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San Francisco 1859, Joshua Abraham Norton declares himself,
Norton 1st, Emperor of the United States
With alphabet propaganda wing of democrat party on it’s way toward implosion with ever increasing insignificance viewer numbers, how does one fancying himself a future presidential candidate keep in the media spotlight?
“Newsom announced the new program, Engaged California, will use digital platforms to inform the public about important issues that will ultimately help inform policy decisions and program design.”
…”With this new initiative, the state will lead the nation in deliberative democracy, better ensuring decisions are centered on the people’s voices,” a statement from the governor said.”
Possible translation,
Can’t get enough free TV face time and media exposure . . . .
As taxpayers you will have the privilege of paying, to keeping newsom’s name and face before the public both in-state and nationally, . . . .
New buzz word invented ‘digital democracy’
As 2026 gets closer will other declared candidates cite
“Engaged California” and demand equal air time?
Yup, Friday turned out to be interesting . . . .
Don’t mess with the one keeping the lights on.
‘Fallout Continues, U.S. Pulls Plug on Ukraine Power Grid Funding‘
Difference between a community organizer, a career Swamp Creature
and a businessman that knows how to leverage and get things done that will benefit AMERICA!
Such a refreshing change from 12 years of obama-biden Invertebrate leadership.
Red Line
Invertebrate WIMP
Gavin Newsom is launching a new career as a podcast host.
The show is called, “Vital social issues and stuff, with Gavin”.
The first episode is entitled, “Cute Butts, and the guys they’re attached too”.
Another Newsom deep dive on the issues…….
I’m sure it will be as popular as don lemon the dumbest guy on television
The Democratic party must perpetuate fear, racism, poverty, government dependence, sexism, victimhood, and class warfare to survive.