Home » Concord Police Department Comments On ICE Activity In Concord On Saturday – “We Do Not Enforce Federal Civil Immigration Laws, Detain Individuals Based Solely On Immigration Status, Or Conduct Immigration Raids”

Concord Police Department Comments On ICE Activity In Concord On Saturday – “We Do Not Enforce Federal Civil Immigration Laws, Detain Individuals Based Solely On Immigration Status, Or Conduct Immigration Raids”


The following statement is from the Concord Police Department:

The Concord Police Department became aware of federal immigration enforcement activity that occurred in Concord today. We did not assist in this activity in any way and have no details on this federal operation. The City of Concord Police Department is dedicated to serving and protecting all members of our community, regardless of immigration status. In compliance with California state law and the department’s existing policy, we do not enforce federal civil immigration laws, detain individuals based solely on immigration status, or conduct immigration raids. The focus is on public safety, building trust, and ensuring that everyone feels safe reporting crimes and seeking our assistance when needed.

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Keep out of their way then and let them do their job.


City of Concord PD…and City Council, and City Manager, and City Attorney….
I think you can go ahead and just scratch “Build Trust” from your bass-ackward pissant agenda now.

~~ We’ve seen the truth.

If they need some help locating individuals I know plenty of areas where they can go. Monument, Solano, Ellis Street, Meadow Lane


Detroit, camara circle


They should start at city council. It is against federal laws to harbor criminal illegal aliens and provide sanctuary against deportation. I’m so sick of these criminals in our government getting a free pass. I get a ticket for not having my trash cans behind my fence yet they get away with this?? No way, no how these fools shouldn’t be accountable


We hope to be seeing you speaking about this at council meetings in the near future.


It’s a thought I have frequently. It may in fact happen. Unfortunately I have been to several city council meetings over the last 20 years and understand it’s all about the city manager. Council is a puppet show. City manager gets her orders from the democrats above. Nothing about Concord city council for us. It’s a dictatorship. Posting here is way more effective at changing hearts and minds of the people.


Don’t forget Detroit Ave.


Home Depot parking lot. May not be the violent sort that ICE is currently targeting, but you do never know.


Plain and simple: Those that made that statement lied on their job application and during the hiring process. They were required to take an oath to support and uphold the laws, when they were hired. They are now not doing that and therefore should have their employment immediately terminated.


It’s time to start enforcing and getting rid of the” Newscum” that stands in your way!


Unfortunately Concord is a sanctuary city. Let Tom Homan do his job and round up the worst of the worst. Our local authorities know who they are looking for.


If anyone could cite where it says “…we will enforce laws if and when we want to…” I’d love to educate myself so as not to be so ignorant about our judicial system. TIA


Maybe it’s time Concord stopped being a sanctuary city and stands up to gavin newsom. The overwhelming majority of Concord residents voted for Trump and CPD needs to start following the law.


I’ve been looking for the city results from the election. Where did you find them? I like to have students do data analysis. Thank you, I can only find the county data.

MDUSD Teacher,
The Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder should have a breakdown by each city precinct, at least they used to have this breakdown, but I havent looked for the last election.

Thank you!

The election results are at https://www.contracostavote.gov/november-5-2024-election-results/

To get the numbers for Concord download the “Statement of Votes – By Precinct” spreadsheet. The U.S. Presidential election results are on Sheet2. While they abbreviate the city names it’s usually easy to figure out the city names. Concord has 55 precincts with all of their names starting “CON” followed by a number.

In Concord there were 16,504 votes for Trump and 35,358 for Harris. Harris won by a more than 2 to 1 ratio. For some fields the spreadsheet shows *** due to “Insufficient Turnout to Protect Voter Privacy.” They don’t say what the cutoff is meaning we don’t know the exact numbers for Concord.

I just lost all respect for the Concord PD. I cannot respect a police dept that is intimidated by our disgusting city council. Chief Bustillos is a wuss.


City Council nothing to do with it. State law is clear. Focus your emotional drivel more accordingly.


Oh goody. We finally found a way for Dave the back the blue.

Is it any wonder why so many people now don’t trust the police? I guess that happens when the police agencies that are sworn to uphold the laws think they have the power and authority to determine which laws should be enforced and which should be ignored.

No one is illegal on stolen land.


Well Dave if you truly believe that how come you’re still in America?

Why haven’t you left and return the land to the rightful owner?!? Even if you are just a renter you are helping the land thief by giving them money.

Every country (group of peoples) have taken land from someone by conquest, even the Native Americans.


Same reason as you CPT Obvious; we are occupiers. I don’t see you, myself, or undocumented neighbors as any more or less entitled to live here.


Not the same reason at all Dave.

That was your emotional argument not mine. I’m quite happy with the status of land ownership just like you are since and much as you love virtue signaling, you are going no where either.

The lands of the United States were won and/or paid for, NOT stolen.


Speaking of emotional drivel.


This is the exact attitude that has eroded any support “illegals” had. Please keep it going. Almost everyone wants them out now.


Will do MAGA Sam. While you’re making America Great Again through negative energy, I will focus on being a decent human being and viewing my neighbors of all walks of life as equals if/until they give me reason not to.


Whatever hippie dave.


Like how Mexico stole it from the Native American Indians?


I’m sure nearly every police force in the nation would love to do their duty if they were only ALLOWED TO!


Yes. Can’t blame the hard working patrol officers. It’s the chiefs who are basically kissing the politicians feet.

You are taking a beating here and on your FB post, Chief. City Manager Valerie has you on a tight leash. Sad, really. Your troops HAD some respect for you. Until you did DEI promotions, and then this decision.


It’s true Bustillos answers to City leaders, but that has nothing to do with CPD complying with California’s position on this issue at the state level. Keep up.

Two Wheeler,
Bustillos needs to go, but Barone will just hire another Bustillos clone to replace him.

CCC elected officials have the hammer, and they won’t give it up unless voted out.


…and Newscum … maybe the recall effort will be successful this time

Please waste more time and resources on this effort. Lovin’ it…

Concord is more concerned about their Woke and DEI image, than about enforcing laws and protecting the community.


The govt should pay 500 dollars for every arrest and deport made by tips called in for illegals whereabouts. That will round them up quickly.


SO… They Now choose what Laws they will enforce…SAD statement from Concord Management… Lost in their own “Agenda”..

And here comes bill S.185, the “Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act”.
This will allow victims of migrant crime to sue Sanctuary cities and counties directly.
Further, Law Enforcement officials will be shielded from local persecution for
cooperating with ICE.
Also, the bill will deny federal funding until violators say uncle.
This will put a run in some stockings………

Every single resident is a victim of sanctuary city policies.

This being the case, I’ll “back the blue” conditionally – the same way they uphold their oath to the US Constitution.

So glad Trump won. There are definitely illegal humans. Standing up for the cartels instead of Americans is a weird position.


Historicly, the Concord Police Department has been able to address crime in the city. However, the woke managent within the dept. has compromised its mission. Enforce all laws, whether it be local, state or federal. As a retired Concord Police Officer, I am disappointed with the direction Concord has gone.

Sheriff Livingston is the only law enforcement official that will ensure all laws will be enforced in Contra Costa County. He has a proven track record to protect us. He did that in Fremont,.Pleasant Hill, and Concord


Was Livingston doing that while he was the Concord Chief of Police and cheating on his wife with a subordinate? Sheriff Livingston needs to be voted out of office!!!


What happened to law agencies working together to make streets safe?



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