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I’ve just checked my house insurance🏡 and if my blanket🛌 is stolen in the middle of the night.🌚
I’m not covered!🥶😱
That one made me laugh…but I think you’ve mistaken this for the “Whatever” column.
Well, Gavin Newsom is now sputing conservative views! Can you believe it?
Sorry, but I don’t trust him – snakes do change their skin.
Best description,
Grossly Incompetent, Hubris
Accomplishments ? ? ? ?
‘Remember Newsom’s 2022 Backroom Deal to Cut Out Competition
and Force All of California into Kaiser?‘
‘Newsom’s policy of giving free medical coverage to
every illegal immigrant in the state ballooned to $9.5 billion’
‘‘Let’s Make a Deal:’ Newsom Admin. Inks Backroom Deal
With Kaiser for Statewide Medi-Cal Health’
‘Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Medi-Cal is Insolvent’
“…LA Mayor admits to a $2 billion dollar deficit and is asking
for state funds to close the budget chasm. The Newsom Administration
budget is somewhere between $40 billion and at least $80 billion
in deficit. The City of Los Angeles is scheduled to host the Summer
Olympics next, in 2028.’
‘California High-Speed Rail Needs $7 Billion for
Bakersfield to Merced by 2026′
‘Gov. Newsom Hands Out Another $76M ‘Safeguarding Californians
From Hate-Motivated Incidents’ ‘
“He’s handed out $400M in ‘Newsom bucks’, hoping that high-risk
organizations remember him when he runs for President”
‘Nearly Half of Californians Consider Voting Republican Governor
in 2026 Amid Democrat Failures, Statewide Poll Reveals’
Old saying, when you find yourself in a hole stop digging.
CA state legislature and newsom, just keep diggin’.
Then again, politician’s usual focus is wining elections, having
the ability to reward those who helped then into office with taxpayer
dollars and POWER.
Evidence keeps piling up.
WHO do democrats running this state view as important to them,
illegals, criminals ? ? ? ?
Do voters have a limit to the amount of STUPID they’re willing
to put up with ? ? ?
Snakes do shed their skin from time to time. Perhaps Governor Gavin Newsom recently went through the ecdysis process and is temporarily testing out what sticks to his new coat of fresh skin, until it’s time to shed again.
A while back Gavin Newsom was dating and then married Kimberly Guilfoyle who later came out as a bellowing ultra conservative. She’s currently living as though she’s married to one of Donald Trump’s boys. It’s likely that both Newsom and Guilfoyle are uncertain as to what they identify as.
My personal theory is that there’s not much of a difference between the two main political parties. They regularly exchange spit and positions.
WC Resident,
Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle broke up months ago. He has a new girlfriend and she’s been nominated by President Donald Trump Sr. to be the U.S. Ambassador to Greece.
As stated previously- Garvin is a self serving power hungry actor.
You are absolutely right to not trust him. Many politicians have had a WOW epiphany moment when they saw what they called “orange man” win the big chair — again– even with a few million dead people voting.
Now it’s a race to see who can mimic him – who can play that part the best right up until the next election.
In the mean time… have we cleaned out those voter registrations for all the dead people and migrant tent people yet?
Did you know it’s now legal in California to register with NO mailing address. You can say you reside on the corner of Mission and 16th Streets, in the blue tent with a yellow top and a ballot will be delivered to you? Seriously!
Donald Trump says the US is “the best friend” Canada and the UK has ever had.
Maybe in the past. Now it’s like watching your ex best friend suffer with substance abuse
From your comments this seems to be a subject you have personal experience battling.When you get these feelings of angst,seek professional help.
I suppose that’s partly true… I mean Canada & the UK have their fair share of purple haired, pretzel brained, left wing nutjobs too.
They’re probably upset with the USA for abandoning all the worldwide, insane money giveaways for every perverted cause Socialist Democrat crazies can dream up.
Add Denmark to the list of former friends of the US.
Well Denmark can just go ahead & make new friends.
Russia & China are anxious to start up a relationship with them.
I’m sure that will make everyone happy.
Denmark never said they were not friends of the US, they just object to the tone in which this issue has been conducted. The Danish foreign minister said in a statement “We are open to criticism, but we object to the tone”. I’m reading Danish news sites almost every day, and the tone is always respectful, and it is always underlined that Denmark has been a friend to the US for many years and vice versa.
