Home » The Water Cooler – What Is A Conspiracy Theory You Believe Is True?

The Water Cooler – What Is A Conspiracy Theory You Believe Is True?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What is a conspiracy theory you believe is true?


Talk about it….

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  1. JFK wasn’t killed by a “lone gunman” 2. Earth has been visited by some kind of alien being or drone-type vehicle (either in recent history or long ago)

Jack Ruby…witness protection. 👍👍 as well as Epstein and Osama.

A conspiracy theory cannot be true. If it was true, it would not be a conspiracy theory, it
would be a conspiracy fact. A conspiracy theory is a concept or a phenomenon that is
explained based on principles and ideas, but not on factual hard evidence. That’s not
to say a conspiracy theory cannot be proven to be true, but once it has been proven to
be true by hard evidence, then it is no longer a conspiracy theory, It becomes a
conspiracy fact.


Good comment Dawg I agree with you. I don’t get roped into conspiracy theories. Seems to me that there’s so many people involved it would be impossible to keep it a secret. I believe the old adage what 3 people know everyone knows.


Would that be the ones that turned out to be true ? ? ?
Or the ones that haven’t been proven true yet ? ? ?
Glomar Explorer was going collect “manganese nodules on the sea floor.
Turns out it was for Project Azorian.

Reducing performance on existing electronics to sell new products.
Conspiracy theories, check back in 25 – 50 years.
In the mean time watch how government and media attempt to manipulate news cycles.


Original G,
I always liked seeing the Glomar Explorer anchored by itself between the “Mothball Fleet” and the Benicia-Martinez Bridge.


Back in the 80’s my favorite fishing spot was right between the Glomar and the first row of ships in the Mothball Fleet. Sturgeon & Striper hot spot.
Conspiracy Theory?
Gary Coleman was pushed.

It actually is becoming quite clear that there was a conspiracy against Donald Trump by the Democratic Party, the national media, who then pulled in the CIA and FBI to do their dirty work. Older smears all their lies and they’re made up stories and impeachments and tricks. They all denied it. But it’s coming to light that it was actually true! Thank goodness the American people saw through it and that’s what helped Trump become our new president! And no, President Biden becoming a blithering idiot was not a conspiracy theory. Let the good times roll. Let the crazy liberal lefties go back under their rocks!



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