Home » MDUSD To Hold Gun Safety Event On Tuesday March 11 At Concord High School

MDUSD To Hold Gun Safety Event On Tuesday March 11 At Concord High School


MDUSD families and caregivers are invited to a Gun Safety event from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 in the multi-use room at Concord High School, 4200 Concord Blvd. in Concord.

The event will include a panel discussion with opening remarks from Concord Vice Mayor Laura Nakamura, and panelists Superintendent Dr. Adam Clark, Concord HS Principal Julene MacKinnon, Mt. Diablo HS Principal Dr. Markell McCain, Concord HS Social Work Specialist Dr. Karla Monique Veal, and Concord Police Lt. Renee Williams.

This event is open to all District residents and will include information about the District’s work to keep our students and families safe from gun violence. It will also include information about Wellness Centers on some District campuses, response to incidents on Concord campuses, and “Say Something” anonymous reporting.


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“Concord HS Social Work Specialist Dr. Karla Monique Veal”….. I’ll give you 3 guesses what this actually translates to. I’ll bet you a dozen Krispy Kremes she only very recently scrubbed DEI from her job description, LinkedIn, FB, X, Instagram, etc… but she missed the one on the UCSF website. D’OH!


Of course they are just like focusing on such important matters like changing the name of the mascot & gun safety. How about some History, Math, English or Science? MDUSD such a bad joke…


I wonder if the event will cover the fact that the right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution? I have no problem with gun safety – it was taught to me at an early age by my father as well as the school district I attended. I have a feeling this will come down to “Guns bad, only the government should have guns”.


to keep families safe from gun violence? So it is less about gun safety and more about circumstantial/location awareness? If it were about gun safety, it would be held at a gun range to train the students on the proper (safe) handling of a gun.

When will this District tackle the massive vaping issue in their middle and high Schools? Students are vaping IN class (they hide the vape device in the wrist of their sweatshirt and sit in the back of class).They vape in the locker rooms getting ready for PE. They vape near the pool of the school during PE. The bathrooms are always fogged up with vape. I have seen kids vaping that I would never think in a million years would vape. It is happening at EVERY middle and HS in this District! It’s not fair to the kids that have to no choice but to breathe that toxic garbage when they change out for PE or need to use a restroom.

…in addition to the basics …. actual real gun safety classes would be ok – IF taught by someone who really knows what they’re doing … you know – treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, never point a firearm at anyong even if you think it’s unloaded, always be sure of your backstop, keep your finger away from the trigger until you’re ready to fire etc. – THEN if safe, allow them to hold / touch a firearm IF they want to …. imho



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