Home » The Water Cooler – Red Light Runners

The Water Cooler – Red Light Runners


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Recently, we’ve been seeing a large amount of vehicle collisions due to red light runners. Do you think people would stop running red lights if the fines were $2,000+ for each violation?

Also, would you support such a large fine?

Talk about it!

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Larger fines are not the answer. I think we need to look into repealing the laws of physics Perhaps Mark Desaulnier will hold a zoom meeting.

Not being a red light runner I don’t care how high the fine goes.

If its totally red and they run it then a fine is warranted though I think that fine is too high.

But if its yellow then turns red when they are half way thru the intersection I don’t consider that running a red light as much though you could say its bad judgement because you want to get through the intersection completely while it is still yellow but don’t compare people doing that to people who blatantly go into the intersection when its red before they even enter the intersection.

Not everyone is just out for personal shopping and entertainment living on unemployment boosts or daddys money or trust fund money… some people got places to be and actually work and have jobs. The stress of that I can understand why they would run a light but its still not smart at all and if you hurt someone you will have to live with that the rest of your life so its not worth it.

No, I do not think people will stop running red lights if the fine was $2000, and no, I would not support such a large fine.

California already has high fines, combined with outrageous fees tacked onto the fines. California also has a policy of picking and choosing which laws to obey and which ones to ignore. People will not stop driving, even if their license is suspended or revoked, and the result will be even more people on the road without a license or insurance.

I confess that I have run a few “orange” lights in my time. That would be a failure of my skill or judgment. What I have observed over the past ten years or so, is an epidemic of DELIBERATE red light running. Some treat red lights as a sort of low grade yield sign, and barely slow down as they roll through. Others seem to spontaneously decide that a red light has lost all legitimacy, and after stopping for a while, suddenly bolt through.

They can’t even get people to come to a full stop at a stop sign. Go ahead and increase the fine for both, red light, and stop sign running. I doubt it will help though, most people don’t have any idea what the fine for red light running is, so unless they find a way to inform the public that the fine has been increased to $2,000, they will keep right on truck’n through the red lights while gawking at their phones. One way to make people aware of a stiffer fine is to have an ad on TV.
While they’re at it, they should do a better job at enforcing the 25 MPH speed limit in school zones when children are present.

…. I’ve actually seen a few true red light runners… remember – it’s legal to enter an intersection on a yellow / orange light and exit on a red. You just can’t enter on a red light.

That’s where the BS started. It’s supposed to be if you can stop safely when it turns yellow. Not speed up to make sure your in the intersection when it turns red.

Yes, high fines are perfectly fine. Unfortunately, there is a significant portion of the population that regularly ignores the law and seems to have a sense of entitlement to do whatever they wish in shared public areas.

However, I do believe it would be more fair and effective to have a point system, where there would be elevated fines depending on the number of repeat offenses. This would separate people who simply made a one-time mistake from people who simply don’t care about the law or traffic safety.

.. sick of it.. You’re right – but I’m just stating the law – from a legal / violation standpoint.

If it’s a big truck, triple the fine.

No, I do not think people will stop running red lights if the fine was $2000, and no, I would not support such a large fine.

What the red light runners? Dose that mean I can run over to the red light district ?

$2,000 or more plus time in jail. A couple of weeks ago a “driver” with a suspended license run into my 8 months pregnant daughter and run away. This is a going on problem because the laws are too week in this State.


If the State of CA would bring back the death penalty and not cower to convictions, all the law breakers would think twice about doing anything wrong. Like my dad said “Ignorance of the law is no excuse unless your just plain stupid”

Apparently too many people are ignorant about the laws of physics. I agree that CA is too soft on all crimes.

They could call it the Red Light Special.

From what I have heard Concord only 4 or 5 traffic officers. The chance of them being caught doesn’t exist raising the fine would be a good start along with assigning more officers to traffic, this will also help with low life’s from other cities coming 8n to cause problems since there would then be a chance they could get pulled over for some violation. As is people are waiting to enter intersections when there light turns green in fear of being hit. The idiots that are running the lights are slowing down traffic across the board as people pass through intersections slower to prevent themselves from being hit. Besides red light runners there are so many that are not following the basic rules of the road and making it dangerous for everyone. The rules were written so we all know what the other guy is going to do. Now it’s a crap shoot and tying up traffic more and more. Since the start of the pandemic driving skills have really gone down hill.

Why bother? Our Soros-approved DA will reduce the charges/fines or drop them.

