Home » The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Gone Out To Eat For Thanksgiving Dinner?

The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Gone Out To Eat For Thanksgiving Dinner?



Today marks the 233rd annual Thanksgiving Day holiday.

QUESTION: Have you ever gone out to eat for Thanksgiving dinner? If so, when & where?

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Occasionally as kids we were dragged out to a restaurant with other family relatives… never any fun.. always preferred home cookin’ for Thanksgiving


I have gone out to other family members’ houses, and a dear friend’s house regularly (until the chinese bat flu). I cannot think of a time, even in my youth, where I went to a restaurant, or had catered in, a Thanksgiving.
I would like to wish all Claycordians, each and every one of you, a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!


A few times. The hotel across fro The Willows used to do a pretty good job of a buffet

Yes. Once during a move we ate out at the Golden Corral buffet. It actually wasn’t that bad. We also felt very fortunate as it appeared that those around us were of harder luck. Made us feel fortunate and thankful.


One time. My very first Thanksgiving in the US. It was 1995 and I was an exchange student in Grants Pass OR. Host family put together a gathering of their entire extended family in San Juan Islands up in WA near Vancouver BC. Dinner was at the hotel in Friday Harbor. Quite the spread.

As far as I remember once. I was divorced my daugther was about 6 or 7 I think. My good friend that lived here in Concord invited me to join him and his aunt and uncle who lived in Rossmoor for a Thanksgiving meal at their Country Club, don’t remember if it was Lafeyette or Orinda, it was very nice, but for the most part I prefer Thanksgiving at my place, I like to cook, and especially like to cook for friends. When I lived in Benicia my neighbors would split the cost with me, if I would do the cooking. In later years I would go to my friends house here in Concord and cook for him and his neigbhor and sometimes another friend, (he passed away). It is possible years ago when I was single and living in New York I went out for Thanksgiving with friends, but don’t remember it. Most often we would be several getting together at someone place.


yes, 1959 Fort Dix New Jersey at the mess hall (basic training)

A few times with relatives during the late 1990s. This was when some restaurants were open on Thanksgiving. And again in 2014 with my brother-in-law over in Castro Valley. My sister was house bound and we picked up a dinner for her but she insisted that we two should go out. One of our favorite restaurants was open but booked up and wound up at a Carrow’s (I think or something like that). I think I had pasta because i never like the turkey dinners some of the chain’s prepared.

I was actually ambivalent about going to my nephew’s today but couldn’t believe how smooth and quick the trip was there and back. Not the crammed 680 and 580 I used to recall on this holiday.


“Go out” as out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving?
No. That would be lame.


233 rd Thanksgiving?
Yeah… it feels like it.


My first Thanksgiving in the Navy found me in New London as a junior non-qual Petty Officer. I had only been there for about a week and didn’t know anyone there. Early that morning, I was wandering around the base, and I saw a senior Petty Officer struggling with several large bags of trash. He had Duty the night before and was trying to finish so he could go home for his Thanksgiving. I offered to help him, and we made pretty quick work of things. Then he invited me to Thanksgiving dinner. Cell phones weren’t a thing back then, so my arrival was a complete surprise to his wife and two sons, but they were most gracious. We watched some football, and I helped set up the train set for the kids, and the dinner was excellent. Since then, I have been away from home for several Thanksgiving, but that is the one I will always remember.

Yes, twice.

Once just the two of us got dressed up and went to Grand Island Mansion on the river. It was very good and no clean up. Nice ride also.

Second time joined some family and friends at Claremont Hotel in Berkeley for wonderful meal. Some of best food ever, including Turkey, Salmon, Ham etc etc and wow those desserts Pricey but well worth it.

Was great both times.

No turkey for me this year so, me and my sister went out to Korean BBQ restaurant at the Ohgane for lunch it was fun. That did not matter to me because my cousin is married to his Korean wife and they always eat Korean food on Thanisgiving day ao I copycat them. After Lunch we went to see the Marvel Movie



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