Home » The Water Cooler – Testing Your DNA

The Water Cooler – Testing Your DNA


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it. The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:

Has your DNA ever been tested to find out where your family came from? If so, what were the results, and were you surprised?


Talk about it….

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Used 23andme and it was spot-on, accurate to within 20 miles on the east coast of Italy.
Used Ancestry.com and it was only a rough approximation – it said “northern Italy”.


Nope & no plans to. I am actually adopted but have had the greatest parents anyone could have ever asked for. I miss my dad beyond comprehension & my 94 year old mom is still living on her own in the house they raised my sister & myself in. I see her every day & do her shopping on the weekend. No need to see anything more than what I’ve seen or experienced…


My DNA is doing OK.
No more paternity suits
So no more need for testing (Plus I have a friend in the Lab).


Donald Never Ask

I don’t recommend that rock musicians from the 1970s get tested. 😄

Ancestry.com shows that my ancestors came mainly from England and NW Europe. After that, a smaller percentage came from Scotland, then a smaller number from Ireland and Wales.

Ancestry also maintains family trees, and mine is filled out and complete for the past five generations. Most of my ancestors arrived in the colonies by the late 1600s or early 1700s.

The sad thing about all of this DNA testing among those of European ancestry is that over 95% of the people of European ancestry can now be identified because of the number of DNA results and family trees that are publicly available, even among those who haven’t taken any DNA tests.


I don’t see the negative of widespread DNA testing. Unless you’re a serial killer, you are not likely to be tracked down with DNA testing. We’re regularly hearing about the thousands of rape samples that have never been tested, because they haven’t been given a high priority.

I have a relative that did the DNA thing, and she shared the results with me. I’ve always
been aware of my family’s history, values, and cultural traditions, but there was one little
surprise, well, not really a surprise because my mother told me about it, but the DNA
confirmed it. It’s a family secret, but here’s a clue, my mother is from Sicily, and it had to
do with her notorious uncle.


Don’t need/care to know. my feet are what I stand on.



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