The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think authorities should crack down on people who illegally sell food on the street, or do you think they should be left alone?
Talk about it….
How do you know they are illegal or have a permit?
Captain Bebops,
In the City of Concord, street vendors are supposed to have their city issued permits visible and on display.
Yes, something needs to be done about the illegal street vendors. This should be an easy fix because they’re required to have a city issued permit. If they don’t have the city permit, then shut them down.
If they are in the country illegally, and I suspect they are, our local authorities should not
only crack down on them, they should also notify ICE. I’m tired of the Left’s argument that
they came here looking for jobs and opportunity. Selling street food is an indication that
the jobs and opportunity they came here for didn’t work out for them. Our government will gladly board them on a plane and fly them back to their country of origin, where they can continue with their street food enterprise, and be with the friends and family they left
Crack down on them. Every restaurant, big or small, has to have food permits to sell food. Why shouldn’t they?????!!!!
Definitely crack down on anyone who is doing this.
Why do restaurants gotta have food permits but not them?!
Selling food on the sidewalks and in parking lots is getting out of hand.
Go rent a food truck, get a food license, and sell your food the right way like every other business.
Almost every parking lot or park has a food vendor.
Saw two people setting up a food stand literally on the property at the Grocery Outlet on Willow Pass Rd. They went on their sidewalk and started unloading food items to start selling. Ridiculous that the store allows it.
And if any of them are here illegally, they gotta go.
Take care of eliminating the encampments and people begging for money on the streets or just sitting around doing drugs and contributing nothing to society which unfortunately usually are typical trashy white trash Americans. To those that at least try to sell something are not the ones begging for handouts with a sign asking for money.
Jebadiah Springfield,
According to the US Supreme Court, soliciting for money or “panhandling” on public property is a Freedom of Speech right under the First Amendment.
Who are you complain when you get food poisoning from a fly-by-night taco cart? No accountability = low quality.
Street vendors don’t affect my every day life so it personally does not bug me, especially when there’s actual illegal items being sold that should have more of an important to be taken care of. Also the street vendors food is straight fire.
Leave them alone. They have good food. I support them all the way. They are welcome to my house to cater whenever I have a get together. I might let them and theirs family stay in my house so my house can have multiple families with cars take over the street. Yay yay
Your sarcasm is showing.
Now in third world countries someone is getting a kickback(bribe) to have illegal food carts,,,,,seems we are fast becoming third world
We have a guy who rides up here on a bicycle with a rainbow colored umbrella offering some sort of refreshments. It seems to be well received by the locals and a nice bit of culture.
I don’t mind if they are trying to earn a few bucks, but the horn honking has got to go. It’s right up there with a repetitive ice cream truck song heard emminating from a broken down truck driven by a guy wearing a turban.
So basically people are just trying to make a living. That’s okay with me.
Aren’t we all?
Street vendors should be banned everywhere.
Their sales are unfair compared to brick & mortar stores that pay rent & insurance.
Food vendors are even worse… a high potential for salmonella, listeria, botulism, and other food-borne diseases. If you patronize these scum, I hope you get diarrhea.
You’re welcome.
No… we should pick & choose who should obey the law & who should not.
All laws should be optional & arbitrary depending on the mood of the mob on the street.
crack down.