Home » The Water Cooler – President Trump, Elon Musk And DOGE

The Water Cooler – President Trump, Elon Musk And DOGE


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you agree or disagree with all the cuts being made by President Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE?

Talk about it….


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Looks like we can balance the budget with the cuts. Or/and cut the deficit.


AGREE 10,000%
How do events such as these improve image of America in the world???
Spending $25,000 on a drag show seminar in Ecuador for Venezuelan migrants.
“…Serbian pro-LGBTQ group was receiving millions of dollars a year from USAID to expand employment opportunities in Serbia for the gay community.”
“…USAID funded $38 million worth of grants that ended up going to the same lab where COVID-19 is believed to have originated…”
“…Biden’s State Department gave $15 million to the Taliban for contraceptives after the group banned the products”
“…$2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam. Since the huge investment of U.S. taxpayer dollars there has been only one battery station built, avoiding a total of 260 gallons of gas, according to the USAID website.”
“…transgender health care across Vietnam,”
“…$25,000 for an opera in Colombia in order to increase ‘transgender representation’ in the arts.”
“…Peruvian trans comic book program…”
“…U.S. has spent $500,000 to expand atheism in Nepal.”
Behavior you’d expect from impulsive college freshman, with thought processes of and emotional level of a 12 year old, using a no limit credit card and ABSOLUTELY NO ADULT SUPERVISION!!!!


It boils down to whether or not I trust Musk, and as a nonelected official with no oversite, I do not. The expansion of executive power sets up a precedent for future presidents to do the same. With Congress no longer controlling the purse and not checking the executive, which is their job, what happens when the next president decides to expand spending as they see fit?

We can cut the deficit with tax approaches toward corporations, abandoning the loopholes that exclude them from paying taxes. I also wonder if any of the cuts Musk makes will impact his contracts with the federal government.


Presidents “expanding spending as they see fit” has been then norm. Or didn’t you notice the two wars started during Biden’s term.


You are blaming for Biden for Russia invading Ukraine or because the US sent money over there?

Are you critical of the plan to turn Gaza into a resort town?


Do you think everyone working for the goverment was elected?


They are not, but it appears that Musk is making recommendations and taking actions that fall under the prerogative of the executive and the legislative branches.


All presidents have advisors that have not been elected. We all understand that. However, the access and the ear (I believe) that Musk has to Trump is above what we have seen before.


Nothing but speculation. We just got past at least two years with a vegetable at the resolute desk. I can surmise that someone else was making decisions, but I have no evidence.

Oh, we saw it alright, and his name was Hunter. He had access, his dad’s ear, and attended many meetings that he had no business being at.


Rather obvious musk has the experience and intellect, qualifying him to clean out the rot in federal government, he does have one more thing going for him, he is the richest person in the world. So yes I absolutely TRUST Elon Musk.
President Trump and Elon Musk are businessmen, NOT POLITICIANS.
Reflect on what an invertebrate community organizer and a career Swamp Creature did to OUR country in 12 years.
As to taxation,
Nobel winning economist,
“Too Many Millionaires”
The Robin Hood Myth
Free To Choose and Milton Friedman .
Businesses need political stability and regulatory certainty to be able to make business plans and to risk capital on expansion.
obama biden regimes and California raised political instability and regulatory uncertainty to an art form.
Under obama companies parked money earmarked for expansion, on the sidelines due to ever changing regulations and knee jerk political whims. Recall obama went so far to threaten companies for not spending cash on expansion? California under democrat’ control has seen an almost continual exodus of companies because of ever changing policies and anti business legislation.
What should have been an educational moment,
California taxing the rich – – – –
One thing rich people all have in common, the ability to MOVE.
‘Every Company Leaving California: 2020-2025’


Nobody elected “the border is secure” Myorkas either. Or Jake Sullivan, or…….. We elected Donald Trump and J.D. Vance and they are choosing the people to help do what we elected them to do.


the first flaw I see is, Musk has oversite. In case you hadn’t noticed, every item is described in detail, and at my last reading, it is not Musk signing the orders; he is only finding the graft. And this is not expansion of executive power, these are executive offices. Musk is, in essence, doing an accounting, on behalf of the executive, of executive offices and expenditures. And Congress still controls the purse. It is just that past Congresses (while under control of either party) has been rather free with the government checkbook (we taxpayer’s monies). See, the deficits have been bad, not because of tax cuts, but because of Congress spending. To be sure, historically, spending is worse under dem Congress, but there were too many republicans that wanted some of that largesse. And, this is not expanding spending, it is retracting (?) spending (although I am not sure/keen on the “external revenue service,” we’ll have to see). And yes, tariffs will affect Tesla.