Denmark is not about to cozy up to dictators like Putin and Ping.
Oh,was your country milking the USA and got caught too?
Hanne Jeppesen,
President Trump and King Frederik of Denmark are 15th cousins. Even the majority of Greenlanders want independence from Denmark.
Since you’re into Greenlander polling, how about telling us whether the majority of Greenlanders want to join the US?
Why did you think nobody wanted the Vances come to Greenland yesterday.
I never said that Greenlanders wanted to become part of the U.S., or that the U.S. should aquire Greenland. I simply stated that the majority of Greenlanders want independence from Denmark.
That might be but they don’t want to be part of the USA either.
Hanne Jeppesen,
I never claimed that Greenlanders wanted to be a part of the U.S.
As long as Denmark no longer wants a friendship with the U.S., that’s fine, maybe then Denmark can begin to protect their own territories, without the help of the United States, and realize how expensive military protection and security actually cost when they no longer have to depend on the help of their former friend, the United States of America.
You do know we got New York from Denmark? New York was previously called New Amsterdam. I hardly think countries are “friends”, countries are corporations. It’s all about business. Democrats and their emotions 🙄
It’s funny the same people who believe Amsterdam is in Denmark, also believe 150 year old receive Social Security checks. Coincidence?
Maybe you should straighten out the people in your hood with this knowledge.Everyone since elementary school knows Amsterdam is in Holland.
Just so youre not confused,Holland is the Netherlands.Class dismissed.
We got New York from England.
And New Amsterdam was based on the Netherlands
I never knew you spoke for the Danish Government. How cool for you!
Every country should do what they believe is in their own country’s best interests. If Denmark does not want to be a friend of the US, that is there choice.
If Denmark wants to make friends with other world powers because they believe they can negotiate more favorable terms, they should do so post haste.
I wish Denmark well in the future endeavors so long as they do not conflict with those of the USA.
Read my comment above Denmark never said they didn’t want to be friends with the US. It is Trump and Vance that don’t want Denmark as friends, if they did they would not constantly talk about taking over Greenland, and make unwelcome visits, such as Don Jr. and Vance and his wife and then proceed to trash talk Denmark. Trump is trying to silence anyone that is critical of him, why should he be surprised when the shoe is on the other foot?
Read my comment.
Every Country should do what is in their Country’s best interests, that includes the USA.
If another country, such as a minor world player like Denmark, doesn’t like it, they will either learn to live with it or move and form other allies.
That is the reality of politics.
Hanne…. you aren’t going to go all Rosie O’ on us & go back to Denmark are you?
I know we don’t see eye to eye on politics but America is definitely a more interesting place with you in it (borrowed a Dr. Lecter quote).
Maybe you too should get a room,or maybe a rendezvous in Macy’s at lunchtime…….
You spelled “two” incorrectly.
No, I’m not going back to Denmark. I take your comment as a compliment, not sure if you are dead serious, or it’s a little tongue in cheek. In any case, I will much rather that people find me interesting than agreeing with me all the time. You can’t blame me for defending my country, and when I’m in Denmark I ALWAYS defend the US, even if I can’t back whoever is president 100 percent.
For the record one of my best friends for 35 years was a strong Trump supporter, unfortunately he passed away about 5 years ago, we had some heated discussions, but never let it interfere with our friendship. Another best friend for 55 years, is also a strong Trump supporter, he lives in Florida, so we mostly communicate by email.
What part of Trump’s “America First” agenda puts Americans first? So far, this administration is raising prices, crushing 401Ks, taking a chainsaw to government jobs that doesn’t even put a dent in reducing the federal budget, pillaging our sensitive personal data, ending or threatening to slash aid programs that are critical in helping everyday Americans at home and abroad (Medicaid, USAID, snap, Social Security, Medicare, veterans affairs, etc), abandoning our allies in favor of our enemies, recklessly putting our military in danger, calling our military heroes traitors, threatening to take over Greenland, Canada and the Gaza strip for whatever dumb reason, circumventing due process, attacking federal judges, attacking minorities, attacking women, attacking LGBTQ+ community, attacking public schools, threatening political enemies, extorting law firms, extorting universities, threatening free speech and peaceful protests, playing golf 17 out of 67 days in office, pursuing tax cuts that unproportionately benefit the richest, the list goes on. So someone please name me one good thing this administration has done to help everyday Americans.
