China Moon restaurant, located at 380 Park Street in Moraga, is back open after a forced closure due to the discovery of a cockroach and rodent droppings.
Inspectors from the Contra Costa County Environmental Health Department were alerted after a complaint from a customer came in saying “Rat feces in men’s restroom on floor next to toilet on a small wicker stand in the restroom, insects in the hallway to restrooms, found insects in food.”
Upon inspection, the health department says they found the following:
Rodent droppings in the following areas:
- On kitchen floor on corner next to cook line, near doors by kitchen entrance, on floor by the ice machine, on floor next to refrigeration units, in hallway leading to restroom, inside men’s restroom on floor and on wicker table, on steps leading from kitchen to upstairs, on sticky trap, upstairs storage area below shelving.
- One live cockroach behind the rack near ice machine that took off running.
Not that it was on my list to try – but now know one to avoid