MDUSD Teacher,
A large part of the problem is the post WWII “Administrative Procedures Act” from almost 80 years ago, which allowed the legislative branch of government to cede some of their powers and responsibilities to the executive branch of government.


Get rid of both of them i am not a fan of both of them not my president


If your a citizen Trump is your President.


When someone chooses to reject reality, or is uncomfortable with the truth, even
when presented with evidence that it is in fact true, is delusional, and should seek professional help. Delusional thinking can be a sign of a personality disorder such
as depression or paranoia.


You mean like when Trump supporters didn’t accept the results of the 2020 election?


Also similar to Hillary Clinton claiming to this day that Trump’s win in 2016 was illegitimate.


Hillary called Trump and conceded. See the difference?


So some words after the election is over negate the following years of denying she lost a fair and secure election? Day after election – “Congratulations on your victory”. The following nine years – “Trump is/was an illegitimate president”
BTW, after the concession, Hillary’s campaign joined Jill Stein’s campaign’s demand for recounts in several states, so let’s take it easy on taking the high road, shall we?

Just like Biden, right?


@John S – I am proud to say that Biden is NOT our president!


But he was, like it or not, and the election was free and fair, regardless of what Trump (still) claims.



He is your president. Go live in a socialist country, since that was what we were heading to before this election. Move, try Mexico, or South America, since you are so unhappy here.

I agree with the cuts ordered by our President. Musk is working for the President.
If Democrats were people of good character and values, they would work with the President to create an efficient and accountable government.
The Democrats have, well, they have nothing of value.
People with Democratic values have no place in any level of government.


What is your definition of good character and values?


American values. HONESTY, HARD WORK, it’s sad you have to ask.


so when someone says repeatedly “The Election was stolen” “Obama was born in Kenya” “Migrants are eating pets” $100 Million is being spent on condoms for Gaza” and each time it’s proven wrong is that HONESTY?


Apparently, the only thing proven wrong was that it was just 50 million on condoms for Mozambique, not 100 million on condoms for Gaza. Whew, that was a close one.


You believe Obama was not born here? Or that migrants were eating pets?


The birther stuff is probably bogus but I did see video evidence of Haitians cooking cats.
Why is that hard to believe?
They do it in Haiti too. Can’t you guys ever admit anything?


“video evidence”, hmm…

right, video evidence. despite the mayor and the person who made the original complaint saying she made it all up.

I’m ok admitting Trump won and Biden and Harris and Obama made mistakes but I am going to call out the hypocritical nature of claiming someone represents Values when that hasn’t been on display in the last 10 years.

I get it, he’s your guy and he won but do you fact check anything?


I get it, he’s your guy and he won but do you fact check anything?”
Please refer to your comment regarding the Secret Service yesterday at 3:47.


I don’t know where Obama was born, and a woman in Ohio wa caught eating a cat and the police were called. Actually, there have been many reported instances.


You obviously don’t have anything better to do than harp on his personality.
Those that are realist focus on results.


Concord Resident,
Believing something and repeating that belief, whether true and factual or not, doesn’t necessarily make it dishonest, as an opinion isn’t necessarily a lie or dishonest, but it may just be factually incorrect.
At some point, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama’s step-grandmother, all said that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Is it dishonest to repeat what they said or is it just repeating something that’s wrong?
“Migrants” or illegal aliens eating pets is true, as it happened to a family pet back when I was still farming and ranching and the neighbor across the road hired illegal aliens to work on his farm, who admitted to killing and eating our pet.
At this point, the comments about $50 million or $100 million in funding for condoms for Gaza appears to be incorrect. There seems to have been some confusion about several past, current, and future foreign medical aid grants which were made or planned, which included spending for family planning, including condoms for contraception and STD prevention. The statements made may be factually wrong, but that doesn’t make the statements dishonest, but those statements should be corrected.


You are going with the George Costanza defense for the POTUS?

