Home » Contra Costa District Attorney Reaches Settlement With Astound Over Environmental Violations

Contra Costa District Attorney Reaches Settlement With Astound Over Environmental Violations


Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton announces, in conjunction
with five other District Attorneys in California, a 1.275-million-dollar settlement with WaveDivision
Holdings, LLC — which operates under the brand name “Astound Broadband” within California — over
environmental violations.

WaveDivision Holdings, which provides telecommunication services including cable and internet, was
jointly investigated by five District Attorneys’ Offices and the California Department of Toxic Substances
Control. Waste inspections at Astound facilities in Contra Costa, San Francisco, Yolo, and Placer
counties revealed the unlawful disposal of hazardous waste generated by WaveDivision Holdings
including electronic equipment, silicone gels, sealants, and batteries. The hazardous waste was improperly
being directed to municipal landfills instead of authorized hazardous waste disposal facilities.
Hazardous waste can cause serious harm to the environment and the public if not properly disposed. For
example, splitters and power taps found in the inspections contained lead as well as lithium and alkaline
batteries were recovered.

“Businesses must be held accountable for conduct that harms the environment,” said District Attorney
Diana Becton. “WaveDivision Holdings cooperated with the investigation and has since implemented
training programs to properly manage and dispose of hazardous waste, ensuring future compliance.”
Under the settlement agreement, WaveDivision will pay:

• $875,000 in civil penalties
• $300,000 for reimbursement of investigative costs
• $100,000 for Supplemental Environmental Projects


Additionally, the company is subject to an injunction requiring strict compliance with hazardous waste
laws and implementation of compliance measures to prevent future violations.

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The very worst cable co,my services would cut off everyday,i would call them everyday to restore it,and they had no explanation for this and i cancelled them.

They don’t want to contaminate our landfill with hazardous waste, so what do they do
with it? They ship it overseas to countries like Bangladesh, and India, and let them suffer
from the harmful effects.

another thing to cost us more money….. so much for prosecuting the actual bad guy.

Maybe reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, but it says that $300k for the investigation will be collected along with $875k for the community. But please, keep voting Angry American.

Becton haters be like *crickets*



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