Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) issued the following statement after President Trump signed an Executive Order dismantling the Department of Education.
“President Trump’s action today threatens the greatest investment we as a country can make in our future – public education. Across the country, students are struggling, with a recent study finding that more than two-thirds of eighth graders can’t read at grade level. We should be directing more funding to our schools to meet these challenges to support our nation’s students and families. Instead, Trump is stealing resources from tens of millions of students, including those with disabilities, in underserved schools, and who need help affording higher education, all as part of an effort to give even more tax cuts to billionaires and his ultrawealthy donors. Let’s be clear – abolishing a federal agency requires an act of Congress, and we will fight this blatantly illegal order in the courts. As a senior member of the House Committee on Education and Workforce, I urge my Republican colleagues to stand up for the thousands of students, teachers, and families in their districts who will be harmed by this reckless action and fight back with us.”
Hi Mark, please post the USA test scores in comparison to other countries so we can more easily justify keeping this great working bureaucracy money wasting machine you speak of.
Surely its all fake news when we see the charts around the world showing the USA leadong in per student expense, and placing dead last on test scores.
ps. Enjoy your last term
sorry, no more free money to waste
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.
Government programs, once launched, never disappear.
Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to
eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!
–Ronald Reagan
Mark, “Across the country, students are struggling, with a recent study finding that more than two-thirds of eighth graders can’t read at grade level.” so you watched this happen as a senior member of the House Committee on Education and Workforce? Shame on you Mark!
Right – and never “issued a statement” or “convened a Town Hall” regarding this. Dude’s a fraud.
“a recent study finding that more than two-thirds of eighth graders can’t read at grade level”.
Maybe that’s because 1/2 of the kids are from another country and never learned to speak ENGLISH before crossing the border.
Hey look…. I can make up numbers to prove my point too.
It really starts in the home with reading books to them as a tot. Read read when they are small and teach them phonics. The Schools do nothing to help your child learn to read or spell. All they want to do is teach sex education and that is not up to them. It’s up to the parent and grandparent to raise a bright child.
If they can’t read how do they learn sex education?
You sort of blamed the school but also parents need to do more, which is it?
He’s gonna start feeling his back pocket no longer being filled with $$$. I always wondered how these bozo politicians keep getting elected/reelected but it’s obvious Ca has some really f’d up voters. I mean cmone Pelosi, Waters, Newscum and the list goes on in CA and everywhere else. The rtde has turned and the bribed clowns are being tracked down.
Once again, the schools have enough money to change mascots….
Give more power to the local teachers and away from distant administrators….
I recall talk about California wanting to secede from the USA, thinking it could do better than the current president. It appears CA still needs federal gov’t financial support.
Same ‘ol Dem mantra, “We could solve (fill in the blank) if we just had more money…” Maybe the money would be there if we didn’t pay for illegals’ healthcare or send a check for Gay Iraqi Sesame Street. But the reality of life is that throwing cash at a problem without either a plan or people capable of executing said plan is a formula for mediocrity at best and failure at worst.
Our schools are failing and no amount of money can cure this with the current leadership in place.
Look in the mirror, Mark. Your votes in Congress are a big reason why our 8th graders can’t read.
Let’s see …I remember ‘no Kid left behind’, cuase we cannot fail anyone, so I konw a Junior in a local high school who has never had higher than a 1.5 his entire high school career. Still plays sports on a waiver, does summer school every year … but cause we cannot fail anyone, he contiues to proceed (not succeed) through high school.
Teacher give full credit for late homework, as long as it is turned in before the end of the quarter. That teaches what again?
Watch the video, I am not teaching.
I need another half day for in service, staff meeting … whatever, so the kids can leave.
Dumb down the curriculum to the lowest common denominator (student) so that all students can ‘pass’.
All of this Mark, and you tell me the kids are struggling and ‘two-thirds of eigth graders’ cannot read …. hmm … I wonder if there is a correlation. Tell me Mark, got any comments on that as a senior member of the House Comittee on Education and Workforce?
Can you show me what the DOE has done that have benefited the child? We are pretty sure it lined your pockets … but you have the audacity to challenge folks who are calling out the DOE for their failures.
So how many schools have Mark taught in? Any real experience with educational facilities? George Miller did or at least his father did while George’s son runs a pot dispensary. Of course educational facilities should not be propaganda centers but a lot of the teachers and professors think they are and their last change to launch global Marxism which won’t or didn’t work anywhere if one pays attention to history.
“We should be directing more funding to our schools to meet these challenges to support our nation’s students and families”
Mark’s solution… of course….more money !
What is it now, about $16,000 per student this year?
Funny he did not mention that.
A graphic for everyone who wonders why Mark keeps getting re-elected.
This graph changes drastically if teacher funding evaporates.
Hey Mark why don’t you go on tour with the other big clowns Bernie Sanders and AOC, they’re trying to stir up the Democrats but they’re so far down the toilet they’re never going to crawl out. Every time I see a Bernie 2016 bumper sticker on a car I pass them and look in their window and yep sure looks like one to me. You talk about looking about a stupid as you can look keeping that bumper sticker on your vehicle. The Dems are history they have no clue they have no direction they have no common sense
Shut up, Mark.
It honestly seems like things have gotten worse since the US Department of Education was created 45 years ago. That almost started the slide in student scores and proficiency.
Maybe it is time to go!
It’s gone, no looking back only forward now!
Mark needs to stop being RANDI WEINGARTEN’s Douchebag.
‘Across the country, students are struggling, with a recent study finding that more than two-thirds of eighth graders can’t read at grade level.’ It sounds like the Department of Education has not been doing a very good job.