BTW: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-obama-trump-birther-kenya-091716039186

my reference was to Springfield, OH not some random story from you were a farmer. Springfield had bomb threats, etc over this and despite being told several times it was untrue many of the people the original poster said had VALUES continued to repeat it and never back tracked.

yes it was incorrect. has POTUS or the press secretary corrected that mistake? of course not but they have VALUES


Concord Resident,
Using your logic, every time that you post your opinion here on Claycord, you are telling a LIE!!! You make it seem as though you believe ONLY President Biden and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre were ALWAYS HONEST with the words that came out of their mouths.
The eating of pets by illegal aliens and legal aliens happens much more often than one would think. The event that I experienced was not my only experience of this happening, it was however the only experience that I had with illegal aliens doing this.

Let’s throw in accountability, agreed?


HONESTY and HARD WORK aren’t exactly what Musk or Trump do though. They inherited, and you seem to think that’s what makes them great.


You and honesty appear to be strangers.


Neither President Trump or (richest man in the world) Elon Musk are career politicians.


If I have to define them, you don’t have them.
Good character values include traits like honesty, respect, and caring, which are essential for building integrity and fostering meaningful relationships.23 These values inspire others to act in the right direction, even when it’s challenging, and they are crucial for personal and professional success.45 Other positive character traits that are valuable in both personal and professional settings include integrity, empathy, resilience, and leadership.6 Cultivating these traits can enhance workplace dynamics and career prospects, making individuals more trustworthy and reliable.4

  • Integrity: Upholding honesty and consistency in actions, earning respect and credibility.4
  • Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering better relationships.4
  • Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, adapting to new challenges.4
  • Leadership: The ability to guide and inspire others, contributing to organizational success.4

These traits not only help individuals navigate life’s challenges but also contribute positively to society.


What empathy has he shown towards the LGBTQIA community? What about Mitch McConnell as recently as today?


Curious as to how you get here?

Yes, he has banned biological males from competing in woman’s sports. How is that wrong? Biolgoically, the male is stronger and bigger, so they would have an advantage. I agree.

Yes, he has says there are only 2 sexes, male and female. Humans are not different than the birds and bees, where only 2 sexes appear. I agree.

Yes, he has removed transgender from the military. Not sure I understand this one enough to know whether I should agree or disagree with this sentiment.

Yes, he has said that the government will not pay for your sex change operaton – not sure why it was ever allowed as this is an optional surgery and not medically required. I agree.

Well, he was the first US President to enter office fully in support of gay marriage, he appointed openly gay Rick Grenell as diplomat to Germany then later as interim DNI, he once famously told Bruce Jenner (Kaitlin to some of you) that he should use whichever White House restroom he wanted. He issued an executive order proclaiming there are two genders, and nothing in that order banned anyone from identifying with either gender as they see fit. Anyone who supports biological males competing in sports with females has a screw loose.
What empathy does he owe Mitch McConnell? The only solid McConnell ever did for him was refuse to seat Merrick Garland for confirmation to SCOTUS (thank God), and it can be argued McConnell did that more out of disdain for Obama than out of support for Trump. He’s done nothing but obstruct President Trump ever since, and continues to do so.

Resident – How’s this for empathy, this time the FBI arrested the tr@nny before he could shoot up the school.

Someone who is there for the country and its citizens, and who is not afraid to do what it takes to right the wrongs of the past feckless and corrupt government destruction; not someone who is only in office to feather their own nest.


You are so right. Thank you.


Yes, I agree, and I hope it won’t be long before they begin looking into California and
Governor Newsom. I believe in freedom of choice, and a free capitalist market. I am
not a Republican, and I am not a Democrat. I have my own mind and base my thinking
on reality. I don’t need a political party to influence my way of thinking. To some degree,
my ideals are more along the lines of libertarianism, but not 100%. I believe in the
principles our country was founded under, and the US Constitution. I value personal
and economic freedom, limiting the size of government, and economic liberty with the
least amount of regulations affecting our personal freedoms. Every American should be
free of government overreach, especially that of the EPA, and the DHHS.


The Democrats are upset because it’s exposing their reckless spending and corrupt funding applications. It will be interesting to see who the recipients are behind some of these supposed programs.
I find it so humorous that the Obama Administration and the Biden Administration claim that transparency but they’re surely uncomfortable with the light that shining now.


Charging the Secret Service to stay at Mar A Lago isn’t reckless spending?


