Home » Red Means Stop! VIDEO Of This Morning’s Rollover Crash On Clayton Rd. As It Happened

Red Means Stop! VIDEO Of This Morning’s Rollover Crash On Clayton Rd. As It Happened


Fortunately, nobody suffered any major injuries in this rollover crash on Clayton Rd. at Thornwood Dr. in Concord this morning.

Watch the video, and you can see the cause of the crash.

Thanks to the anonymous Claycordian for sharing this with all of us.


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And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always proceed with caution through
an intersection, even when you have a green light.
Rule #1. Never trust other drivers. They may be drunk, on drugs, having a heart attack,
looking down at their cell phone, painting their nails, reading a book, eating some food,
looking for that misplaced CD, and the list goes on and on.


That’s why I always don’t go right away when it turns green (i pause a moment) even when some crazy impatient drivers behind me honk a millisecond after it turns green. I’ve seen many incidents like this.


Also no respect or regard for traffic laws. I suspect that there are many drivers nowadays that don’t even have knowledge of traffic laws. Couple that with zero enforcement of traffic laws.

Sure hope that red light runner has some good insurance.
Hopefully the victim is doing ok.
Insurance company can’t question who is at fault with this one.

Who are you gonna’ believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?

Wow! you win the Darwin award for the day. Hang up and drive people!

Education by braille.
At 40 mph you travel 58 feet per second
Show this video to your young drivers.
.Another testimonial for dash-cams,
they’ve come down in price.
“One picture is worth 1,000 denials”
–Ronald Reagan
Now days do a four count before moving on green light,
to Friggin’ IDIOTS these days think, yellow means faster.
Unrelated, few weeks back had tailgater who could not take a hint.
Let off the gas, dropped to below speed limit and still didn’t get a clue.
Moved from slow lane to fast lane let him pass then back to slow lane.
Three miles later, he’d won the Darwin award.
Had a dump truck as a hood ornament..
At my age have come to understand why all those “old people” weren’t in a hurry.
#1 Safety,
#2 To aggravate discourteous who couldn’t figure out,
if they were to leave 10 minutes sooner they would have to rush.



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