Get better math skills maybe.
PS-You forgot to mention one really bad thing happening.the sky is falling.
I’m a little concerned that a native African was given an important cabinet position and unlimited access to the President. But for now Elon seems to be doing a good job. And Trump done him any favors by cutting the emission standards that benefited sales of electric vehicles.
Luckily for us in California, we may see an end to smog tests and other restrictions. It’s also about time they ended car pool lanes. Give us back the roads we already paid for.
@ Facts – I think everyone should consider this before bothering to respond to you.
Exactly what Dr. Jellyfinger said to Facts … but in ALL CAPS
Can I suggest looking beyond Comedy Central?
A government that is now actually doing something about astronomical government waste and massive government bureaucracy is difficult for some to understand.
WTF? How did that invasion at our southern border suddenly stop?
If Illegals Voted Republican
DOGE has now eliminated the policies and personnel that rightfully secured Joe Bidens wide borders?
Sorry CI… I meant that reply for that “Facts” post, not you.
No problem. Thanks
You want just one good thing named? Here’s one…Trump closed our borders, which does help everyday Americans like me. It’s a shame that you couldn’t name that yourself, which indicates you support the killings, child-trafficking, and drug-trafficking that the last administration welcomed into this country. With regard to the rest of your post, I suggest you and everyone else read Dr. Jellyfinger’s response.
Do you notice how the vast majority of the replies to this are pretty much the equivalent of ” I know you are but what am I”. They’ve got nothing, everything you said is true. Reality will come crashing down on them sooner than later.
Will that happen when Kamala saves the country?
All the libs have are fear porn and “it;s gonna happen just you wait and see you nasty old Republicans”Your entire world in resting on”you’ll be sorry” no we wont,but you are and will continue to be,,and it’s delicious to see the massive meltdown of your ill masses.
We already had 4 years of awful and even embarrassing in the world stage reality.How could it get worse?.Everything that other guy did was failure on a grand scale and nobody said a word that got listened to.
Irish, Japanese, Taiwanese, and South Korean companies have pledged to invest billions
of dollars into the United States to build factories, creating hundreds of thousands of new
jobs. GM will be building new plants in Michigan, Indiana, and Tennessee. Dodge will be opening a midsize truck assembly plant in Illinois. They will also open up new plants in
Toledo, Detroit, and Kokomo, Indiana.
As long as you get your news from a liberal news source, you will only hear what they want
you to hear, which is mostly lies, and misinformation. They hate Trump, so why would they report anything good about him? You are only hurting yourself by not getting the straight
facts. Trump is doing a terrific job, but you will have to open your mind, clear out any
animosity you may have for him, and get your news from an unbiased, reliable new source. One good news source it the C-SPAN website.
The Kokomo plant was commissioned in 2022, so who gets credit for that?,of%20the%20Kokomo%20Engine%20Plant.
The latest is getting rid of Voice of America, which even many conservatives are upset about. I heard a conservative politician say that void will now be filled by China. Has Trump even listened carefully to what Voice of America was about and who could listen to it? Baffling to say the least.
“…”Dilbert” creator Scott Adams suggested in jest during a recent
episode of his podcast that President Donald Trump should create
a new department to handle the ridiculous concerns, complaints,
and scaremongering of the Democrat Party, the idea was pretty funny.”
“Department of Imaginary Concerns, and it would be only to handle
Democrat complaints. The new department could have imaginary
policies to combat the imaginary concerns.” …
“Now, I’m not completely serious about this, but just think how funny
it would be if every time one of these hoaxes comes up and Trump
is asked about it and he says,
‘Oh, I’ve delegated that to the Department of Imaginary Concerns.’ “
An excellent idea . . . . . .
Social security is stopping soon. Can’t wait to buy cheap houses soon.
And the sky will soon fall, too.
This is also scheduled to happen the same day the sky falls.Dress appropriately,snowflake.
I apologize, in advance,
too good to pass up.
That’s exactly right, Kyle. DOGE is stopping Social Security fraudulent payments going out to 150-year-olds.