You are 100% correct!

Agree 100%.

No to increasing the fines. I have seen a quite a few red light runners, and have run a few myself. Some of the few I have see were accidental, or poor timing trying to get through the yellow (not blatant), some were sitting at a turn lane with a long red, with absolutely no traffic in either direction, for some time, and the people just made the red. I have done this once or twice, not so much in CA, but sitting at a light waiting for, nothing. $2K for these circumstances, in most cases, is too punitive, I mean not everyone in California has a net worth of our elected representatives.

First off

The red light runners have been doing this since sanctuary was enacted

Second high fines are not going to do anything
Or have you forgotten in demland people no longer have to pay fines if they claim poverty
Hmmm driving a vehicle worth money and buying inflated gas prices and paying for tags and have to have insurance
Yet these violators pay nothing

And yes most who break the laws are the people claiming poverty
Since most who break the law …are therefore …
according to dems equity theory
Afforded the sanctuary law of no fines for any infraction or bail

So the answer is

This is what you wanted anarchy and those who claim ignorance angwis t the law

Enjoy it

You voted and earned it

You should enjoy it

I hope your choice does not effect your children as they had no choice in the world that you have given them

Fines are for a civilized society

As we see the laws the against them
have spoken clearly as to how the dem politicians view the society we live in

As they take our money to live in a more beneficial society amongst themselves
mask free and gathering as fed employees are exempt from any mandates

But yes you have to comply
Resistance is futile

I don’t think higher fines are the answer. People don’t think about that when they run red lights. They are in a hurry, or just don’t want to wait. So i think we keep the fine the same, but there’s a mandatory 30 min waiting period before you can go anywhere. I have no idea how we would enforce that, but man i sure would be mad if i had to wait 30 mins. In some cases, i’d rather pay the $2000 fine.

That’s a creative idea. With modern technology, it could likely be implemented in similar fashion to a breathalyzer lock on a car. Use a raspberry pi computer to register an attempt by the driver to start the car (possibly require basic interaction periodically to prove waiting), then unlock the ignition after the specified time. If you employ an app on the driver’s phone, it could be much more sophisticated.
Not that I’m in favor of the government mandating such a thing, even in sentencing for a traffic offense; but it is an interesting idea.

Many years ago l was witness to a fatal crash caused by a red light violation. Anytime somebody runs a red light they risk injuring themselves or others, or worse. If that is not enough of a deterrent l doubt a big fine would be.

I believe you’re right about that.
However, when the fine is raised, the government can get more money when they do ticket someone for it. Can’t help but figure they might be a fair bit biased when it comes to fines.
Making the idea of the possible repurcussions of running a red a bit more real to them (less of an abstract concern), would likely have much more effectiveness.

I’m all for it!

Keep the fines where they are and ALSO require a day in traffic school.
They will agonise over eight hours in traffic school far more than writing a check.

This was my thought as well. Being inconvenienced for an entire day is worse than any fine!

People have a habit around here of following a car that turned while yellow (ok), but red for all the following cars. The intersection of Treat and Oak Grove (people turning at the Oil Change place) will sometime have 2 or 3 cars clearly crossing when the light is red. I take a right turn there and I see it almost every day I come home from work. If someone is clearly at fault they should pay the whole bill for city services used if there is a crash.

Nope, it won’t help. I think reprogram the traffic signal and speed might help. For example when the light turn red, wait for a few seconds before switching green light of the crossing traffic; At was taught in driver education to wait 3 seconds after the light turn green to make sure I don’t get t-bone

I have now watched 2 concord motorcycle offices sit while cars ran through the red light and did nothing so I don’t think any amount will stop red light runners.

Sadly, I have seen more and more people take the red light as a suggestion. It’s usually on a right right, but also the protect left- one care does it and a few more follow. I’ve also seen more half-rolling stops. My idea is old school from drivers ed. Make them watch the bloody car accident movies we had to watch in drivers Ed. Repeat offenders should have to do a ride along for a day. 🙂

Perhaps, be required to attend or watch a video of the victim’s funeral?

The Police can cite every red light runner can catch.

Judges let too many people go without a fine.

Bleeding hearts doncha know.

So what??? The laws aren’t enforced anyway so why bother.

