Home » The Water Cooler – Roundabouts Or Stop Signs/Traffic Signals? Which One Do You Think Works Better, And Which One Do You Prefer??

The Water Cooler – Roundabouts Or Stop Signs/Traffic Signals? Which One Do You Think Works Better, And Which One Do You Prefer??


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Which one do you think works better? Roundabouts or Stop Signs/Traffic Signals? Also – which one do you prefer?


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roundabouts by a country mile, but only if people know how to use them. One bad apple screws it up for EVERYBODY. With the decline in driving aptitude I see all around me, I’m not hopeful it’d work.

Stop/traffic light.


There will always be red light runners, but I think traffic signals do a better job at forcing
traffic to come to a complete stop, except when they are making a right turn on a red,
where they usually roll right through without stopping.
Even though most people roll through stop signs without coming to a complete stop, I still prefer them over a traffic signal. Mostly because traffic signals stay red too long.
I’ve only used a roundabout a couple of times, it seemed OK, and if more roundabouts
were to be installed, I guess I could get used to them.

As if there aren’t enough confused drivers already.
One in shopping center parking lot on Diamond Blvd.,
Drivers are constantly looking to their right for oncoming traffic,
not seeing any pull out and drivers coming from left slam on the brakes and horn.
Around Kaiser Shadelands offices, way they’ve redone street lane layout is %*$$!!.
Bike lane is now next to curb, next is vehicle parking, then traffic lane.
An let us not forget to mention little white posts and obstructions
to turning at corners sticking up outta da street.
Is this another knee jerk, brain fart, best ideas from CA state legislature?
Makes one ponder, did politicians get substantial campaign contributions from those selling physical street pollution?
Open your car door into oncoming vehicle traffic, goodbye door and possibly injury to yourself.
Lawsuit waitin’ to happen.
Then again, it is walnut creek – – – – – – –

I cannot stand these roundabouts. Of course, I hate traffic lights too, but I think they are the lesser of 2 evils. I cannot say why I feel this way, nor can I say which works better, as I am too busy cussing when stopped by either one.



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