Concord Resident,
The Secret Service pays rent to presidents and vice presidents or nearby property owners for their agents to stay while guarding the president and vice president, so that they can be near those they protect. This is nothing new! Don’t you remember when Vice President Biden was renting his guest house out to the Secret Service. If you don’t like it, get Congress to change the law.


It would have taken you 5 minutes to research and find that the Secret Service pays rent everywhere they stay. If the closest venue to the protectee is owned by the protectee, so be it.

you two are right I should have read more.


No problem. Seems likely there will soon be some slots open at MSNBC. Might have to take a pay cut, but you’d be a rock star there!

In his first week, Trump fired 17 inspectors general, the watchdogs established to look for and stop waste and illegal activities in their assigned agencies. This is just one of the steps he’s taken to remove the guardrails that prevent Trump and his appointees from acting illegally. Trump has acted to remove limits on further enriching himself and Musk. Many of Trump’s actions since Inauguration Day have shown his contempt for the Constitution that he swore to defend and uphold.


Based on the mountains of waste that have been exposed so far, were those IG’s doing the job they’re paid to do?


It’s what we have needed to be done for years. WHY the Dems are fighting this, tells you all you need to know. Keep up the good work boys.


Scorched Earth… Need to correct course and end the foolishness of the past. To quote a stupid person “we must be unburdened by what has been” Like the new Army commercial…. It is harder to kill strong people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N0AiHGGnTI


No, the way they’re going about this raises a lot of alarms. 1) they’ve yet to find actual fraud, only what they consider to be wasteful spending, which can be found without having a team if 19-25 year old hackers infiltrate departments. 2) I’m all about efficient spending, but there’s a far better process than what’s currently being implemented. Shutting down full departments out of self-interest (so far), is like rebuilding a car engine because you think you have a flat tire. It’ll also have a negative cascading effect, especially domestically. If they wanted to get to the route of issues, they could have hired forensic accountants instead of folks that have not been properly vetted and that have historic issues professionally. 3) what about departments with an actual history of fraud, like contractors and the DOD? One would think that should have been the place to start. However, the effect of going after departments like USAID and DOEd is not to actually trumpet efficiency or massive savings (of which, compared to other departments, is incredibly minuscule) is for the purpose of aligning with ideology, messaging, not actual real efficiency, that play to their audience. Again, proof of spending has always been there, and just because it isn’t deemed “efficient” by this group does not mean, in any way possible, that it’s fraud. You can debate waste, but not claim any of it was illegal.


As taxpayers, we foot the bill for waste and fraud.
It’s clear they continue to discover both.
The multi-faceted approach is simply to keep the enemy off balance and disoriented.
Less paper shredding and lap top smashing that way.
Trump told Americans what he planned to do, and they voted for it.
Now he is doing it.
Lefties ran the worst possible candidate with the worst possible policies.
They failed, and therefore the gravy train has ground to a halt.


The left’s candidate had NO policies. Remember that she was asked what she would change from Biden’s administration, she replied “I can’t think of anything” (or words to that effect).

She did have one thing going for her – she “blew” through a record $2 billion in record time in a FAILED campaign. Profligate spending with zero oversight and accountability seems to be D’s sole area of expertise…..followed by their ability to bamboozle the voters into reelecting them.

And? Where waste is found, cut it. Where fraud is found, prosecute it. People are up in arms over the makeup of the DOGE team. Tell you what Skippy, I never voted for whatever bureaucrats have had access to my personal information for decades either.


Skippy? Calm down kid. Also, yes, folks are up in arms about the DOGE team, who are clearly inept and weren’t properly vetted or have the experience to be trusted. Here’s a breaking example of how bad they are: https://www.404media.co/anyone-can-push-updates-to-the-doge-gov-website-2/

This type of action would result in heads rolling in any sector, private or public. There’s a huge amount of internal oversight and auditing that goes into the public sector, especially when it comes to sensitive data. This is coming from someone who’s worked in that sector. You should be concerned.


According to current sources, the DOGE team has “read only” access to systems, and are limited to making recommendations to President Trump. If you have evidence to the contrary, please offer it up.


I wouldn’t trust 404media for an objective OPINION, nor for quoting all of the facts.

How do you KNOW they weren’t “properly vetted?” How do you KNOW they are “clearly inept?” How do you KNOW they don’t have the experience?

