Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall To Discuss Trump Administration, Elon Musk And How Dems Are “Fighting Back”

Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall To Discuss Trump Administration, Elon Musk And How Dems Are “Fighting Back”


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) announced that he will host a town hall in Moraga to discuss the new Administration & “DOGE head Elon Musk’s recent threats to programs that tens of millions of Americans rely on, federal workers’ livelihoods, and vulnerable communities” on Thursday, February 20th from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. PT.

At the town hall, Congressman DeSaulnier will share updates from Washington D.C., including how House Democrats are “fighting back,” and take questions from constituents.

ADDRESS: Soda Activity Center | St. Mary’s College 928 St. Mary’s Rd., Moraga, CA 94575

The event is open to the public and press. To reserve your spot, submit a question, or request special accommodations, visit https://desaulnier.house.gov/town-hall-rsvp or call (925) 933-2660.


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Why not work with the new administration rather than “fight back”? Politics is always a process of “give and take”. Otherwise the country will be driven into complete destruction.


Exactly. Childish and pathetic for a so called “leader” to want to fight back against the president. Hey Tristan talk some sense into your daddy.


There is nothing wrong with fighting back against a President, but it all depends on the fight. It is just desaulnier picked the wrong hill to defend. He would/could have some stance if he tried to fight against, say, the external revenue service, only in establishment based on EO instead of Congress. But this dimwit is fighting against research, discovery and elimination of fraud in executive offices. Good call mark. Perhaps his value at representing we citizens has run its course.


Guess we are still hanging on to this #resistance deal, then? Because it worked so well last time?

If there is one thing that democrats should have learned, it is this: get out of the “amen” corner and go actually listen to people who do not think like you. Who did not vote for you. Listen and don’t judge or make knee-jerk assumptions, because they probably have some valid points. Instead, all the congressman does now is performative hand-wringing sessions that wealthy Lafayette liberals can come to and kid themselves that he is their cape-wearing Trump fighting hero and keep giving him money. It’s gross and irrelevant.
I used to vote for this man. He is not a bad guy. But after 1 year of school closures, I reached out to him and wrote him a brief but heartfelt letter practically begging him to work to reopen the schools. And I got the most insulting form letter that basically said “thanks for writing to me, here are all my accomplishments, blah blah”. It was like being flipped off and showed me that if the cameras aren’t rolling, if there is no social currency in caring, then he does not care too much. Lots my vote and most of my respect forever after that.


he needs to ask what we want him to talk about—like explaining how our tax dollars were squandered ((thanks to DOGE exposing the abuse) and how much he got out of it.


Shut up, Mark. Fight back against what exactly? No boys in girls sports? No more grift in government? No more open borders? No more financing Europe’s security? No more paper straws? No more paying billions to be the 40th best education in the developed world? No more solar scam ripping of people that just want feel like they’re helping? No more regulations causing us to buy energy from enemies? No more oversexuality in the classrooms? No more Covid came from an angry bat? No more idolizing Dr. Fauci, the architect of the pandemic that ruined so many lives? No more of our tax money being stolen and given to grifters? No more adding to the deficit, just reducing it? What EXACTLY are you resisting you absolute clown? The Democrats become apoplectic about people being unqualified for public service…..THIS GUY RAN A PIZZA JOINT.


Yep and he used to be a Republican! He swung left HARD years ago. Being a Congressman pays better and has more perks – for now anyway…


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier never “swung left HARD years ago,” he’s always had a far left progressive ideology, and was elected as a progressive Republican. You only need to look at the name of his former bar, “TR’s Bar & Grill,” which he named after his progressive political hero, former progressive Republican President Teddy Roosevelt. Then sitting Democratic Congressman George Miller III, convinced then sitting Contra Costa County Supervisor Mark DeSaulnier, to switch parties so that he’d have an easier time being reelected to office, and would be able to seek and win elections for higher office.




Oh Marky Mark. The tides have turned. I’d suggest you get on the train before you’re left at the station, like the rest of your party.


Yo Marky
Why are you always fighting? Why not evaluate what he is doing and then respond? You are throwing the first punches in this fight, along with Newscum, by simply stating up front that you are going to challenge him.

I personally do not like Trump as a person, but what he is doing with our illegals is a great thing in my book. Kick them out. I also approve of his ending the DEI programs. Do I like everything, no. The Tarriffs bother me a bit, maybe simply because I do not understand them enough but they make me go hmm.

I get it, he has radical plans and pulls the trigger faster than most people like – but at least decisions are being made and action is occurring.