Let’s also give a $2k fine to those who sit at the green light waiting to get a sing from E.T letting them know it’s okay to go.
I have seen young adults of both sexes blowing through the red light but I have also seen them speeding through stop signs. I saw a white sedan run the stop sign in front of the Sheriff’s Office going at least 50mph and no police or sheriff to be found.
I see lots of women, especially those with a “baby on board” sign driving 35+ on residential and school zones.
I have seen men on motorcycles making left turns against the red light despite seeing oncoming traffic. Others like to hold traffic popping wheelies.
There are those who love invading the lane or cutting in front at the last second. A blinker light indicates intent to change lanes and it’s not intended to impose a driver’s will for others to make room or get out of the way. Actions like that could cause a multiple collision.
This pandemic has brought out the worst in people when it comes to driving.

The odds of a cop seeing anyone running a red light are sky high. Fines don’t discourage anything nowadays anyway on just about anything.

I think if drivers weren’t driving from red light to red light people might have a little more patience. Why doesn’t the city of Concord synchronize the traffic signals on the main thoroughfares?

Raise the fine ??? That’s laughable….. local law enforcement doesn’t enforce anything, never around to see these offenses happen, everyday I see reckless speeding, expired tags, windows tinted way beyond legal limits, red light runners….. and never a cop in sight…. and all the law breakers know this, no concern about getting caught, police just ignore these “minor” infractions, it’s a free for all out there

Interesting!?! In talking to some of my retired LE friends …. They’re saying that today’s average cop is AFRAID to pull anyone over because they might get shot or get involved in some sort of situation that leads to some kind of disciplinary action against them. They just want to get home safely after each day’s shift is over. Very sad state of affairs!?

When I moved to Concord in ‘95 I thought the local ordinance was “if the light has been red for less than 10 sec, it’s ok to go through.

I was taught (in Kindergarten), “Red means stop, green means go, yellow means wait even if you’re late”. I’ve been almost rear ended many times because I chose to stop at yellow when I knew I wasn’t going to make it all the way through.

I worked in LA for several years. Traffic laws in SoCal are very clear: Red Light means the fourth car has to stop. No ambiguity.

Be vigilant and look both ways before entering any intersection, whether your light is green or not. I witnessed a terrible accident a few years in downtown Concord when the woman driving in front of me just drove right through a red light, hitting the car that was coming down Clayton Road and badly injuring the young woman who was driving it. The woman who ran the light was not impaired, just possibly had her mind on something else or was looking at the light at the next corner, which was green, and that was before cell phones. It happens, but we all need to drive defensively at all times.

Fines-what a laugh. Most of these idiots are driving without a license or have stolen the vehicle they are driving without caring about anyone else other than themselves and their own “Needs”.

The only people that get fined are the ones who continue to get royally screwed with higher taxes and the cost of covering all of the theivery at the stores and everywhere else.

Cut some slack to those who have paid more than their fair share of wealth distribution. Give them a break on taxes and all the freebies the green entitlement crowd keep pulling out of their behinds.

BTW- does anyone else question why we have to produce ID and vacine status for everything now days from recycling to everything other dam thing but when it comes time to VOTE no ID is required?????

What the hell is up with this governmental BS??? Oh, pardon me-it is the LIberals who want everyone and their brother to vote for them and shut down anyone with a lick of common sense.

Some states record it and then send the ticket in the mail, I presume with the picture of the car entering the intersection on red. You just have to pay it or it will be added to your registration with a fine. That might make you stop and think.

This is just another money grab. The current fine and costs are already in the $300- to $400- range. Higher fines will not change behavior.

Jail and fine. Put a lien on the registration of their car. Better yet, seize it and crush it.

Good answer!
With current political atmosphere fines are meaningless. What should happen is no driving schools. Make sure it appears on record and the auto insurer gets the report! I attended a driving school some years back at the suggestion by a WNCK patrol officer to prevent the speeding ticket I had received to be recorded. Most of the students in the class(about 20) ignored the retired CHP instructor. Most of the violators did not return after the lunch break!!
The red-light violator should have their license suspended for one month plus the fine!

What’s the use?
Even the cops drive like crap, no turn signals, on the phone…. and nobody dares to honk at them while they sit at the green light.
When I was a youngster & got a traffic ticket I was out there on the weekend picking up garbage on the road gang (aka Work Alternative Program – WAP… I don’t know if they still do it).

Yes, $2,000+ whatever in fines, for running a “real” red light. I know it’s not going to make any difference, but do it anyway and get it on the law books. Hopefully, one day, California will have competent leadership that will punish the dummies behind the wheel.



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