They can label how they want,but In essense,stopping fraud literally stops over %50 of all SSI payouts.
The real recipients may wind up with a raise…if feasable,but now,as things were/are,it would be impossible until this is fixed.And certain life forms (I use use the term loosely) are mad about this being fixed.
Which never happened…
@concord Resident
Perhaps Musk was being facetious when he said 150 years old; however, DOGE found several million over the age of 120 collecting Social Security benefits, with several more millions to go through.
Social Security benefits are supposed to automatically stop once the age of a recipient reaches 115, at which point verification of life is required for benefits to be restarted. It’ll be interesting to see if the automatic stop and restart of benefits isn’t working, is being bypassed, or just being ignored.
Youre in denial that payouts are and have been made to people born in the 1800’s?Wait a year and all your fantasies WILL come true.
It turns out that most, if not all, of these Social Security “super-agers” are actually undocumented immigrants who have no intention of sticking around until they’re old enough to collect benefits. They simply find a source for unused SSANs so they can provide it to an employer. Social Security actually benefits, because these people pay Social Security taxes but will never collect any benefits.
So fraud is a crime. I’m sure DOGE is filing lawsuit against this fraud? Ooopsie, not a single case has been filed.
It is really just circus for the MAGA.
So, you want me to believe that the people destroying personal property, painting swastikas, and fire-bombing businesses are the
good guys?
These people need to stay angry,they cant stand things are already better than the last 4 years that they enjoyed with glee,knowing Trump lost the last election and thought that made him persona non garata.These people spent their stimulus checks on crack and cheap,cheap wine.
Those with doubts about “tic-tac-toe” spray planes should read this article here on Yahoo:
This has been going on for decades and I don’t think their “scientists” really know what they’re doing. 😲
I have 1 question for the “dump Trump” ers …how do you do that? Do you just $ht on your country for 4 years?Sounds bad for the globalists.all those steaming piles.
Love him or hate him, at least he is honest, open, and consistent with his beliefs.
“The instability, injustice, and confusion introduced into the public councils, have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished; as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations. “
–James Madison – Federalist #10
For those lefties who may be under the impression that “declamations” may refer to over-harvesting mollusks from a beach.
According to Webster it is:
Vehement oratory.
A speech marked by strong feeling; a tirade
I’m glad James Madison said “specious” instead of “fallacious” I would hate to have to explain what fallacious does not mean to those who might have the wrong impression.
35 Trillion debt, millions crossing the border, city budgets bleeding from paying for illegals shelter. Took Trump weeks to shut the Biden hole at the border. Go Trump
There is one thing propaganda wing of democrat party is good at,
spewing vitriol.
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself
to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach”
Least intelligent, highly accurate descriptor for those attacking Tesla.
YOU FRIGGIN’ IDIOTS, Tesla’s have cameras ! ! !
Watch, least intelligent liberals in action.
View daily mail as mostly unbiased, NOT this time.
Cheap shot, sensationalized, clickbait headline,
‘Woke California lawmakers want to honor alleged
CEO assassin with insane new initiative’
Then immediately starts bashing, what to me makes sense.
“…would make it a felony for insurance companies to ‘delay, deny or modify
any medical procedure or medication’ recommended by a physician if the
outcome could result in death, disfigurement, disability, or even ‘loss or
reduction of any bodily function.’
“The draft measure, now under official review,
would reshape how health insurers operate in California.
Under the proposed law:
Only licensed physicians would be permitted
to determine the validity of a treatment denial or delay.
It would be a felony for insurers to employ non-physicians
to review physician recommendations.
If insurers deny care, they must prove – by clear and convincing
evidence that the denial would not cause harm or death.
Consumers would gain the right to sue insurers, recouping treble damages
three times actual damages – as well as attorney’s fees.”
Would not surprise me, if it were found at a later date article
was done to benefit of insurance companies.
Have heard MANY accounts of insurance company refusals to pay.
It’s time they are brought to heel.
I am so proud of Trump and glad to hear him say “I couldn’t care less” (He was talking about automobile prices possibly going up).
But the price of new cars is not why I’m happy…. I’m happy because stupid people are always saying “I could care less” when they actually mean they couldn’t.
The concept is pretty simple if you just give it a moment of thought before you speak.
To say “I could care less” implies that you do care to some extent.