It sounds as though you’re just looking at Musk and thinking that’s the makeup of the entire DOGE.

Yes with outrageous government spending, it is very hard to “claim any of it was illegal”. That’s the point. Politicians are able to cover their tracks, allowing fellow swamp creatures to freely roam around the swamp.

It’s going to take outsiders to route them out. And if that means utilizing a gaggle of computer geeks, I’m for it.


So…. it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… it deliberately delvers the same inefficient ridiculous results as a duck …… but technically it still isn’t a duck?
So as usual we have to take the long way around & mind all the red tape, got it.


Pork barrel spending is not limited to the Dems only, it’s a way of life in Washington.


Agreed 100%. It ALL needs to be exposed.


A clown show of the lowest order.
And I predict in 10 years no one will be willing
to admit they supported any of this.
They’ll get real vague and want to change the subject.
I’m gonna have fun with that. 😇


It didn’t take Biden/Harris supporters 10
years to deny voting for them.

I think it is more likely that in 10 years more people will claim that they voted for Trump than actually did


Kind of like your stance of vaccinations, a couple years back?


My pro vaccination stance has not wavered. It’s was you geniuses
that promised birth defects and two headed babies.
Whatever happened to all that?
You’re in a cult.
I feel for ya, but I ain’t joining ya. 😎


Your TDS crowd was encouraging people to reject their families for the holidays. It’s difficult to imagine more cult-like behavior than that.

Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.
A Harris administration would have provided 50 years of fodder in ten.


See me in 10 years. Good or bad, I own my decisions. I wonder if you do the same?

Yeah, Atticus has been around Claycord long enough that I have no problem stating that he owns his own decisions, including some that I’ve agreed with, several I’ve disagreed with, and even some that I’ve had to laugh at.

Agreed. I’m limiting my reply to this topic specifically.

I 100% agree. Many on Claycord have been kind of calling for this since I have been reading. What I like is they are not beholding to GOPe nor dem shenanigans as it relates to taxpayer money. I hope they go so far as to reduce all of this bloat by 50%. I know they won’t/can’t but every little bit helps. I also hope they publicly uncover all the corrupt House and Senate reps. I get the sense that crazy maxie is the most concerned. Funny, though, idiot cortez used to speak out against some of the corruption. pelosi got her to shut up, and so she jumped on to bernie’s marxist coattails. You’d think she would be supportive of elimination of some of this corruption. Perhaps that simple mind couldn’t keep focused. (inner thoughts, why did I turn this into a highlight of the dimness of cortez?). Regardless, I look forward to the ending of the fraud, waste and deficit spending.


I can’t wait to see what DOGE exposes regarding the unconscionable spending on the Bullet Train boondoggle.


Illinois. New York, and California.
The trifecta of graft.
Recently California had the fires and mudslides, next will be a ton of bricks.
Strategically dropped on political glass houses.


Who is not against waste, fraud and abusive? We all are. However, I have problems with the way it is done, we are not given many details, it seems that Musk could be in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Some of it is cruel, the women the evicted from her home with just 3 hour’s notice didn’t get time to take her personal items with her. Very vindictive. Getting rid of all the oversight institutions. Seems to me they are getting rid of whoever disagrees with them, only so they can do whatever without oversight.


MDUSD Teacher Quote:
“We can cut the deficit with tax approaches toward corporations, abandoning the loopholes that exclude them from paying taxes”
The “make the rich pay their fair share” mantra?
You know corporations aren’t owned by one greedy old man getting a free ride.
The people who own the corporations (investors) receive dividends and pay taxes on those dividends… do they have a loophole that excludes them from paying taxes?
Which earners pay the highest percentage of Federal taxes anyway?
Top 1% pay 42.3%
Top 5% pay 62.7%
Top 10% pay 73.7%
Top 25 % pay 88 .5 %
Top 50% pay 97.7%
The bottom 50% pay 2.3%

Back 100 years ago country worked, in a simpler time.
Where church going neighbors took care of each other,
A time when education didn’t include erroneous leftist Koolaid indoctrination.
100 years ago any teacher teaching pronoun garbage
or anything more than man or woman would be out of a job and likely run out of town.
A time when there was NO TENURE.
A time when learning job skills was taken seriously,
because there was no free ride, nanny welfare state teat to suckle at.
Eighth-Grade Exam From 1912
How many teachers today could pass this test ? ?



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