Desperate democrats don’t even know what they’re fighting. They are just mad. They’re un hinged. I’m going to quote Obama by saying that the voters have spoken, and elections have consequences


We all know that there is an incredible amount of bloat and graft in the system. Nobody can deny this and keep a straight face.

Having said that, wouldn’t it be better for the Dems to admit to the bloat and then try to sit down with Don and Elon to work out some “bipartisan” deal to trim some fat and maybe save some programs that they feel are necessary? Instead, they treat every penny as sacred and every potential cut as devastating, a threat to democracy, racist, sexist, cruel, tone deaf, etc.

The left has learned nothing from the last election and the current polling. Mark will try to sell us on joining the resistance. The Dems will resort to more name calling and predictions of doom.

Mark, how do you hold back a tidal wave? You can’t.


mentally incompetent


The Dems are trying to fight Doge because graft and bloat are the life blood of the party. If you take away the $, then there is no incentive for people to vote D because they’re no longer getting paid. Even more important to the Ds is the money. Politicians on both sides and their cronies get kickbacks from the recipients of their largesse through illicit payoffs and political donations. No more $ for these people to pay off the media or run expensive campaigns.

No wonder Mark and his political buddies are “fighting” so hard.


Why would you “fight back” on something that needs to be done… They Never seem to learn.. They “fought back” on Prop 36…Sad..


I am enjoying every minute of the Trump administration! It’s actually getting better and better and better! 70% of the people agree. Mark DeSaulnier and the democrats need to get out of the way and stop protecting the corruption.


All these comments are against you fighting back Mark. So yeah who is actually with you on this besides the blue hairs and rainbow brigade


Mark is a politician.
Politicians do what they are told to do by the people who fill their pockets with cash.


Democrat reaction, less that a month into President Trump’s administration


You may want to change the venue! There will be definitely more than 500 people coming to this town hall. Is the Basketball arena open that night?

Hmm, I’ll be interested to find out if you’re correct. I can’t see that many people driving into the recesses of Moraga in this weather to listen to this blowhard talk and not answer any non-approved questions.


And for a whole hour! Daring….

“Fighting Back”? How about accepting the will of the people?
What Mark ought to do is find out why 15 million Democrats or more either voted for Trump or simply did not vote at all in the 2024 election.
I thought the USA made it pretty clear that they don’t want anymore Democrap policies steering us hard to port into a huge iceberg of woke money squandering & queer culture.
What Mr. Desaulnier needs is a hard slap in the face with a cold dead flounder….wake up!


This eunuch couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


I won’t be there (most likely), though if I can, I will. Does mark not realize Musk and DOGE are discovering, highlighting and ending waste and the fraudulent spending of we taxpayers hard earnings, including those of us mark is supposed to represent? I honestly get the sense that mark is a back bencher, a go along to get along type so whatever the dem machine tells him to do, he will. Not representing us, rather the dem machine. Sad, really. and a shame that so many actually voted against their best interests. Perhaps mark should look up the term “deficit.”


Is Mork going sit on floor and have a temper tantrum again?

Stage 4 TDS.


Vote this puppet clown out.


‘Fighting Back’ against who the voters put in office. Weird. How about reaching across the isle? Go away.

According to all the Democrats who commented on the speech Trump made on January 6th 2021 when Trump said “fight like hell” he was telling the crowd to act out violently.
Is that what Mark is implying when he talks about “fighting back” ? Fighting means violence right? At least it does when Trump says it… according to Democrats.
Is Mark trying to incite a riot? or worse?
Let’s check out a few of his quotes:
“I witnessed the greatest assault on American democracy since the Civil War as a mob incited by the sitting president attacked the Capitol to overturn the results of a free and fair election on his behalf”
“The threat of maximum danger is back as we face the distinct possibility of a second Trump term. Emboldened, desperate to wield the power of the presidency to avoid his legal troubles, and employing increasingly fascistic rhetoric, Donald Trump presents an even greater peril to our democracy this time around”
“though Trump had lost the election, the threat of Trumpism was not defeated”

Mark thinks the Democrats need to fight back…. maybe his words will even encourage some people like Ryan Routh or Thomas Crooks to step up…. maybe they already did.
Americans elected Trump in a landslide victory, so when the left fights back they aren’t just fighting Trump, they are fighting all the American voters that elected him too and
that includes alot of Democrats…. so who exactly does Mark represent now?


We will be in attendance. I can’t wait to see and hear those pasty white uber wealthy liberals crying about Trump and his administration. Should be an entertaining evening. Say what you will about Mark, he is out and about and he will take questions from the audience unlike Newsom’s scripted and closed to the public press conferences. Gavin can not handle it when challenged by the public unlike Mark.



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