christmas past, I’ve been known to over indulge in eggnog. I would drink it straight out of the carton, or pour it on my cereal. I’d use it in pancake mix and anything else that requires milk.
My mom used to make rum balls, and once I ate one, I couldn’t stop.

@ Dawg~
Eggnog French Toast and Bread/Muffins too,…Yum!

Ham topped with fudge.

Fudge on top of Ham might actually make it edible!! Why I dislike Ham, yet love Bacon, is a mystery to me!

Cookie dough.

My homemade peanut butter cups. Maybe not so unhealthy in the ingredient list but the quantity definitely was a bit much.

It a toss up, Pecan Pie or Prime Rib (rib). Which one?
Other wise, most all the ‘bad’ goodies went to work with my Hubby to share which were all sealed in there own wrappers.

@Roz, prime rib is not unhealthy, and now, because of you, I am hankering for a big slab!

I see nothing unhealthy about prime rib, Roz. Maybe some others do, but I sure don’t.

We had Prime too…

Maybe it’s because I ate 2 ribs, dripping running down my finger, and then I went into a food coma,…LOL!

2 ribs? Sounds like a good start….

Chocolate-covered cherries!

Forgot about that, used to get a box of those for Christmas and by end of the day they’d be all gone.

“Unhealthy” is relative. I would consider products made with genetic engineering and too many chemical additives to fit in that category. Chocolate has some healthful properties so it depends on how much and how much sugar you get with it and if you are sensitive to those excesses.

Since I watch what I eat regardless of the time of the year can’t say I ate much of anything “unhealthy” over the holidays.

The list is long and delicious. Fortunately, I managed to eat plenty, but not enough to gain (in fact, I have lost)…Home made candy like caramel, toffee and marshmallow, fried cheese curds, adult egg nog, non-adult egg nog, and plenty of pecan pie. Will continue until January 2.

Lot’s. My Danish Christmas meal include gravy, and potatoes coated with sugar and butter. Dessert is rice pudding made with whipped cream. Christmas morning the traditional in my family is eggs with bacon and pastries. On top of all that I love Marzipan and usually can buy German Marzipan covered with dark chocolate at Cost Plus, they didn’t have it this year. I did find plain Marzipan at the Nob Hill though, so still indulged.

A 1lb box of Nuts and Chews Chocolates from See’s Candies. Damn good!

My family is working on emptying a 3lb. box of See’s Candy…I can see the results on my body!

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies!! And mimosas!



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