I drive a lot for my job, and a somewhat recent trend is really starting to get on my nerves. Why does everyone seem like they want all their windows tinted on their cars and trucks? First off, I know it looks “cool,” but it’s just not safe to have your windows so dark that nobody can see you. Eye contact is very important when driving a 6,000 pound truck and I can’t make eye contact with a person who has black windows. It’s unsafe not only for you, but also for pedestrians and other drivers on the road. Why don’t police do something about illegal window tinting? They’d probably solve a lot more crime in the process if they pulled people over for illegal window tints.
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I was ticketed for window tint about 1980 – never heard of anybody before or after me ever cited again
so… most trucks are around 6Klbs (3/4 ton and up) so I don’t know what is driven here in the paragraph above but if you spend time in the seat for a while (lifetime career) you know a lot about skin cancer and more about solar keratosis not to mention melanoma of the eye.. My personal experience riding a motorcycle knows that eye contact is very overrated. The people are looking right through you and never see so that argument is questionable. Front window tint is a must for some and frustrating for others “so sorry we all can’t agree” There are some with “limo” (50%) tint and that is not much more than vanity but others might need a little glare cutter “and that hot sun on your skin you cannot get away from”. As for seeing at night…has not been a problem. below is a list of tint laws state to state
https://www.raynofilm.com/blog/automotive-window-tint-laws-by-state. In Ca it is 70% light with unlimited behind the front headrest back as long as you have driver and pass mirrors.
throw rocks.
I always give motorcyclists a wide berth. Tailgating has always been my pet peeve. And as for window glare and signaling I roll down the window and engage in hand signals toward pedestrians, equestrians, and employ the uncommon art form of uncommon courtesy.
The Police would pull those people over all the time if they had any idea how many of them are flipping off every cop they see.
Pretty weak argument.
Not buying the premise or conclusion.
Cell phones and weed, start there.
I agree, it can be a public safety issue and needs to be addressed.
The same ones have their Windshield blacked out in order to cut down on the Blindingly Bright LED lights are the same ones running those LED lights and even the RIDICULOUS (Off Road Only ) Light Bars!!!
I see them driving on the freeways with blacked out windows and no plates. I guess DMV registration here in CA is optional since there is no enforcement.
Really ? ? ?
Like they’ve got time.
Dumpster fire traffic control.
Body Found On Monument Blvd.
House Fire Reported On Louisiana Drive, blocking streets traffic control.
Then there’s mentally troubled there good for a few calls.
Court appearances in cases.
How many calls does Concord PD respond to in a week ? ? ?
People with dark tint on front windshields and front doors should get pulled over. Especially the front windshield.
As far as UV protection goes, darkness has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s all about the material and type. The “tinted” back windows that come from the factory on the back doors and rear windshield of truck and suvs, are only colored glass. They are only for privacy. It does nothing for heat or UV compared to plain glass. tempered car glass only blocks about 30% of UV, while almost every window film (dark or clear) blocks 90-99.99%.
3M, then best known for Scotch Tape, discovered the key to sun control film in 1966. They make the best of the best 3M Crystalline. It’s available in clear 90% visibility (legal on front windshield* and front doors in California) all the way down to 20% visibility. It also blocks the most heat of any films.
Limo tint is typically 5% visibility. Sad to see people driving around with 5% limo on the front windshield and front doors. Very hazardous, and usually people up to no good.
(*legal on front windshield technically only with a note from a dr or dermatologist for UV protection)
The police, especially in the Claycord area, are among the worst violators of window tint laws on their personal vehicles. No front license plates and expired tags, too. Have you seen the window tint of most marked and unmarked police vehicles in our area? Begin with the police following the law, and then the general public.
Pittsburg Police Department
Well it seems that in 2025 CA, laws only apply to law-abiding citizens and if you don’t feel like complying, the police won’t, or don’t care. It’s nearly a free for all.
It’s so when they’re smoking weed the cops can’t see them!