Home » The Water Cooler – Is Crappy Driving Becoming More Acceptable?

The Water Cooler – Is Crappy Driving Becoming More Acceptable?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you think crappy driving (running reds, speeding, erratic lane changes etc.) is becoming more acceptable because so many people are doing it, and few are getting punished for it?


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no and it should never be acceptable. A car is as lethal as any weapon. More enforcement and harsh punishment are needed.

I do not have my driver’s license to drive a car I only have my driver’s license to drive people’s crazy now that’s crappy driver

Acceptable by whom? Certainly not by me. In my humble opinion, crappy driving is
nothing new, it’s just that the population has grown and there are more drivers on the
road. When I moved to Concord in the early part of the 80s, I thought a lot of drivers in
Contra Costa County were crappy. There was a lot of speeding, zipping in and out of
lanes, and tailgating. I moved here from San Francisco, and in those days, San Francisco,
and San Mateo County drivers were more courteous, and SFPD wasn’t afraid to pull over
the crappy drivers. I haven’t been to the City in a long time, so by now they are probably
driving crappy over there too.
Now days, a traffic stop is dangerous for the police, especially with all the tinted windows,
and the cop can’t see who’s in the car. Too many cops have been shot during a traffic stop.

No, it’s not acceptable – but is becoming more prevalent. The “me first” self entitlement culture is growing with nothing stopping it… and it’s not just driving habits ….. it’s everywhere unfortunately

Drivers ED replaced by movie stunt driving, video games.
Then there’s idiot driving to produce video content for internet.

Everyone is drugged out. It’s upsetting because it just raises our Insurance rates. Illegals should never get a Drivers License and if you drive without one, you should never be able to get one again.

Let’s be sure to defund the police soon so things get even worse… *that’s called sarcasm*

no, more frustrating. should be remedial driving tests



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