Home » The Water Cooler – The Challenges Facing Our Community

The Water Cooler – The Challenges Facing Our Community


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What do you think are the most pressing challenges facing our community right now?


Talk about it….

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Let’s see, hmm, off the top of my head: racism, sexism, hatred towards anyone who looks, sounds, acts differently, inflation, housing crisis, homeless crisis, border crisis, climate crisis… we could be here for days!


Half of the things you mention arent a crisis in anyway,only govt fear mongering for control.
Inflation is about the only thing you mention that is real and one can see.climate and housing arent at all a crisis,the homeless have a mental health problem that you dont even mention.”looks sounds and acts differently” from what?

The border and inflation,Joe Bidens synonyms.

Inflation. Eggs and groceries prices aren’t coming down as promised


The president doesn’t control the price of groceries… just wait till the tariffs hit us!


Presidents can raise the price of groceries, like the administration that just slaughtered hundreds of millions of chickens before leaving office.


Yet the price of chicken meat hasn’t gone up after hundreds of millions chickens were slaughtered. Biden must be a magician!


Because chickens bred for meat weren’t slaughtered, only laying chickens were genius.


Still a million percent better than life under China Joe Biden.
Besides, it’s going to take time to correct the massive financial destruction that China inflicted on Americas middle class and the country.
p.s. Go DOGE!


Egg prices won’t come down until they root out the bad eggs.
And DOGE is dumping them like Humpty Dumpty.
All the corrupt judges and politicians couldn’t put Humpty together again……


Exactly! Maybe president musk and trump will give us back ours tax money after rooting out all the wasted spending 🤷‍♂️


Musk serves Trump as an advisor and has no power to enforce anything, you can call Elon the President if you like…. but it may make folks think you’re a bit tetched.


That’s all they’ve got, Doc. Calling Musk the president, swearing matches, and sing-a-longs.


Remember the egg shortage of a couple years ago? That was due to hens not laying and the culprit was the feed they were given. They didn’t like it. Regarding Bird Flu, research has shown that the problem is chlorine in the water farmers were giving the birds because it weakens their immune system. Given then access to pond water and the birds were okay.
However the control freaks want to take away our protein sources so we become weak. The freaks need to be shut down.


People keep whining about cheaper gas or eggs… That’s not what I voted for… I voted for the corrupt system to be torn down one traitor at a time…. I will pay $10 per egg to watch this admin torch the system and salt the earth behind them. This is the only way I see to have a govt of the people, by the people and for the people. People don’t realize their power.


Ending democrat strangle hold on this state Crime.
CA’ cost of living.


Over population resulting in nothing but negative effects. Negative effects like more crime,
and a higher demand for housing, energy, food, and water. More people means more
pollution, degrading our neighborhoods and the ecosystem. Over population impacts transportation, and our health care and education systems, it means longer lines at the
grocery store, and the pharmacy, and longer waits to see a doctor.
Solution: Deport the illegal invaders and see a huge overall improvement.


People have been complaining about overpopulation ever since the Gold Rush. Later, it was the arrival of the Okies during the Great Depression. Then it was the post World War 2 Baby Boom. Accepting change and adapting to it has always been difficult for many, generally older, people.


@The Observer
This country has been illegally invaded. Are you prepared to tell Tom Homen that he better accept the change?


The vast majority of illegal immigrants come from very impoverished areas.
Many immigrants have a difficult time reading and writing in their own language, so why bother to learn English?
By coming to the US, they go from rags to riches. They get housing, health care, education, groceries, and the list continues.
The US provides them with the things they could not afford in their home countries. Add the fact that the more kids they have, the more money they are going to receive. It could even help them with staying in the US (family separation). This feeling of now being “rich” (think having a place to live, a car, 3x meals/day) is what causes them to feel as if they are untouchable and they can behave however they want because they now have money. Besides, they are very aware they broke the law by entering illegally, and know that facing consequences is a slow process.
Them being here is wage depreciation and it is partly the reason for inflation (think housing and health care), among other things. EVERY ONE pays taxes, except the uber rich, so the “illegal immigrants pay taxes and that is what drives the economy” (pay taxes while working under the table?) statement is not valid. “Illegal immigrants drive the economy and the US is rich because of them”, then why companies continue to close by the hundreds? Our area is not exempt.
How do they get $15000 or more per person to come into the country? Because family members who live here wired them the money for the trip and sometimes go as far as getting them in contact with the person who will bring them.
Wire transfers should be more closely looked into, taxed and capped.
What happens in other cities has an impact on us, just the same with what happens here has an impact in other areas.


The question is, what do you think are the most pressing challenges facing our
community right now? My community is Concord, and Concord is overpopulated
with illegal invaders who have no legal right to be here.


The most significant challenges to our community are the Uber leftist’s corrupt politicians working only to fulfill their agendas.
And the pro-communist people who support them.


Homelessness and shoplifting. Gang violence is getting too common around here, too.


Inflation – was supposed to get it under control, already going the wrong way… the weak efforts to clean up homeless camps….cities not spending tax dollars for the benefits of the taxpayers (ie the deferred maintenance) only on pet projects that think they’ll make money, no regional planning – each city does their own thing, etc. I could go on too….


Dealing with the mentally challenged and woke in most businesses. Bad drivers, Gas leaf blowers still polluting the air on most days and bad cooks in restaurants. The good ones have all closed down.


In my community of Concord, our leadership has completely abandoned the middle class residents. All money and taxes only go toward making Concord the Mecca all for all the poor and unemployed in the county. Of course we need to help the less fortunate in our community, but we also want to make the city a pleasant and clean place for all income levels. The taxpayers count too!


We are governed by a greasy haired sleaze bag, represented by 2 lousy senators, one who is the most loathsome lying individual in Congress, a representative who seems to focus on issues that do not really impact/relate to the community. I find our Mayor, what little I know of her, or having heard her, to be a decent sort, at least.


My family and I are growing tired of seeing people walk out of stores without paying for those items. The self-entitlement is appalling.


Ain’t nothing wrong with Concord an Olive Garden couldn’t fix. 🤓



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